The HEX2DEC function converts a signed hexadecimal number to decimal format.

Sample Usage





  • signed_hexadecimal_number - The signed 40-bit hexadecimal value to be converted to decimal, provided as a string.

    • The most significant bit of signed_hexadecimal_number is the sign bit; that is, negative numbers are represented in two's complement format.

    • For this function, this value has a maximum of 7fffffffff if positive, and a minimum of 8000000000 if negative.

    • If signed_hexadecimal_number is provided as a valid hexadecimal number, it will automatically be converted to the appropriate string input. For example, HEX2DEC(199) and HEX2DEC("199") yield the same result: 409.


  • As with any hexadecimal value, only the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F are valid. Digits other than these will cause HEX2DEC to return a #NUM! error.

    • Hexadecimal digits are not case-sensitive; a-f and A-F are equivalent.

See Also

OCT2HEX: The OCT2HEX function converts a signed octal number to signed hexadecimal format.

OCT2DEC: The OCT2DEC function converts a signed octal number to decimal format.

OCT2BIN: The OCT2BIN function converts a signed octal number to signed binary format.

HEX2OCT: The HEX2OCT function converts a signed hexadecimal number to signed octal format.

HEX2BIN: The HEX2BIN function converts a signed hexadecimal number to signed binary format.

DEC2OCT: The DEC2OCT function converts a decimal number to signed octal format.

DEC2HEX: The DEC2HEX function converts a decimal number to signed hexadecimal format.

DEC2BIN: The DEC2BIN function converts a decimal number to signed binary format.

BIN2OCT: The BIN2OCT function converts a signed binary number to signed octal format.

BIN2HEX: The BIN2HEX function converts a signed binary number to signed hexadecimal format.

BIN2DEC: The BIN2DEC function converts a signed binary number to decimal format.


Converts a hexadecimal number to its decimal value.

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