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Help! My chapter's no longer in the directory

Why was my group delisted?

There are status requirements for your GDG chapter to be considered "active." Only chapters with "active" status are listed on the GDG chapter directory. 

If your chapter was previously listed on the directory but is no longer, this is either because:

  • Your group has not met within the last 3 months (thereby not meeting the "active" status requirements.)
  • Your group meetings are not recorded on Meetup.com.

Our system uses Meetup.com to monitor chapter activity and maintain chapter status levels on the directory. Recording your meetings is essential for us (and the system) to track your group activity, and thereby maintain your active status as a chapter.

Please note that you are NOT required to use Meetup.com as your main mechanism for managing & scheduling events with your group, and are welcome to use whichever platform works best for you and your members. However, it is necessary to enter your events to maintain "active" chapter status and be listed in the directory.  

Our system will automatically send you alerts of group inactivity on the Conferences calendar at the 30 day, 60 day, and 90 day marks of inactivity. These alerts are designed to remind you to record (or schedule!) your events, and warn you of possible delisting from the directory. 


What do I do now?

Don't worry - your chapter page is not erased forever. Simply go ahead and enter your group events on Meetup.com. As long as you enter a future event into the system within 30 days into the future, the system will relist you onto the directory. 


But I DO have events listed, and I'm still not showing up!

Are you sure you have events listed on Meetup.com within the last 3 months, or  have scheduled into the future? In that case, please contact us with your chapter information and we will investigate for you. 



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