Returns the first argument if it is not an error value, otherwise returns the second argument if present, or a blank if the second argument is absent.


Make a copy

Note: Each example is in its own tab. 

Sample Usage

IFERROR(A1,"Error in cell A1")


General usage

Returns a blank if test is an error and value is null; returns the value if test is an error and value is not null; returns the test if it is not an error.


Unit price

Returns the value "0" when calculating the unit price where Quantity is null.


Student grades

Returns the specified error message when searching the student Grade where Student ID does not exist.


IFERROR(value, [value_if_error])

  • value - The value to return if value itself is not an error.

  • value_if_error - [ OPTIONAL - blank by default ] - The value the function returns if value is an error.


  • IFERROR(exp1,exp2) is logically equivalent to IF(NOT(ISERROR(exp1)),exp1,exp2). Ensure that this is the desired behavior.

See Also

ISNA: Checks whether a value is the error `#N/A`.

ISERROR: Checks whether a value is an error.

ISERR: Checks whether a value is an error other than `#N/A`.

IF: Returns one value if a logical expression is `TRUE` and another if it is `FALSE`.

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