Protect a sheet or range
To protect a sheet or range, use Google Sheets on a computer.
Hide sheets from view
You can hide sheets that are old or are placeholders for calculations used by other sheets.
Hiding a sheet is not the same as protecting a sheet. All spreadsheet editors can unhide and view these sheets. Spreadsheet viewers can’t see hidden sheets.
To hide a sheet:
- Open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
- Tap the sheet you want to hide.
- On the sheet tab, tap the Down arrow
- Tap Hide. This option won’t show if your spreadsheet doesn’t contain two or more sheets.
- Your sheet will be hidden from view.
To unhide a sheet:
- In the bottom left, tap the Menu.
- Tap the name of the sheet you no longer want hidden.
- Your sheet will appear at the bottom of your spreadsheet.
If you, your spreadsheets viewers, or spreadsheet editors make a copy of the sheet hidden sheets will be preserved, but they will be able to unhide the sheets.
Hidden sheets will stay hidden if you:
- Export the spreadsheet as a .pdf, .xls, or .ods file.
- Import the spreadsheet in .xls, .xlsx, or .ods format.
Edit sheets
To copy a sheet within a spreadsheet:
- Open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
- On the sheet tab, tap the Down arrow
- Tap Duplicate.
To change the order of the sheets in a spreadsheet:
- Open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
- On the sheet tab, tap the Down arrow
- Tap Move left or Move right.
To change the name of a sheet in a spreadsheet:
- Open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
- On the sheet tab, tap the Down arrow
- Tap Rename.
- Enter the new name, then tap OK.
Add a color to your sheet tabs to easily tell them apart.
- Open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
- On the sheet tab, tap the Down arrow
- Tap Tab color.
- Tap a color, then tap the sheet to continue editing.
- Open a spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.
- On the sheet tab, tap the Down arrow
- Tap Delete. The sheet will be deleted.