Use the number of offers [number_of_offers]
attribute to indicate the number of offers for a product listed on your CSS product page (CPP). The number that you submit will be rounded and displayed on your page as '5+', '10+', etc.
In this article
When to use
Required for each product
Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure that Google understands the data that you submit. Learn when and how to submit your product data in English.
Type |
Number |
Repeated field |
No | property |
To format your data for CSS API, go to the CSS API for Shopping resource.
Minimum requirements
These are the requirements that you'll need to meet to show your product page. If you don't follow these requirements, Google will disapprove your CSS product page and let you know in your CSS Centre.
- Only include offers for products that can be purchased online.
- The number that you provide should be equal to or less than the number of offers on the page.
- Every product page that you submit to Google must have at least two offers from independent merchants who have the product for immediate purchase.