
Please note: Datally is no longer available on the Google Play Store.

Remove unused apps that use background data

Some apps use data when you’re not using them. To save your mobile data, Datally helps you find apps you don’t open often that still use your data. Datally makes it easy to uninstall these apps.

To find and uninstall unused apps with high data usage, follow the steps below:

  1. On your Android phone, open Datally Datally.
  2. Open the menu, and tap Unused apps.
    Note: In Datally version 1.7 and earlier, find Unused apps on the home screen.
  3. Datally shows you a list of unused apps that use your data. 
  4. To uninstall an app, tap the app’s card and confirm you want to uninstall the app.

Note: If there are apps you want to hide from the list, tap the Menu  on the card, then select Don’t show again.

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