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Support options

Get support in the help center, from the help community, and more

info  Help center

Familiarize yourself with ad serving concepts and instructions, learn the Ad Manager interface, and find relevant links to other help centers and developer sites here.

Some sections of help content may not be intended for all users, and is indicated as such. For example:

  • Advanced content Advanced content might be helpful for advance features or concepts but not necessarily required for basic ad trafficking.
  • Administrator user role required. Administrator content is only applicable to users with the assigned "Administrator" user role.

Help  Troubleshooting tools

Ad Manager provides a variety of troubleshooting tools to help you identify why a line item isn't delivering as expected or whether your tags are set up correctly.

Online troubleshooters

question and answer  Help community

Search public discussions with the Ad Manager help community, ask questions, and help others.

Ask a question now

dashboard  Publisher status dashboard

See information about Google Ads product outages or service disruptions, by date.

See the dashboard

email icon  Contact publisher support

Sign in now  to see a customized list of support options.

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