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How to Clone a Sprite

In Scratch for CS First Editor, open the project

  1. Select the, Control code.
  2. Drag the, Create clone of, block to the workspace.
  3. Click the, Sprite, you wish to clone from Sprite Pane (below the Stage).
  4. Click on, Create clone of, block in the workspace.
  5. Drag the cloned sprite from the Tool Box area.
  6. After cloning the sprite, the original sprite inside the Tool Box should remain intact/visible.
  7. Repeat the above steps for each sprite you wish to clone.
  8. Refer to the image below. It's numbered in the order listed above. It is also attached in case the image is too small to read. 
  9. If you accidentally, delete one of the original sprites do the following:
    1. In the Toolbar, (upper left-hand side), go to Edit.
    2. Click, Restore Sprite.


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