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A community is no fun without members. Here are some tips for getting people to join your Google Developer Group:
  • Tell the world

    • Spread the word about your group via social media channels (i.e., Twitter, Google+, Facebook).
  • Use hashtags

    • Use the #GDG hashtag for tapping into the existing GDG community on both Twitter and Google+.
    • Use hashtags in a location-based search in Twitter or G+ to find and participate in local product conversations. For G+, simply enter “your city” within quotes after the hashtag to filter by your city location. Some possible hashtags to search under are: #java, #android, #appengine, #gmaps, #html5, #gmail.
  • Network with existing friends

    • If you’re involved with other local user groups, send out an email to look for interest.
  • Network with new friends

    • Find other developer user groups in your city and introduce yourself. Search for groups on,, LinkedIn.
    • Search for groups interested in Java, Python, cloud computing, JavaScript or general web development, just to name a few options.
    • Look for a “shameless plugs” section within existing user groups to promote your GDG. You could even write a short presentation about your GDG and share it via
  • Involve universities

    • Send a note to local university officials about your group so it can be passed on to the computer science and other tech-related departments. Students like to learn inside and outside the classroom.
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