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Your contributions will help the research community improve image identification and improve Google products and services. 
Image contributions, labels, native language, and any optional demographic information submitted to Google may be used to improve Google products and services, including image recognition technologies. 
If you opt-in to open-sourcing your contribution to this task, this data may also be shared publicly for use by the larger research community. By agreeing to open source your images and labels, you hereby grant to Google and to recipients of copyrightable material distributed by Google a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute your images and answer contributions. You represent that you are legally entitled to grant this license.

If moral rights apply to your images, to the maximum extent permitted by law, you waive and agree not to assert such moral rights against Google or Google’s successors in interest, or any of Google’s licensees, either direct or indirect.

Note that you may choose to opt-in or opt-out of open sourcing your data at any time, however, Google won’t be able to locate or delete copies that others may already have made once shared publicly. 

For more information on how Google shares and manages information, see Google’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

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