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Creating an event

Creating an event from scratch

  1. Select “Create event” from Meetup group’s homepage and choose “Create a new event” from the dropdown
  2. Once you’ve filled out the details of your event choose either "Schedule this Meetup" to publish it right away or "Save as draft".

Tagging an event

When you create your events in Meetup, please be sure to use the proper keywords in the title or description of your Meetup event.  We will be searching your event titles and descriptions for the following keywords.  If those keywords are found, your event will be tagged with the associated Category.  There is no more need for manual tagging of events to be associated with product and event categories.

Category Keywords
Assistant actions on google, assistant sdk, google assistant
Android android, kotlin
Cloud cloud, GCP, Google Cloud Platform, App Engine
Cloud NEXT cloudnext, cloud next
Codelab codelab
DevFest devfest
Firebase firebase
GDE gde
Hackathon hackathon
IoT android things, devkit, dev kit, iot
I/O Extended io extended, i/o extended
Machine Learning artificial intelligence, machine learning, tensorflow
Maps maps, geo
Material Design material design
Study Jam study jam, studyjam
Web web, progressive web apps, pwa, chrome
VR/AR virtual reality, augmented reality, daydream, tango

Creating an event from a template

Sometimes for large event series, the GDG program will create an event template that will speed up your creation of the event on Meetup.  These are options to use, and you can still edit and customize them for your specific event.
  1. Select “Create event” from Meetup group’s homepage and choose “Create a new event” from the dropdown
  2. Click the button “Choose a template” and select the template from the list that matches the event series. (e.g. DevFest)
  3. Set your date, time, and location of the event.
  4. The event details will be pre-populated with the template details, which you can modify and change.
    1. Don’t forget to include all the keywords in your event details about the product topics you’ll be discussing to ensure proper category tagging.



Can I create an event in the past?

No, you must create an event date in the future.

We sometimes partner with another group/venue that has their own registration system.  What if I want to create an event for awareness & reporting, but sent people to another location for registration?

We recommend creating the event in advance, for the actual time:
  1. In the event details, please call out where members should actually register.
  2. Limit the attendees to 1.
    People will still be able to join a Waitlist, so be sure to make it clear there is a different page for registration.
  3. When you create the event, select “Do Not Show to Members”.
    This will prevent the event from being advertised by Meetup and from appearing in search results.  Visitors to your Meetup page will still see it as an upcoming event.
  4. After the event, use the event reporting function to share the actual number of attendees.


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