Manage users in Comparison Shopping Service Center

CSS Center | Manage users in Comparison Shopping Service Center [Hero Image]

Manage users and contacts

In order to access accounts through CSS Center, you must either be the admin of a CSS group or domain, or be added as a user by the admin of a CSS group or domain. Multiple users are able to access a single CSS domain, and users can connect their individual Google accounts with multiple CSS domains which belong to the same CSS group. Users of any given CSS group can access all CSS domains of that group without being added to the individual domains.

Account admins can specify different roles, or levels of access, for each user. CSS group admins can manage access for all CSS domain accounts of any given CSS group, as well as the CSS group account. CSS domain admins can manage access rights for that particular CSS domain.

Account admins can also specify email notifications for each user. Additionally, admins may add someone to their account as an email contact only, without adding them as direct users of the account.

User roles and access in CSS Center

Users of CSS Center must have either “Standard access” or “Admin access”. Specific roles and access in CSS Center include:

  • Email contacts: A user who is added as an email only contact receives email notifications, but is not given user access to the account.
  • CSS domain (Standard): The user can see a list of all CSS domains within the affiliated CSS group and can access the CSS domain view. For the domain, the user can see a list of all associated merchant accounts. The user can also see aggregated information including metrics of all associated merchant accounts.
  • CSS domain (Admin): In addition to the access given to CSS domain standard users, a user who is added as a CSS domain admin can manage CSS domain settings including user management.
  • CSS group (Standard): In addition to access given to a CSS domain standard user, a user who is added as a CSS group standard user can access all CSS domain views of a CSS group and see aggregate information including metrics of all CSS domains of the CSS group.
  • CSS group (Admin): In addition to the access given to a CSS domain admin user and to a CSS group standard user, a user who is added as a CSS group admin user can manage CSS group settings, including user management.

Note: Users can edit their own access levels in the user list. They can also remove themselves.

Access to Merchant Center accounts for CSS Center users

CSS users can access associated Merchant Center (MC) accounts without explicitly being added as individual users of those accounts. In order for a CSS user to access a MC account two things must be true:

Step 1 For each CSS Center user: In CSS Center, account access settings must be set to either “Admin access to Merchant Center” or “Standard access to Merchant Center”. CSS users cannot access MC accounts if access settings are set to "No access to Merchant Center”.

Step 2 For each MC account: In Merchant Center, user access for CSS users must be enabled as either “Admin” or “Standard” on the “CSS users” card. This also applies to MCAs. A CSS can also require specific access rights to associated MC accounts. CSS admins (and only CSS admins) can make requests regarding user access through CSS support services.

The actual access rights of a particular CSS user to a particular MC account are determined by the minimum of these two settings. Note that the setting for each MC account will also determine if data belonging to the MC account can be shown in CSS Center.

Note that any Merchant Center user with account Admin access will be able to make modifications into the respective account they have admin access to.

Add a new user

Add a new user in the CSS Center

Admin users invite others to gain access to your CSS Center account from the “Users” section on the People and access page, which is accessed through the tools Tools and setting menu icon [Gear] menu. These invited users sign in to your account with their own logins, so users can safeguard their login information.

The user you add must have a Google account in order to receive the invitation. If they don’t have a Google account, they can create an account.

To grant access to additional users, follow these steps:

Step 1 Click the tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].

Step 2 Select People and access under “Settings”.

Step 3 Click the plus button .

Step 4 Enter the email address of the person you want to invite.

Step 5 Click Add user.

Step 5 Select the access rights that you would like to provide and email notifications for that user. You can choose admin or standard access to CSS Center and admin, standard, or no access to Merchant Center.

Step 5 Click Add user. Users can still edit their own access levels in the user list. They can also remove themselves.

You may enter an email address to grant access to an additional user and receive the following error message: “We were unable to add this email address because it is not associated with a Google account. Choose a different email address or create a new Google account”.

If you receive this error message, the email address that you are trying to grant access to the CSS Center is not linked to a Google account. Email addresses must be linked to a Google account in order to be added to the CSS Center.

To link your email to a Google account:

  1. Go to Google Accounts.
  2. Click Use my current email address instead.

Remove users

Remove users in the CSS Center

If you no longer wish to allow a particular user or users to access your CSS Center account, you may remove them from your account. The user will no longer be able to sign in to your CSS Center account once you have removed them.

To remove a user:

Step 1 Click the tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].

Step 2 Select People and access under “Settings”.

Step 3 Under “Users”, click the email of the user you would like to remove.

Step 4 Under “User status”, click Remove user.

Step 5 Click Yes to confirm removal of the user.

Edit user roles

Edit user roles in the CSS Center

To edit a user’s role:

Step 1 Click the tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].

Step 2 Select People and access under “Settings”.

Step 3 Under “Users” find the email address associated with the role you wish to edit.

Step 4 Select the access rights and set email notifications for that user. However, when editing a user the email notification preferences section is hidden.

Step 5 Click Save.

Remove your CSS Center account access

Remove your CSS Center account access in the CSS Center

If you no longer wish to have your Google account linked to a CSS Center account, you can remove your own access in the Preferences section.

Once you remove yourself from a CSS Center account, access is revoked and you will not be able to view or make changes to the account. You must reach out to a CSS Center account admin to regain access.

Note: If you are a CSS Center admin, you will not be able to remove your Google account unless there is another admin user associated with the account.

To remove your own account:

Step 1 Click the tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear], then select People and access under the Settings icon.

Step 2 Select yourself in the email list.

Step 3 Click Remove access.

Step 4 Click Remove access again to confirm the removal of your account.

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