Change the theme or font of your form

To tailor your form to your audience, you can add a theme or change the font.

Change the color, theme, or header image

  1. In Google Forms, open a form.
  2. Click Customize theme Customize theme.
  3. Optional: Under "Color," you can choose a theme color and background color for your form.
    • To add a custom color, click Add custom color Plus.
    • To add your own photo as a theme, under "Header," click Choose image.
  4. Click Close Close.

You can view your new theme and continue to edit your form.

Choose a different font

  1. In Google Forms, open a form.
  2. Click Customize theme Customize theme.
  3. Below "Text," you can change the font style for headers, questions, and text. Choose the text style you want to edit, then change the font and size.
  4. Click Close Close.
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