Returns a cell reference as a string.

Sample usage





ADDRESS(row, column, [absolute_relative_mode], [use_a1_notation], [sheet])

  • row – The row number of the cell reference

  • column – The column number (not name) of the cell reference. A is column number 1.

  • absolute_relative_mode[ OPTIONAL – 1 by default ] – An indicator of whether the reference is row/column absolute. 1 is row and column absolute (e.g. $A$1), 2 is row absolute and column relative (e.g. A$1), 3 is row relative and column absolute (e.g. $A1) and 4 is row and column relative (e.g. A1).

  • use_a1_notation[ OPTIONAL – TRUE by default ] – A boolean indicating whether to use A1 style notation (TRUE) or R1C1 style notation (FALSE).

  • sheet[ OPTIONAL – absent by default ] – A string indicating the name of the sheet into which the address points.


  • When using optional parameters, such as sheet, ensure that commas are inserted to indicate which parameter is being set.

See also

OFFSET: Returns a range reference that shifts a specified number of rows and columns from a starting cell reference.

MATCH: Returns the relative position of an item in a range that matches a specified value.

INDEX: Returns the content of a cell specified by row and column offset.


Returns the cell address (reference) as text, according to the specified row and column numbers, using different types of reference.

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