Coming soon: August 19, 2024 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks 

Sunset of Oracle audiences

On September 30, 2024, third-party audiences licensed from Oracle will sunset. Once sunset, these audiences will be removed from any resource targeting and combined audiences. This update will automatically pause any line items that target only sunset audiences or negatively target any sunset audiences. You can identify these sunsetting audiences in Display & Video 360 as third-party audiences from providers “Bluekai”, “AddThis”, and “Datalogix”. These audiences can’t be easily identified using the Display & Video 360 API.

Advertisers will also lose the ability to share first-party CRM audiences onboarded by BlueKai’s DMP to Display & Video 360 and assign those audiences to campaigns, insertion orders, line items, and combined audiences.

All first-party and third-party Oracle (BlueKai, Datalogix, & AddThis) audiences will be removed from Display & Video 360, including campaigns, insertion orders, line items, and combined audiences. BlueKai (Oracle) and Datalogix (Oracle)’s data management platforms will be removed from the self-service mapping dropdown.

Insertion order objectives

A new insertion order objective selection will determine what default KPIs, line item types, and bid strategies are available within an insertion order. This workflow will streamline insertion order and line item creation, ensuring that all components are aligned to achieve the same goal. This enables Display & Video 360 to make AI-powered optimizations and recommendations aligned with your ultimate KPI. 

Existing insertion orders will have “insertion order without objective” set. Once an insertion order has been created, users will have the option to change the objective to No objective, which makes all KPIs, line item types, and bid strategies available.

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