Sorter og filtrer dataene dine


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Sort your data

You can sort columns of cells alphabetically and numerically.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
  2. To select a column, tap a letter at the top.
  3. To open the menu, tap the top of the column again.
  4. Tap More Mer.
  5. Scroll down and tap SORT A-Z or SORT Z-A. Your data will be sorted.

Filter your data

Tips: Filtervisninger er bare tilgjengelige på datamaskiner.

Filters let you hide data you don't want to see. You can still see all your data when you turn the filter off.

Filter by values

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
  2. Tap More Mer etterfulgt av Create a filter.
  3. Look at the column titles to see if filters have been applied:
    • Filter applied filter applied
    • Filter not applied Filtrer
  4. At the top of the column you want to filter, tap Filter Filtrer.
  5. The "Sort and filter" menu will open.
  6. Tap Search Søk.
  7. Type in the search bar to find a value or scroll up on the list to see the values in the column.
  8. Tap an item to uncheck it and filter it out. The sheet will update automatically.
  9. To select all items, tap Select all. To deselect all items, tap Clear.

To turn off the filter, tap More Mer etterfulgt av Remove filter.

Use a conditional filter

You can also choose to filter data based on a condition. For example, you can choose to only filter items if the cell starts with a certain letter.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
  2. Tap More Mer etterfulgt av Create a filter.
  3. At the top of the column you want to filter, tap Filter Filtrer.
  4. Tap No condition.
  5. Tap the Down arrow Nedoverpil and tap an option.
  6. To save go to the top left and tap Done Ferdig.
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