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So you found some people interested in joining your GDG. Here are some tips for retaining members and gaining traction:
  • Work it

    • The main job of an organizer is to be the center of attention and all group activity. Get used to it.
    • Build personal relationships with your members to make them feel welcome and comfortable in participating in the group.
    • Network, network, network. The more people you know, the more sponsorships, speakers, and help you’ll be able to get.
  • Delegate responsibility

    • Appoint active members as group organizers. The added responsibility makes members feel valued and strengthens their group commitment.
  • Create a series

    • Hold multiple events under one topic to keep people engaged. Deep dives in one area may be more successful than several, shallower talks in disparate technologies.
  • Get members talking

    • Invite members to an online community, or other online discussion forum, where members can engage in discussion and stay connected between live events.
  • Mix it up

    • Use content on or other Google sites for inspiration on event topics or conversation starters.
    • Attend a conference as a group.
    • Host a hackathon where members work together to design and build an application.
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