आपने जिस पेज का अनुरोध किया है वह फ़िलहाल आपकी भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है. पेज के निचले हिस्से से कोई दूसरी भाषा चुनी जा सकती है. इसके अलावा, किसी भी वेबपेज का अपनी पसंदीदा भाषा में झटपट अनुवाद भी किया जा सकता है. इसके लिए, आपको Google Chrome की पहले से मौजूद अनुवाद करने की सुविधा का इस्तेमाल करना होगा.

Create an Account

Create an Account

Choose from the following account types based on your specific needs:


Create a teacher account if you plan to use CS First in any of the following ways:

  • As a teacher in the classroom.
  • As part of enrichment time.
  • As part of an afterschool program.
  • as part of a summer program.
  • as part of a homeschool program.
  • your child does not utilize CS First in their classroom and you would like to introduce it to them.
  • you would like to follow along with your child.
  • you want to host a neighborhood class and invite others to join you.

Follow these steps to create an account:

  1. On the CS First website, click Sign In
  2. Select I’m a Teacher, and click (or enter) the email account you would like to use to set up your class.
    Note: To use CS First with Google Classroom, you must use your Google Workspace for Education account to sign in to the CS First website.
  3. Complete your profile information.
  4. If you have a Google Workspace for Education account, you will have the opportunity to connect your CS First dashboard to Google Classroom at this time.
  5. After you have created your teacher account, you will see the CS First dashboard welcome message and you will have the option to add a class.

If you are a co-teacher, follow these steps to be added to a class. 


Students are the participants in a class. Students will watch a series of CS First videos that instruct them how to create a project in Scratch for CS First. Learn more about the student experience here.

Create a student account if: 

  • You are directed to do so by your teacher.
  • You would like to create CS First projects without being part of a class.
  • You want to work through lessons at your own pace.

There are multiple ways to sign in to CS First as a student. Students can sign in with a CS First student account, or with a Workspace for Education account.  A teacher must choose which type of student accounts they would like to use for their class.

  • Sign in with a CS First student account. More info.
  • Sign in with a Google Workspace for Education account. More info.

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