Google APAC

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Google Indian Entities

January 2024


Introduction; Applicable Terms.

(A) If the Google entity (“Google”) and the vendor entity (“Contractor”) identified in the Purchase Order have executed a separate written agreement governing the Services, Deliverables, or Products specified in the Purchase Order (“Existing Agreement”), then the Existing Agreement will apply to those Services, Deliverables, or Products.
(B) Otherwise, the terms and conditions below (“T&Cs”), together with the Purchase Order, form an “Agreement” during the Term between Google and Contractor for the Services, Deliverables, and Products specified in the Purchase Order. If these T&Cs conflict with the Purchase Order, these T&Cs govern. Terms referencing Services, Deliverables, and Products apply only to the extent that such items are ordered in the Purchase Order.
(C) Google objects to any additional or different terms in any Contractor documents, including quotations, acknowledgments, or online terms. Those Contractor terms will be considered material alterations to the Agreement and are void.
1. Definitions.
1.1.  Affiliate” means in relation to a party: (A) any parent company of that party; and (B) any corporate body of which that party directly or indirectly has control or which is directly or indirectly controlled by the same person or group of persons as that party.
1.2. Background IP” means all Intellectual Property owned or licensed by a party (A) before starting the Services or (B) independent of the Agreement.
1.3.  Deliverables” means any work product (including third party materials) provided by Contractor to Google under this Agreement.
1.4. Developed IP” means any Intellectual Property created or discovered by Contractor or Google or its Affiliate in connection with this Agreement.
1.5. Inspection Period” means a 30 day period following Google’s receipt of the applicable Services or Deliverables, unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order.
1.6. Intellectual Property” means anything protectable by an Intellectual Property Right.
1.7. Intellectual Property Right(s)” means all registered or unregistered intellectual property rights throughout the world, including rights in patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, designs, databases, domain names, and moral rights.
1.8. Personnel” means Contractor (if an individual) and all employees and agents of Contractor and its subcontractors and their agents.
1.9. Product” means any tangible goods or non-customized software offered or provided by Contractor.
1.10. Purchase Order” means an ordering document (including any incorporated attachments) for Services, Deliverables, or Products submitted to Contractor by Google.
1.11. Services” means all services specified or provided under this Agreement.
1.12. Tax(es)” means all taxes as per the applicable law including but not limited to any duties or taxes (other than income tax), including indirect taxes such as Goods and Services Tax (“GST”), or such taxes, levies associated with the provision of services or goods
1.13. Term” means the term of the Agreement starting on Contractor’s acknowledgement of or commencement of performance under the Purchase Order and ending on Google’s acceptance or final rejection of all Services, Deliverables, and Products, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement.
1.14. Transfer Law” means (A) applicable law implementing Council Directive 2001/23/EC; and (B) any other laws, directives, regulations and rules implementing provisions to safeguard and transfer employee rights on a change in service provider, in any jurisdiction applicable to Contractor and the Services under this Agreement.
1.15. In this Agreement, (A) “include” or “including” means “including but not limited to,” and (B) examples are illustrative and not the sole examples of a particular concept.
2. Services, Deliverables, and Products.
2.1. Requirements.
  (A) Ordering. Contractor will provide Services, Deliverables, and Products as specified in the Purchase Order.
  (B) Software Requirements. If Contractor includes any customized software in the Services or Deliverables, then Contractor will develop all such software in compliance with Google or its Affiliate provided software guidelines.
  (C) Product Supply. Attachment A (Product Supply) will apply to the extent that Google orders any Product.
  (D) Other Services. The following Attachments (in effect as of the date of the Purchase Order) will apply to the extent that Google orders the applicable Services. For the purposes of the Attachments described below, references to “ISA” will mean “T&Cs” and “SOW” will mean “Purchase Order”:
    (1) Marketing Services. The Marketing Services Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any Marketing Services (as defined in such Attachment), such as any creative design, advertising, marketing, or production Services.
    (2) SaaS Services. The Software as a Service Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any software as a service, cloud, or other hosted software Services.
    (3) Research Services. The Research Services Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any research Services.
2.2. Inspection; Acceptance; Rejection.
  (A) Inspection. Google may inspect the Services and Deliverables during the Inspection Period.
  (B) Acceptance. Any Services or Deliverables not rejected within the Inspection Period will be deemed accepted. Acceptance does not reduce any applicable warranties under this Agreement.
  (C) Rejection; Corrections. During the Inspection Period, Google may reject Services and Deliverables that do not meet this Agreement’s warranties or specifications. Google will provide a written explanation for any rejected Services or Deliverables. If requested by Google during the Inspection Period, Contractor will correct and re-deliver any rejected Services and Deliverables at no cost to Google, under agreed deadlines, and subject to further Inspection Period(s). Otherwise, Google will have no obligation to pay for the rejected Services and Deliverables.
2.3 Notice of Delays. Contractor will promptly notify Google in writing of anything that is likely to cause a delay in the delivery of any Deliverable or a disruption of Services.
3. Payment.
3.1. Invoices.
  (A) Submitting Invoices. Contractor will invoice Google in accordance with the fee(s) specified in the Purchase Order. Contractor will submit itemized invoices to the online portal specified by Google according to the portal’s instructions. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, Contractor will invoice Google without delay monthly in arrears and only for accepted Services and Deliverables.
  (B) Disputing Invoices. Google will only initiate invoice disputes in good faith, and will provide a written description of the disputed amounts. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will issue separate invoices for undisputed and disputed amounts. Payment of any undisputed amounts will not compromise Google’s right to object to the disputed amounts. Disputed amounts will not be due until the dispute is finally resolved, and will then be payable according to Subsection (C) (Paying Invoices).
  (C) Paying Invoices. Google will pay Contractor within 60 days after Google receives a correct invoice. Google is not required to pay any invoice submitted more than 180 days after the end of the applicable Inspection Period for the Services or Deliverables or 180 days from the end of financial year (31 March) to which the invoice pertains, whichever is earlier.
3.2. Expenses.
  (A) Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement. Google will reimburse Contractor for expenses up to the amounts specified in the Purchase Order, and only if they are:
    (1) actual, reasonable, and necessary (without mark-ups or commissions);
    (2) approved in advance and in writing by Google; and
    (3) accompanied by receipts and other documentation that Google may request establishing the type, date, amount, payment, and purpose for such expenses.
  (B) Contractor Responsible for Personnel’s Expenses. Contractor is solely responsible for reimbursing Personnel’s expenses and will do so in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
3.3. Right to Offset Payment. In addition to other rights and remedies Google may have, Google may offset any payment obligations to Contractor that Google may incur under this Agreement against any fees owed to Google and not yet paid by Contractor under this Agreement or any other agreement between Contractor and Google. Google may also withhold and offset against its payment obligations under this Agreement, or require Contractor to pay to Google within 30 days of receipt of Google’s invoice, any amounts Google may have overpaid to Contractor in prior periods.
3.4. Taxes.
  (A) Both parties will comply with all the applicable Tax laws. Fees do not include any applicable GST or any other applicable Taxes in connection with supply of the Services and Products (except taxes on Contractor’s income). If Taxes are applicable under applicable Tax laws and paid or payable by Contractor, and Contractor is required to collect Taxes from Google, then the amount of Taxes will be separately itemized on Contractor’s invoices, collected by Contractor, and paid over by Contractor to the applicable governmental agency. The Contractor must, on a timely basis, deposit the Taxes collected from Google with the appropriate Government agency, furnish details of such filings with the appropriate Government agency, and provide Google all documentation that may be required by Google to claim any credit, refund, or rebate of Taxes charged by the Contractor.
  (B) In case of Services and Products provided to a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) unit/ developer, the Contractor will extend the benefit of zero rated supplies i.e. supplies without levying GST (as provided under the Indian SEZ laws read with Indian GST law) and raise a compliant invoice including a declaration as required under the applicable laws including GST and SEZ laws. Google will provide all the necessary documents to the Contractor to allow the Contractor to extend zero rating benefit on invoices issued to Google.
  (C) For Contractors outside of India, the parties agree that under current applicable Tax laws, the Contractor is not required to charge any Taxes on its invoices to Google for the Services and Products provided under this Agreement. Google is required to determine the applicability of India GST and any other similar Taxes payable by it under reverse charge mechanism.
  (D) If any credit, refund, or other benefit of such Taxes is denied or delayed to Google due to any mis-declarations or non-compliance of applicable law by Contractor, then Contractor will reimburse Google for its related losses including Taxes, interests, and penalties.
  (E) In case any amount is payable by Contractor to a Government/ tax authority and a proceeding is initiated by tax authorities to recover the same from Google under the GST law or any other law, then Google will comply with the provisions of the applicable law and intimate the Contractor about such compliance.
  (F) If legally required, Google will withhold applicable Taxes from its payments to Contractor and provide a withholding Tax certificate.
  (G) Tax Documentation. Contractor will timely provide customary tax documentation reasonably requested by Google.
3.5. Bank Charges. The party receiving payment will be responsible for bank and credit card charges assessed by its bank or the credit card issuer.
4. Intellectual Property and Deliverables.
4.1. Background IP. Except for the license rights under Section 5 (Licenses), neither party or its Affiliate will own or acquire any right, title, or interest to the other party’s Background IP under this Agreement.
4.2. Third Party Materials. Contractor will not incorporate any third party’s Intellectual Property or any open source materials into any Deliverable without Google or its Affiliate's prior written approval of: (A) such incorporation; and (B) any applicable license terms.
4.3 Developed IP; Deliverables.
  (A) Title to Deliverables. Title to the Deliverables will transfer to Google or its Affiliate upon delivery.
  (B) Ownership of Developed IP. Google or its Affiliate owns any Developed IP. Contractor assigns all right, title, and interest in the Developed IP, including Intellectual Property Rights, to Google or its Affiliate. Contractor will procure the assignment to Google or its Affiliate of all rights in the Developed IP not owned by Contractor. If applicable law prevents future assignments, Contractor will assign (or will procure the assignment of) such rights as they are created.
  (C) License to Developed IP if Assignment Fails. If applicable law prevents Contractor from transferring ownership of any Developed IP to Google or its Affiliate , Contractor grants to Google or its Affiliate a perpetual, irrevocable, exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, transferrable, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to:
    (1) reproduce, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publish, communicate, publicly display, and otherwise use such Developed IP; and
    (2) make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export any component of, and otherwise dispose of such Developed IP.
  (D) Assistance to Accomplish Assignment. If requested by Google, Contractor will timely perform all acts reasonably necessary to accomplish the assignments and other transactions specified in this Agreement.
  (E) Moral Rights in Deliverables. Contractor will not assert, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, otherwise waives, any moral rights in the Deliverables and Developed IP. Contractor will ensure that Personnel and other third parties who have moral rights in the Deliverables and Developed IP will also not assert, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, will waive, those moral rights.
5. Licenses.
5.1. Google or its Affiliate Background IP and Developed IP. If Google or its Affiliate permits Contractor to use any of Google or its Affiliate ’s Background IP or the Developed IP to provide Google with the Services or Deliverables, then subject to this Agreement, Google or its Affiliate grants to Contractor a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense to its delegates and subcontractors authorized by Google or its Affiliate under Section 12.8 (Subcontracting)) to do the following, during the Term, solely for the purpose of, and only to the extent needed for, performing the Services and providing the Deliverables:
  (A) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use such Background IP and Developed IP;
  (B) make, use, and import such Background IP and Developed IP; and
  (C) use brand features provided by Google or its Affiliate under this Agreement, subject to the Google or its Affiliate Brand Features Guidelines at, and any restrictions specified in the Purchase Order or by the Purchase Order’s specified Google point of contact.
5.2. Contractor Background IP. If Contractor’s Background IP is incorporated in, or is necessary to use, any Deliverable:
  (A) Subject to Section 4.2 (Third Party Materials), Contractor will describe its Background IP in writing if requested by Google; and
  (B) Contractor grants to Google and its Affiliates a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to do the following:
    (1) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, modify, publish, adapt, communicate, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use such Background IP in connection with the Deliverables and Developed IP; and
    (2) make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export any component of, and otherwise dispose of such Background IP in connection with the Deliverables and Developed IP.
6. Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security.
6.1. Definition. “Confidential Information” means information that one party (or an Affiliate) discloses to the other party under this Agreement, and that is marked as confidential or would normally be considered confidential information under the circumstances. It does not include information that is independently developed by the recipient, is rightfully given to the recipient by a third party without confidentiality obligations, or becomes public through no fault of the recipient. Each party’s Background IP is its Confidential Information. The Developed IP and Deliverables are Google or its Affiliate’s Confidential Information.
6.2. Confidentiality Obligations. The recipient will not disclose the discloser’s Confidential Information, except to employees, Affiliates, agents, professional advisors, or third-party contractors (“Delegates”) who need to know it and who have a legal obligation to keep it confidential. The recipient will use the Confidential Information only to exercise rights and fulfill obligations under this Agreement while using reasonable care to protect the Confidential Information. The recipient may disclose Confidential Information when legally compelled by a court or other government authority. To the extent permitted by law, recipient will promptly provide the discloser with sufficient notice of all available details of the legal requirement and reasonably cooperate with the discloser’s efforts to challenge the disclosure, seek an appropriate protective order, or pursue such other legal action, as the discloser may deem appropriate. The recipient will ensure that its Delegates are also subject to the same non-disclosure and use obligations.
6.3 No Rights. Except for the limited rights under this Agreement, neither party acquires any right, title, or interest in the other party's Confidential Information.
6.4 Independent Development. Each party acknowledges that the recipient may develop or receive from third parties Intellectual Property that may be similar to the discloser’s Confidential Information. This Agreement does not prevent the recipient from developing or purchasing products or services, for itself or others, that compete with those of the discloser, so long as the recipient does not do so in breach of this Agreement. Each party is free to use for any purpose any Residuals acquired by that party if that use does not breach the non-disclosure requirements of this Agreement. “Residuals” means information in intangible form that an individual retains in unaided memory without intentionally memorizing that information.
6.5 No Publicity. Neither party may make any public statement regarding this Agreement without the other’s written approval.
6.6 Privacy and Security. Each party will comply with the Information Protection Addendum at in effect as of the Purchase Order date, as applicable.
7. Independent Contractor; Personnel.
7.1 Not Employees. Contractor is an independent contractor. Contractor and Personnel are not Google employees. Contractor is responsible for:
  (A) Personnel’s acts and omissions;
  (B) staffing, instructing, and managing Personnel performing Services;
  (C) providing all equipment necessary for Personnel to perform Services, except where otherwise provided by Google at its discretion, including for security purposes; and
  (D) determining Personnel’s compensation (i.e., any stated rates for Services provided are not wage rates).
7.2 No Employee Compensation or Benefits. Contractor and Personnel (A) will not be entitled to any wages, bonus, allowance, severance payment, compensation, stock, options, or other rights or benefits provided to Google employees; (B) waive any right to them; and (C) promise never to claim them. Contractor will notify Personnel in writing of the above and will obtain a similar waiver from Personnel.
7.3 Income Tax Withholding for Personnel. Contractor is responsible for any income tax withholding applicable to Personnel.
7.4 Termination of Personnel. Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with terminating Personnel, including:
  (A) costs arising under applicable law;
  (B) costs arising under an agreement between Contractor and Personnel; and
  (C) costs incurred by Google as a result of such termination.
7.5 No Transfer of Employment. Google and Contractor intend that the Transfer Law will not apply to Services or this Agreement.
8. Representations and Warranties.
8.1 Mutual. Each party represents and warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into and fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.
8.2 Contractor. Contractor represents and warrants that:
  (A) Quality. Contractor’s performance under this Agreement will be of professional quality and performed with reasonable skill and care consistent with generally-accepted industry standards. All Personnel performing Services have the requisite skills, experience, and qualifications.
  (B) Specifications and Requirements. The Services and Deliverables will meet this Agreement’s specifications and requirements.
  (C) Viruses and Malicious Code. The Deliverables will be free from any viruses or other malicious code.
  (D) No Conflicts. There are no actual or potential conflicts of interest concerning the Services.
  (E) License Rights. Contractor has and will retain all necessary rights to grant the licenses in this Agreement and provide the Services and Deliverables to Google or its Affiliate, at no greater cost to Google than specified in the Purchase Order.
  (F) No Breach of Third-Party Obligations. Contractor and Personnel’s fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement will not breach any obligations they have to any third party.
  (G) No Use of Third-Party Confidential Information. In performing the Services, Contractor will not use or bring to Google any third party’s confidential or proprietary information unless Contractor obtains the third party’s and Google’s prior written consent.
  (H) Compliance with Google’s Procedures, Policies, and Code of Conduct. Contractor and Personnel will comply with:
    (1) all procedures and policies provided by Google (including Google's environmental, health, safety, and security procedures) and related management systems, when performing Services at Google facilities or using Google-provided networks, systems, or equipment;
    (2) the wage and benefits requirements at with respect to all Personnel that meet the eligibility requirements described at such URL; and
    (3) Google’s Supplier Code of Conduct at
  (I)   Compliance with Laws. In connection with this Agreement, Contractor and Personnel will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, which may include those identified below. Contractor will use commercially reasonable and good faith efforts to comply with Google’s due diligence process, including providing requested information.
    (1) Import and Export. Contractor will comply with all applicable import and export laws and trade sanction regulations.
    (2) Anti-Bribery. Contractor will comply with all applicable campaign finance and gift laws and anti-bribery laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and the UK Bribery Act of 2010, which prohibit corrupt direct or indirect offers of anything of value to anyone (including government officials) to obtain or keep business or to secure any other improper commercial advantage. Contractor will not: (i) make any facilitation payments to induce government officials to perform otherwise required functions; or (ii) directly or indirectly, pay, offer, or agree to give any campaign contributions or gifts to government officials in connection with the Services. “Government officials” include any government employee; candidate for public office; and employee of government-owned or government-controlled companies, public international organizations, and political parties.
    (3) Employment; Occupational Health and Safety; Right to Work. Unless otherwise expressly permitted in the Purchase Order,  Contractor will use only employed and directly paid employees to provide Services (including any subcontracted Services). Contractor will comply with all applicable employment and occupational health and safety laws and regulations, including those related to employment practices, wages, and worker classification (such as meal and rest break laws, wage notices, separation pay, and overtime laws) in relation to Contractor's own employees, in particular the Personnel. Where Personnel are foreign nationals in the territory, Contractor shall ensure they have a valid work permit before assigning them to the Services. Contractor will also ensure all Personnel involved in the Services maintain a valid work permit throughout the Term.
    (4) Tax. Contractor will comply with all applicable tax laws as to Personnel and the Services.
    (5) Modern Slavery. Contractor will comply with all applicable anti-human trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery laws and rules. Contractor will take reasonable steps to ensure that no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, or human trafficking occurs in its provision of Services or supply chain.
    (6) Equal Employment Opportunities. Contractor is an equal-opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other basis that is prohibited by law.
    (7) Lobby Disclosures and Ethics. Contractor will comply with the lobby disclosure and ethics requirements at to the extent the Services include government relations or lobbying activities.
    (8) Contractor shall comply with its obligations under the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act; Regulations, and shall implement a policy against sexual harassment applicable to all Contractor Personnel. Contractor shall also ensure that Contractor Personnel comply with Google ’s Policy against Sexual Harassment where applicable, and Contractor shall cooperate with Google in relation to the conduct of any complaint proceedings and the implementation of any recommendation of Google ’s Internal Complaints Committee under that Policy.
  (J) Licenses and Certifications. Contractor has obtained and will maintain throughout the term of this Agreement all business registration certificates, investment certificates, authorizations, permits and licenses as required by applicable law, to provide the Services to Google.
9. Defense and Indemnity.
9.1 Obligations. Contractor will defend and indemnify Google, its Affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, and employees against all settlement amounts approved by Contractor and any liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses in connection with any third-party claim or legal proceeding (including action by a government authority) to the extent arising from:
  (A) Contractor’s breach of warranty, negligence, willful misconduct, fraud, misrepresentation, or violation of applicable laws;
  (B) any property damage, personal injury, or death related to Contractor’s performance of the Services;
  (C) Contractor’s breach of Section 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security) or applicable data protection laws;
  (D) any allegation by or on behalf of Personnel, including that Personnel are entitled to employee compensation, benefits, Transfer Law, or other rights or that is premised on Google or its Affiliates jointly or otherwise employing Personnel; or
  (E) any allegation that use of the Services or Deliverables infringes or misappropriates any third party’s rights, including Intellectual Property Rights.
9.2 Exclusions. This Section 9 (Defense and Indemnity) will not apply to the extent the underlying allegation arises from:
  (A) modifications to the Services or Deliverables not authorized or made by Contractor; or
  (B) compliance with designs or instructions provided by Google in writing.
9.3 Control of Defense. Google will tender sole control of the indemnified portion of the legal proceeding to Contractor, but
  (A) Google has the right to approve controlling counsel, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld (and which approval may be withheld or withdrawn if there is a conflict of interest);
  (B) Google may appoint its own non-controlling counsel; and
  (C) any settlement requiring Google to admit liability, pay money, or take (or refrain from taking) any action, will require Google’s prior written consent.
10. Limitations of Liability.
    (1) US$1,000,000; OR
11. Termination.
11.1 Termination for Breach. Either party may immediately terminate this Agreement on written notice if:
  (A) the other party breaches Section 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security), Section 8 (Representations and Warranties), or Section 12.1 (Insurance); or
  (B) the other party is in material breach of this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within 30 days after receiving written notice from the first party identifying the breach.
11.2 Termination for Legal Cause. Either party may immediately suspend performance or terminate this Agreement if an applicable law or an applicable government or court order prohibits such performance.
11.3 Termination for Convenience. Google may terminate this Agreement for convenience on written notice to Contractor, subject to Section 11.4(B) (Effects on Invoices).
11.4 Effects of Termination.
  (A) Effects on Purchase Order. Unless otherwise specified in the termination notice, termination is effective immediately and Contractor will stop work immediately on receipt of the termination notice. Contractor will immediately deliver all Deliverables (including work product in progress) to Google in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement terminates all licenses that Google or its Affiliate granted under the Agreement, including Section 5.1 (Google or its Affiliate Background IP and Developed IP).
  (B) Effects on Invoices. Google will pay for accepted Services and Deliverables invoiced before the date of termination. However, if Google terminates for convenience, Contractor may also invoice Google for any Services and Deliverables not yet invoiced at a pro-rated price based on the percentage of work completed before the termination date.
  (C) Survival. Sections 1 (Definitions), 3 (Payment), 4 (Intellectual Property and Deliverables), 5.2 (Contractor Background IP), 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security), 7 (Independent Contractor; Personnel), 8 (Representations and Warranties), 9 (Defense and Indemnity), 10 (Limitations of Liability), 11.4 (Effects of Termination), and 12 (General) will survive any termination of this Agreement.
12. General.
12.1 Insurance. Contractor will maintain insurance policies in accordance with Attachment B (Insurance).
12.2 Property Damaged or Not Returned. Contractor will, at Google’s option, promptly repair, replace, or compensate Google for the value of any Google property that is: (A) lost or damaged by Personnel; or (B) not returned on completion of the applicable Services.
12.3 Background Checks. To the extent applicable, Contractor will comply with the background check policies in Attachment C (Background Checks).
12.4 Records and Audit Rights.
  (A) Maintaining Records. Contractor will maintain complete and accurate records relating to this Agreement.
  (B) Right to Examine Deliverables. Google may examine the Deliverables and work-in-progress at any time.
  (C) Right to Audit Records. During the Term, and for one year after this Agreement terminates, Google or its third-party auditor may audit Contractor’s relevant records to confirm Contractor’s compliance with this Agreement. Google’s auditor will only have access to those records reasonably necessary to confirm such compliance. Contractor will repay Google any overcharged amounts by, at Google’s option, either: (1) promptly issuing a credit to Google; or (2) issuing a refund to Google within 30 days of Google’s invoice date. Contractor will reimburse Google for all reasonable audit costs if the price discrepancy for any particular invoice exceeds 3 percent.
  (D) Notice of Government Audits. If a government authority audits any portion of Contractor’s business related to the Services or Deliverables, Contractor will, to the extent permitted by law, promptly notify Google and provide Google with reasonably-requested information about the audit.
12.5 Notices. All notices must be in English and in writing. Notices of breach or termination must be addressed to the other party’s Legal Department. The address for notices to Google’s Legal Department is All other notices must be addressed to the other party’s primary contact. Emails are written notices. Notice will be treated as given on receipt, as confirmed by written or electronic records.
12.6 Assignment. Contractor may not assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without Google’s written consent, and any attempt to do so is void. Google may assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to an Affiliate.
12.7 Change of Control. Without limiting Contractor’s obligations under Section 12.6 (Assignment), if during the Term Contractor experiences a change of control (for example, through a stock purchase or sale, merger, or other form of corporate transaction) or sells all or substantially all of its assets, then Contractor will give written notice to Google within 30 days after such event.
12.8 Subcontracting. Contractor may not delegate or subcontract any of its obligations under this Agreement without Google’s written consent. Contractor will remain liable for all subcontracted obligations and all acts or omissions of its subcontractors.
12.9 Business Continuity. Contractor will maintain a reasonable business continuity and recovery plan that is consistent with generally-accepted industry standards.
12.10 No Waiver. A party’s delay or omission in exercising any right under this Agreement will not be treated as a waiver of that right. To be effective, a waiver must expressly state the right being waived under this Agreement and be signed by the waiving party.
12.11 No Agency. This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship.
12.12 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement unless the Agreement expressly states that there are. The parties can amend, rescind, or terminate this Agreement without any third-party beneficiary’s consent.
12.13 Signatures. Purchase Orders do not need to be signed (unless a signature block is included). The Agreement is effective on Contractor’s acknowledgement of or commencement of performance under the Purchase Order.
12.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement states all the terms agreed between the parties and supersedes all other agreements between the parties relating to its subject matter. In entering into this Agreement, the parties have relied solely on the express statements in this Agreement. Neither party has relied on, and neither party will have any right or remedy based on, any other statement, representation, or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently). Any terms or conditions on a quote, invoice, or other similar document from Contractor related to this Agreement, including any online terms, are void. Where required by applicable law, this Section 12.14 (Entire Agreement) does not apply to false, misleading, or deceptive statements or misrepresentations. The feedback submission interface on the website hosting these terms is intended for technical or typographical issues only. Any feedback or comments provided by Contractor relating to this Agreement will not amend the Agreement’s terms.
12.15 Amendments. Any amendment must be in writing, signed by both parties, and expressly state that it is amending this Agreement
12.16 Severability. If any part of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect.
12.17 Order of Precedence. The terms in these T&Cs will take precedence over conflicting terms in the Purchase Order.
12.18 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India. All disputes arising out of or in relation to this Agreement that could not be resolved by the parties mutually, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Delhi.

Attachment A
Product Supply

This Attachment will apply to the extent that Google orders any Product. To the extent this Attachment and the body of the T&Cs conflict, this Attachment will govern.

1. Definitions.
1.1 Defect” or “Defective” means, with respect to a Product, a failure to meet the Product warranties in Sections 8.1 (Product Specifications) and 8.2 (Product Quality) of this Attachment.
1.2 Warranty Period” means the 12-month period starting on the date Google accepts a Product, unless otherwise noted in the Purchase Order.
2. Ordering Product.
2.1 Ordering. Contractor will provide Products at the prices, delivery dates, and delivery locations for Products specified in the Purchase Order.
2.2 Changes. Google may reschedule Products or change the delivery destination for Products at no cost to Google, except that if requested changes materially increase or decrease the cost to provide Products, the parties will negotiate an appropriate adjustment to their obligations under the Purchase Order.
3. Product Payment. Contractor will invoice Google upon Google’s acceptance of the Products. Correct invoices for Product will include, at a minimum, complete bill-to address, Product part numbers and quantities, description of Products, unit prices, applicable tax or other charges, and extended totals. Google is not required to pay any invoice submitted 180 days or more after a Product is shipped.
4. Product Delivery.
4.1 Product Shipping.
  (A) Delivery Terms; Title Transfer. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, Contractor will deliver Products FCA (Incoterms 2020) to the applicable delivery destination. Title and risk of loss will transfer from Contractor to Google at the delivery destination.
  (B) Trade Compliance. When Contractor is responsible for exporting or importing Product, Contractor will obtain all authorizations and permits necessary to fulfill all applicable governments’ requirements for Product shipment.
  (C) Import/Export Information. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will provide Google with any information Google reasonably requests regarding Product importation, exportation, or distribution.
4.2 Product Packing. Contractor will package Products according to any instructions Google provides in the Purchase Order, and if none are provided, then according to good commercial practice to ensure safe arrival of the Products.
4.3 Advance Delivery. Google may refuse any delivery made more than 5 days before the delivery date and Contractor will re-deliver the Product on the correct date at Contractor’s expense.
4.4 Excess Product. Google may return to Contractor, at Contractor’s expense, any quantity of Product exceeding that specified in the Purchase Order.
4.5 Late Product Delivery.
  (A) If a Product shipment (or part of a shipment) is likely to be delayed, Contractor will: (1) promptly notify Google in writing and immediately propose a new delivery date, (2) use best efforts to expedite delayed Product at Contractor’s expense, and (3) issue Google a discount or refund on the purchase price for Product delivered late, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
  (B) In addition to the remedies in Subsection (A), Google may (1) cancel without liability the applicable Purchase Order or portions of the Purchase Order for delayed Product that is not yet delivered, or (2) source replacements for delayed Product from another supplier, at Contractor’s reasonable expense.
5. Inspection; Acceptance; Rejection; Defect Replacement.
5.1 Inspection. Google may inspect Product on delivery.
  (A) Acceptance. Any Product not rejected within 30 days of receipt will be deemed accepted by Google. Google’s payment to Contractor for Product will not be treated as acceptance.
  (B) Rejection. At Google’s option, Google may: (1) return rejected Products, and Contractor will immediately replace returned Products, at Contractor’s expense, including all freight costs; or (2) use the Defective Products and obtain a reduction in price.
5.2 Defect Replacement Procedure.
  (A) Remedies. For Product that is discovered Defective during the Warranty Period, Contractor will, at its expense and at Google’s option:
    (1) replace or repair Defective Product and re-deliver such repaired or replaced Product to Google within a commercially reasonable time frame agreed to by Google,
    (2) refund Google the Product purchase price within 30 days of receiving Google’s notice that a Product is Defective, or
    (3) reimburse Google for the reasonable cost to have the Product repaired within 30 days after receiving Google’s invoice.
  (B) Costs. Contractor is responsible for all costs, damages, and liabilities incurred by Google as a result of Defective Product.
  (C) Google Property. All Products undergoing repair will at all times remain Google’s property.
  (D) Warranty. Contractor will warrant replacement Product for the longer of 90 days following Google’s acceptance of the replacement Product or the remainder of the original Product’s Warranty Period.
6. Product License.
6.1 Developed IP. For those portions of a Product that are Developed IP, T&Cs Section 4.3 (Developed IP; Deliverables) will apply.
6.2 Other Products. For those portions of a Product that are not Developed IP, Contractor grants to Google, its Affiliates, distributors, and end users a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty-free license to modify, sell, offer for sale, import, and otherwise use and dispose of the Product, including any bug fixes, updates, or upgrades developed by Contractor for the respective Product.
7. Failure Analysis. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will perform a failure analysis of any returned Product that is suspected to be Defective. Contractor will use reasonable efforts to provide Google with (A) an initial assessment of the Defect’s cause(s) within 1 week of receiving the returned Deliverable; and (B) a final assessment of the Defect’s root cause within 3 weeks of receiving the returned Deliverable.
8. Representations and Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants that:
8.1 Product Specifications. The Products will comply with applicable specifications (in order of ascending precedence): (A) readily made available by Contractor to its customers; (B) identified in the Purchase Order; or (C) as the parties may otherwise agree to in writing. The Products will be of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit for any purpose made known to Contractor.
8.2 Product Quality. Products will be new, unused, and not refurbished at the time of delivery, and will be safe for any and all normal and foreseeable uses and free from defects in design, materials, and workmanship during the Warranty Period.
8.3 Title. Google will acquire from Contractor good and clear title to Product free and clear of all liens, security interests, claims, and encumbrances.
8.4 Software. For software provided by Contractor, the software will not damage, interfere with, or permit unauthorized access to any other existing products or systems on which it is installed or any information residing on those products or systems.
8.5 Pass-Through. Contractor will, to the extent it is contractually permitted to do so, provide to Google the benefits of manufacturers’ or suppliers’ warranties and guarantees for material or equipment incorporated into the Products, and will perform its responsibilities so that such warranties or guarantees remain in full effect.
8.6 Conflict Minerals. Contractor will comply with all applicable conflict minerals laws and materials disposal laws. Upon request, Contractor will provide a complete and accurate conflict mineral report detailing the source and chain of custody of conflict minerals (in a format that is at least as comprehensive as the EICC/GeSI reporting template) for each Product.
9. Additional Defense and Indemnity Terms.
9.1 Obligations. The following subsections are added to T&Cs Section 9.1 (Obligations):
  (A) any property damage, personal injury, or death related to use of a Product; or
  (B) any allegation that use, possession, import, distribution, or sale of the Products, alone or in combination with any other product, service, or technology, violates or infringes a third party’s rights, including Intellectual Property Rights.
9.2 Remedies. If an injunction preventing continued use of any Products is threatened or granted, Contractor will do the following at its sole expense:
  (A) procure the right to continue providing the Products in compliance with the Agreement;
  (B) modify the Products to make them non-infringing without materially reducing their functionality; or
  (C) replace the Products with a non-infringing, functionally-equivalent alternative.
10. Termination and Survival. Unless otherwise specified in the termination notice, termination cancels without liability all undelivered Products. Contractor’s obligation to deliver non-cancelled Product and Sections 1, 3 (Product Payment), 5.1(B) (Rejection), 5.2 (Defect Replacement Procedure), 6 (Product License), 8 (Representations and Warranties), 9 (Additional Defense and Indemnity Terms), and 10 (Termination and Survival) of this Attachment will survive any termination of the Agreement.
11. Governing Law. If the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act are otherwise applicable, the parties expressly exclude them from applicability under the Agreement and agree that T&Cs Section 12.18 (Governing Law) will control.

Attachment B

(A) Contractor Responsible for Own Insurance Coverage. During the Term and at its own expense, Contractor will maintain the insurance coverage in accordance with all federal, state, local requirements in connection with the Services and Deliverables. All of Contractor’s activities under this Agreement will be at Contractor’s own risk, and the Personnel will not be entitled to any benefits under Google ’s insurance policies.
(B) Contractor Responsible for Subcontractor’s Insurance Coverage. Contractor is solely responsible for ensuring that its subcontractors maintain insurance coverage that is usual, reasonable and customary for the services provided by such subcontractor to ensure that Contractor can meet its requirements and obligations under this Agreement.
(C) Certificates of Insurance. Upon Google ’s request, Contractor will provide evidence of required insurance coverage to Google or Google ’s third-party vendor. Unless otherwise instructed by Google or its agent, Contractor will send all Certificates of Insurance and other documentation evidencing coverage to If a physical copy must be sent, Contractor will send all Certificates of Insurance and other documentation evidencing coverage to the legal entity of Google defined in the Purchase Order.
(D) Google Not Obligated to Review Insurance Coverage. Google ’s failure to request, review, or object to the terms of Contractor’s certificates of insurance will not:
  (1) waive any of Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement;
  (2) waive any of Google ’s rights under this Agreement; or
  (3) limit or diminish Contractor’s liability under this Agreement.

Attachment C
Background Checks

1. Applicable Categories. To the extent permitted under applicable law, Contractor will complete the background checks required below prior to Personnel performing Services, unless otherwise notified by Google. These background checks are not intended to affect the employment of Personnel by Contractor. They are required only to comply with legal obligations and to protect the safety and security of Google’s personnel, customers, and confidential and personal information.
1.1 Restricted Individuals. Contractor will ensure that Personnel are not restricted from performing Services by an applicable government authority.
1.2 Criminal Court / Social Security Number (or local equivalent). If the Services involve unescorted access to Google’s facilities, remote access to internal Google systems, or access to an individual’s personal property or personal information, Contractor will additionally perform the following checks on Personnel performing such Services:
  (A) Criminal court checks for all countries of residence and work for the prior 7 years (or such period permitted by law); and
  (B) Social Security number (or local equivalent) traces.
1.3 Education and Employment Verification. Contractor will perform education and employment verification for all Personnel that are provisioned with Google systems or badged facility access.
1.4 Driving History. If the Services involve driving, Contractor will additionally perform driving history checks on Personnel performing such Services.
1.5 Credit. If the Services involve access to Google’s or Google’s users’ financial information, Contractor will additionally perform credit checks on Personnel performing such Services.
1.6 Fingerprint. If the Services involve access to children or vulnerable persons, entering personal residences, or providing medical services, Contractor will additionally perform fingerprint checks on Personnel performing such Services.
1.7 Clinical and Scientific. If the Services involve clinical or scientific activities, Contractor will additionally perform the following (or local equivalent) checks on Personnel performing such Services:
  (A) FDA Debarment List;
  (B) FDA Disqualified/Restricted/Assurance List;
  (C) PHS Administrative Action Bulletin Board;
  (D) List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) Database; and
  (E) FDS Debarment/Disqualification List under the Application Integrity Policy (AIP).
2. Proper Notices; Consents. Contractor will provide all required background check notices to, and obtain signed consent from, Personnel.
3. Personnel Eligibility Guidelines.
3.1 Ineligible to Perform Services. Personnel may not perform any Services if a background check reveals the Personnel is restricted from performing the Services under Section 1.1 (Restricted Individuals) of this Attachment and the Personnel is not able to prove error.
3.2 May be Eligible to Perform Services, but Requires Additional Review.
  (A) Issues Requiring Additional Review. Contractor must perform additional review to determine if Personnel is eligible to perform Services if a background check reveals any of the following:
    (1) Criminal Conviction. Personnel has any felony or misdemeanor criminal conviction within the last 7 years (or such period permitted by law).
    (2) Misrepresentation. Personnel misrepresents: (a) identification numbers (e.g., Social Security number or local equivalent); or (b) any educational or technical qualifications even if not required to perform the Services, including: (i) an educational degree not earned; (ii) an educational degree for which there is no record of it being earned; or (iii) a different major of study than recorded.
    (3) Driving History Issues. For driving history checks: (a) Personnel’s driver license is currently suspended or revoked; or (b) Personnel has: (i) two or more driving violations in a 3-year period; or (ii) two or more convictions in the last 5 years for driving while under the influence or driving while intoxicated.
    (4) Credit Report Issues. For credit checks, Personnel’s credit report shows: (a) one or more items in collections, public records or negative accounts; (b) unpaid collections balance greater than or equal to US$1,000; or (c) any pending bankruptcy or fraud case.
  (B) Contractor to Perform Additional Review. Contractor is responsible for performing any additional review to decide whether Personnel is eligible to perform the Services.
4. Verification of Background Checks. Upon request, Contractor will provide to Google or its third-party vendor verification that it conducted background checks.


Google Mainland China Entities

January 2024



Google 供应商采购订单条款与条件

Introduction; Applicable Terms.


(A) If the Google entity (“Google”) and the vendor entity (“Contractor”) identified in the Purchase Order have executed a separate written agreement governing the Services, Deliverables, or Products specified in the Purchase Order (“Existing Agreement”), then the Existing Agreement will apply to those Services, Deliverables, or Products. 

如果Google 公司(“Google”)与采购订单中指明的供应商公司(“签约商”)已另行签署了书面协议对采购订单中指定的服务、应交付成果或产品进行了规定(“现有协议”),则该现有协议将适用于那些服务、应交付成果或产品。

(B) Otherwise, the terms and conditions below (“T&Cs”), together with the Purchase Order, form an “Agreement” during the Term between Google and Contractor for the Services, Deliverables, and Products specified in the Purchase Order. If these T&Cs conflict with the Purchase Order, these T&Cs govern. Terms referencing Services, Deliverables, and Products apply only to the extent that such items are ordered in the Purchase Order.

否则,下述条款和条件(“条款与条件”)与相关采购订单一起在合约期间构成 Google 与签约商之间就采购订单中指定的服务、应交付成果或产品的协议。若本条款与条件与采购订单相冲突,应以本条款和条件为准。涉及服务、应交付成果或产品的条款只在采购订单中订购了此等服务、应交付成果或产品时才适用

(C) Google objects to any additional or different terms in any Contractor documents, including quotations, acknowledgments, or online terms. Those Contractor terms will be considered material alterations to the Agreement and are void.


1. Definitions.


1.1 “Affiliate” means in relation to a party: (A) any parent company of that party; and (B) any corporate body of which that party directly or indirectly has control or which is directly or indirectly controlled by the same person or group of persons as that party. 


1.2 Background IP” means all Intellectual Property owned or licensed by a party (A) before starting the Services or (B) independent of the Agreement.

"既有知识产权" 指任何一方(a)在服务开始之前或(b)独立于本协议,所拥有或获得许可的知识产权。


Deliverables” means any work product (including third party materials) provided by Contractor to Google under this Agreement.

"应交付成果" 指签约商根据采购订单向 Google 提供的任何工作产品(包括第三方材料)。
1.4 Developed IP” means any Intellectual Property created or discovered by Contractor or Google in connection with this Agreement.

"开发的知识产权" 指签约商或Google在履行本协议过程中创造或获得的任何知识产权。

1.5 Inspection Period” means a 30 day period following Google’s receipt of the applicable Services or Deliverables, unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order. 


1.6 Intellectual Property” means anything protectable by an Intellectual Property Right. 


1.7 Intellectual Property Right(s)” means all registered or unregistered intellectual property rights throughout the world, including rights in patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, designs, databases, domain names, and moral rights.

"知识产权" 指在全球注册或未注册的所有知识产权,包括专利权、版权、商标权、商业秘密权、设计权、数据库权、 域名权以及人格权。

1.8 "Personnel" means Contractor (if an individual) and all employees and agents of Contractor and its subcontractors and their agents.

"服务人员" 指签约商(如果为个体)和签约商的所有员工和代理商及其分包商和代理商。

1.9 Product” means any tangible goods or non-customized software offered or provided by Contractor.

"产品" 指签约商提供的任何有形商品或非定制软件。

1.10 Purchase Order” means an ordering document (including any incorporated attachments) for Services, Deliverables, or Products submitted to Contractor by Google.

"采购订单" 指Google就服务、应交付成果或产品向签约商提交的订购文件 (包括其中的任何附录)。

1.11 "Services" means all services specified or provided under this Agreement.

"服务" 指本协议指定或根据本协议提供的所有服务。

1.12 Tax(es)” means all government-imposed tax obligations (including taxes, duties, and withholdings), except those based on Contractor's or Personnel's net income, net worth, asset value, property value, or employment.

"税款" 指所有的政府征收的税费义务(包括税、关税及扣缴税款),基于签约商或服务人员的净收入、净值、资产价值、不动产价值以及劳动关系所征收的除外。

1.13 Term” means the term of the Agreement starting on Contractor’s acknowledgement of or commencement of performance under the Purchase Order and ending on Google’s acceptance or final rejection of all Services, Deliverables, and Products, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement.


1.14 Transfer Law” means: (A) applicable law implementing Council Directive 2001/23/EC; and (B) any other laws, directives, regulations and rules implementing provisions to safeguard and transfer employee rights on a change in service provider, in any jurisdiction applicable to Contractor and the Services under this Agreement.


1.15 In this Agreement, (A) “include” or “including" means “including but not limited to,” and (B) examples are illustrative and not the sole examples of a particular concept.

本协议中,(A)"包括" 指 "包括但不限于";(B)示例仅用于说明并不是某一概念的唯有示例。

2. Services, Deliverables, and Products


2.1 Requirements


  (A) Ordering. Contractor will provide Services, Deliverables, and Products as specified in the Purchase Order.


  (B) Software Requirements. If Contractor includes any customized software in the Services or Deliverables, then Contractor will develop all such software in compliance with Google-provided software guidelines. 

软件要求。如果签约商在提供的服务或应交付成果中包括任何定制软件,签约商将遵照Google 提供的软件指南要求来开发所有此等软件。

  (C) Product Supply. Attachment A (Product Supply) will apply to the extent that Google orders any Product. 


  (D) Other Services. The following Attachments (in effect as of the date of the Purchase Order) will apply to the extent that Google orders the applicable Services. For the purposes of the Attachments described below, references to “ISA” will mean “T&Cs” and “SOW” will mean “Purchase Order”:

其它服务。以下附录(自采购订单日期起生效)将在Google订购相关服务时适用。就下述附录所述目的,提及 “ISA” 即指“本条款与条件”,提及 “SOW” 即指“采购订单”。

    (1) Marketing Services. The Marketing Services Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any Marketing Services (as defined in such Attachment), such as any creative design, advertising, marketing, or production Services.

营销服务 处的“营销服务”附录中的规定,在签约商提供任何营销服务(如此等附录中所定义)如任何创意设计、广告投放、营销或制作服务时适用。

    (2) SaaS Services. The Software as a Service Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any software as a service, cloud, or other hosted software Services.

SaaS服务 处的“软件即服务(SaaS)”附录中的规定,在签约商提供任何软件即服务、云服务或其它托管软件服务时适用。

    (3) Research Services. The Research Services Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any research Services.


2.2 Inspection; Acceptance; Rejection.


  (A) Inspection. Google may inspect the Services and Deliverables during the Inspection Period. 


  (B) Acceptance. Any Services or Deliverables not rejected within the Inspection Period will be deemed accepted. Acceptance does not reduce any applicable warranties under this Agreement. 


  (C) Rejection; Corrections. During the Inspection Period, Google may reject Services and Deliverables that do not meet this Agreement’s warranties or specifications. Google will provide a written explanation for any rejected Services or Deliverables. If requested by Google during the Inspection Period, Contractor will correct and re-deliver any rejected Services and Deliverables at no cost to Google, under agreed deadlines, and subject to further Inspection Period(s). Otherwise, Google will have no obligation to pay for the rejected Services and Deliverables. 


2.3 Notice of Delays. Contractor will promptly notify Google in writing of anything that is likely to cause a delay in the delivery of any Deliverable or a disruption of Services.


3. Payment.


3.1 Invoices.


  (A) Submitting Invoices. Contractor will invoice Google in accordance with the fee(s) specified in the Purchase Order. Contractor will submit itemized invoices to the online portal specified by Google according to the portal's instructions. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, Contractor will invoice Google without delay monthly in arrears and only for accepted Services and Deliverables.


  (B) Disputing Invoices. Google will only initiate invoice disputes in good faith, and will provide a written description of the disputed amounts. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will issue separate invoices for undisputed and disputed amounts. Payment of any undisputed amounts will not compromise Google’s right to object to the disputed amounts. Disputed amounts will not be due until the dispute is finally resolved, and will then be payable according to Subsection (C) (Paying Invoices). 

发票争议。Google 只会本着诚信的态度就发票事项提出争议,并且会提供有关争议金额的书面说明。如Google 要求,签约商应就无争议金额和有争议金额分别开具发票。而Google对无争议金额的支付不会损害 Google拒付有争议金额的权利。在相关争议得到最终解决之后,有争议金额方到期应付,并将根据下述第(C)条(发票支付)的规定成为应付款项。

  (C) Paying Invoices. Google will pay Contractor within 60 days after Google receives a correct invoice (or such period as required by applicable law, if shorter). Google is not required to pay any invoice submitted more than 180 days after the end of the applicable Inspection Period for the Services or Deliverables.

发票支付。Google将在收到正确发票后的60天(或在适用法律规定的更短期间内)内付款给签约商。对于在服务或应交付成果适用的检验期结束后180 日之后提交的发票, Google不需要支付。

3.2 Expenses.


  (A) Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement. Google will reimburse Contractor for expenses up to the amounts specified in the Purchase Order, and only if they are: 


    (1) actual, reasonable, and necessary (without mark-ups or commissions);


    (2) approved in advance and in writing by Google; and 

已事先得到 Google 书面批准;且

    (3) accompanied by receipts and other documentation that Google may request establishing the type, date, amount, payment, and purpose for such expenses.  

如 Google 要求,要提供收据和其它有关文件,以证明此等费用是什么类型的费用以及费用发生的日期、金额、支付方式以及目的。

  (B) Contractor Responsible for Personnel’s Expenses. Contractor is solely responsible for reimbursing Personnel’s expenses and will do so in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.


3.3 Right to Offset Payment. In addition to other rights and remedies Google may have, Google may offset any payment obligations to Contractor that Google may incur under this Agreement against any fees owed to Google and not yet paid by Contractor under this Agreement or any other agreement between Contractor and Google. Google may also withhold and offset against its payment obligations under this Agreement, or require Contractor to pay to Google within 30 days of receipt of Google’s invoice, any amounts Google may have overpaid to Contractor in prior periods.


3.4 Taxes


  (A) Tax Invoicing and Payment. For Services and Products provided from the United States, Canada, or India, Taxes are not included in the fees and will be separately itemized on Contractor's invoices if applicable. Otherwise, Taxes are included in the fees. Google will pay correctly-invoiced Taxes, if applicable, unless Google provides a valid Tax exemption certificate. Google will withhold Taxes if legally required. Any Services or Products provided from India to an entity outside of India are exports that are not subject to Taxes.


  (B) Tax Documentation. Contractor will timely provide customary tax documentation reasonably requested by Google.


3.5 Bank Charges. The party receiving payment will be responsible for bank and credit card charges assessed by its bank or the credit card issuer.


4. Intellectual Property and Deliverables.


4.1 Background IP. Except for the license rights under Section 5 (Licenses), neither party will own or acquire any right, title, or interest to the other party’s Background IP under this Agreement.


4.2 Third Party Materials. Contractor will not incorporate any third party’s Intellectual Property or any open source materials into any Deliverable without Google's prior written approval of: (A) such incorporation; and (B) any applicable license terms.

第三方资料。签约方不得将任何第三方的知识财产或任何开源资料并入任何应交付成果中,除非Google事先书面批准:(A)上述并入;及 (B) 任何适用的许可条款。

4.3 Developed IP; Deliverables.


  (A) Title to Deliverables. Title to the Deliverables will transfer to Google upon delivery.


  (B) Ownership of Developed IP. Google owns any Developed IP. Contractor assigns all right, title, and interest in the Developed IP, including Intellectual Property Rights, to Google.  Contractor will procure the assignment to Google of all rights in the Developed IP not owned by Contractor. If applicable law prevents future assignments, Contractor will assign (or will procure the assignment of) such rights as they are created.


  (C) License to Developed IP if Assignment Fails. If applicable law prevents Contractor from transferring ownership of any Developed IP to Google, Contractor grants to Google a perpetual, irrevocable, exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, transferrable, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to: 


    (1) reproduce, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publish, communicate, publicly display, and otherwise use such Developed IP; and


    (2) make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export any component of, and otherwise dispose of such Developed IP. 


  (D) Assistance to Accomplish Assignment. If requested by Google, Contractor will timely perform all acts reasonably necessary to accomplish the assignments and other transactions specified in this Agreement.


  (E) Moral Rights in Deliverables. Contractor will not assert, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, otherwise waives, any moral rights in the Deliverables and Developed IP. Contractor will ensure that Personnel and other third parties who have moral rights in the Deliverables and Developed IP will also not assert, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, will waive, those moral rights.


5. Licenses.


5.1 Google Background IP and Developed IP. If Google permits Contractor to use any of Google’s Background IP or the Developed IP to provide Google with the Services or Deliverables, then subject to this Agreement, Google grants to Contractor a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense to its delegates and subcontractors authorized by Google under Section 12.8 (Subcontracting)) to do the following, during the Term, solely for the purpose of, and only to the extent needed for, performing the Services and providing the Deliverables:


  (A) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use such Background IP and Developed IP; 


  (B) make, use, and import such Background IP and Developed IP; and


  (C) use brand features provided by Google under this Agreement, subject to the Google Brand Features Guidelines at, and any restrictions specified in the Purchase Order or by the Purchase Order’s specified Google point of contact. 


5.2 Contractor Background IP. If Contractor’s Background IP is incorporated in, or is necessary to use, any Deliverable: 


  (A) Subject to Section 4.2 (Third Party Materials), Contractor will describe its Background IP in writing if requested by Google; and 

按照第 4.2条(第三方资料)要求,如Google要求签约方必须对其既有知识产权进行说明;

  (B) Contractor grants to Google and its Affiliates a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to do the following:


    (1) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, modify, publish, adapt, communicate, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use such Background IP in connection with the Deliverables and Developed IP; and


    (2) make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export any component of, and otherwise dispose of such Background IP in connection with the Deliverables and Developed IP. 


6. Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security.


6.1 Definition. “Confidential Information” means information that one party (or an Affiliate) discloses to the other party under this Agreement, and that is marked as confidential or would normally be considered confidential information under the circumstances. It does not include information that is independently developed by the recipient, is rightfully given to the recipient by a third party without confidentiality obligations, or becomes public through no fault of the recipient. Each party’s Background IP is its Confidential Information. The Developed IP and Deliverables are Google’s Confidential Information.


6.2 Confidentiality Obligations. The recipient will not disclose the discloser’s Confidential Information, except to employees, Affiliates, agents, professional advisors, or third-party contractors (“Delegates”) who need to know it and who have a legal obligation to keep it confidential. The recipient will use the Confidential Information only to exercise rights and fulfill obligations under this Agreement while using reasonable care to protect the Confidential Information. The recipient may disclose Confidential Information when legally compelled by a court or other government authority. To the extent permitted by law, recipient will promptly provide the discloser with sufficient notice of all available details of the legal requirement and reasonably cooperate with the discloser’s efforts to challenge the disclosure, seek an appropriate protective order, or pursue such other legal action, as the discloser may deem appropriate. The recipient will ensure that its Delegates are also subject to the same non-disclosure and use obligations.


6.3 No Rights. Except for the limited rights under this Agreement, neither party acquires any right, title, or interest in the other party's Confidential Information.


6.4 Independent Development. Each party acknowledges that the recipient may develop or receive from third parties Intellectual Property that may be similar to the discloser’s Confidential Information. This Agreement does not prevent the recipient from developing or purchasing products or services, for itself or others, that compete with those of the discloser, so long as the recipient does not do so in breach of this Agreement. Each party is free to use for any purpose any Residuals acquired by that party if that use does not breach the non-disclosure requirements of this Agreement. “Residuals” means information in intangible form that an individual retains in unaided memory without intentionally memorizing that information.


6.5 No Publicity. Neither party may make any public statement regarding this Agreement without the other’s written approval.


6.6 Privacy and Security. Each party will comply with the applicable terms of the Information Protection Addendum at, in effect as of the Purchase Order date, as applicable.


7. Independent Contractor; Personnel.


7.1 Not Employees. Contractor is an independent contractor. Contractor and Personnel are not Google employees. Contractor is responsible for: 


  (A) Personnel’s acts and omissions; 


  (B) staffing, instructing, and managing Personnel performing Services; 


  (C) providing all equipment necessary for Personnel to perform Services, except where otherwise provided by Google at its discretion, including for security purposes; and 


  (D) determining Personnel’s compensation (i.e., any stated rates for Services provided are not wage rates). 


7.2 No Employee Compensation or Benefits. Contractor and Personnel (A) will not be entitled to any wages, bonus, allowance, severance payment, compensation, stock, options, or other rights or benefits provided to Google employees; (B) waive any right to them; and (C) promise never to claim them. Contractor will notify Personnel in writing of the above and will obtain a similar waiver from Personnel. 

无雇员报酬或福利。签约方及服务人员 (A)无权享有Google向雇员提供的任何工资、奖金、补贴、遣散费、报酬、股票、期权或其他权利或福利;(B)放弃获得上述报酬或福利的权利,并且(C)承诺永不对此提出主张。签约方将向服务人员书面告知上述信息,并让服务人员提交类似的弃权书。

7.3 Income Tax Withholding for Personnel. Contractor is responsible for any income tax withholding applicable to Personnel.


7.4 Termination of Personnel. Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with terminating Personnel, including: 


  (A) costs arising under applicable law; 


  (B) costs arising under an agreement between Contractor and Personnel; and 


  (C) costs incurred by Google as a result of such termination. 


7.5 No Transfer of Employment. Google and Contractor intend that the Transfer Law will not apply to the Services or this Agreement.

无雇用转让。Google 和签约商同意转让法将不适用于本协议或协议下的服务。

8. Representations and Warranties.


8.1 Mutual. Each party represents and warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into and fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.


8.2 Contractor. Contractor represents and warrants that:


  (A) Quality. Contractor’s performance under this Agreement will be of professional quality and performed with reasonable skill and care consistent with generally-accepted industry standards. All Personnel performing Services have the requisite skills, experience, and qualifications. 


  (B) Specifications and Requirements. The Services and Deliverables will meet this Agreement’s specifications and requirements.


  (C) Viruses and Malicious Code. The Deliverables will be free from any viruses or other malicious code.


  (D) No Conflicts. There are no actual or potential conflicts of interest concerning the Services. 


  (E) License Rights. Contractor has and will retain all necessary rights to grant the licenses in this Agreement and provide the Services and Deliverables to Google, at no greater cost to Google than specified in the Purchase Order.


  (F) No Breach of Third-Party Obligations. Contractor and Personnel’s fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement will not breach any obligations they have to any third party.


  (G) No Use of Third-Party Confidential Information. In performing the Services, Contractor will not use or bring to Google any third party’s confidential or proprietary information unless Contractor obtains the third party’s and Google’s prior written consent.


  (H) Compliance with Google’s Procedures, Policies, and Code of Conduct. Contractor and Personnel will comply with:


    (1) all procedures and policies provided by Google (including Google's environmental, health, safety, and security procedures) and related management systems, when performing Services at Google facilities or using Google-provided networks, systems, or equipment; 


    (2) the wage and benefits requirements at  with respect to all Personnel that meet the eligibility requirements described at such URL; and 

针对符合指定 URL 中文件所述合格性要求的所有人员,为其提供内注明的薪酬和福利要求;和

    (3) Google’s Supplier Code of Conduct at内的Google供应商行为准则。

  (I) Compliance with Laws. In connection with this Agreement, Contractor and Personnel will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, which may include those identified below. Contractor will use commercially reasonable and good faith efforts to comply with Google’s due diligence process, including providing requested information.


    (1) Import and Export. Contractor will comply with all applicable import and export laws and trade sanction regulations.


    (2) Anti-Bribery. Contractor will comply with all applicable campaign finance and gift laws and anti-bribery laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and the UK Bribery Act of 2010, which prohibit corrupt direct or indirect offers of anything of value to anyone (including government officials) to obtain or keep business or to secure any other improper commercial advantage. Contractor will not: (i) make any facilitation payments to induce government officials to perform otherwise required functions; or (ii) directly or indirectly, pay, offer, or agree to give any campaign contributions or gifts to government officials in connection with the Services. “Government officials” include any government employee; candidate for public office; and employee of government-owned or government-controlled companies, public international organizations, and political parties. 

反贿赂。签约方将遵守所有适用的竞选资金和礼品法及反贿赂法律,包括1977年美国《反海外腐败法》和2010年英国《反贿赂法》。该等法律禁止直接或间接以贿赂手段向包括政府官员在内的任何人提供任何有价物,以获取或保留业务或取得任何其他不正当的商业好处。签约方将(i)不会支付任何疏通费诱使政府官员履行他们本应履行的职能;或 (ii) 也不会因要提供的服务而直接或间接向政府官员提供、支付或同意给予任何竞选献金或礼物。“政府官员”包括政府雇员、公共职位候选人、政府拥有或控制的公司和国际公共组织的雇员和政党。

    (3) Employment; Occupational Health and Safety; Right to Work. Unless otherwise expressly permitted in the Purchase Order, Contractor will use only employed and directly paid employees (W-2 employees in the United States, or the local equivalent under applicable law) to provide Services (including any subcontracted Services). Contractor will comply with all applicable employment and occupational health and safety laws and regulations, including those related to employment practices, wages, and worker classification (such as meal and rest break laws, wage notices, separation pay, and overtime laws) in relation to Personnel. Where Personnel are foreign nationals in the territory, Contractor will ensure they have a valid work permit before assigning them to the Services. Contractor will also ensure all Personnel involved in the Services maintain a valid work permit throughout the Term.

雇佣;职业健康与安全;工作权。除非采购订单中另有明确许可,签约方将仅起用  受雇和直接受薪的员工(美国W-2员工或适用法律下的当地同等人员)提供服务(包括任何分包服务)。针对服务人员,签约方将遵守所有与雇佣和职业健康与安全相关的适用法律和法规,包括与雇佣实践、工资和工人类别相关的法律(如用餐和休息法、工资通知、解雇费和加班法等)。如服务人员为区域内的外籍人员,签约方将在指派这些外籍人员提供服务之前确保其拥有有效的工作准证。签约方也须确保服务中涉及的所有服务人员在整个合约期间均持有有效的工作准证。

    (4) Tax. Contractor will comply with all applicable tax laws as to Personnel and the Services.


    (5) Modern Slavery. Contractor will comply with all applicable anti-human trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery laws and rules. Contractor will take reasonable steps to ensure that no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, or human trafficking occurs in its provision of Services or supply chain.


    (6) Equal Employment Opportunities. Contractor is an equal-opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other basis that is prohibited by law. 


    (7) Lobby Disclosures and Ethics. Contractor will comply with the lobby disclosure and ethics requirements at to the extent the Services include government relations or lobbying activities.

游说信息披露与道德。若服务中包括政府关系或游说活动,签约商要遵守 内载的游说信息披露与道德要求。

  (J) Licenses and Certifications. Contractor has obtained and will maintain throughout the term of this Agreement all business registration certificates, investment certificates, authorizations, permits and licenses as required by applicable law, to provide the Services to Google.

许可与认证。签约商应法律要求已经获得并将在本协议整个期间保有所有的商业登记证书、投资证书、授权许可、准证及许可证,以向Google 提供服务。

9.   Defense and Indemnity.


9.1   Obligations. Contractor will defend and indemnify Google, its Affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, and employees against all settlement amounts approved by Contractor and any liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses in connection with any third-party claim or legal proceeding (including action by a government authority) to the extent arising from:


  (A) Contractor’s breach of warranty, negligence, willful misconduct, fraud, misrepresentation, or violation of applicable laws; 


  (B) any property damage, personal injury, or death related to Contractor’s performance of the Services; 


  (C) any Contractor’s breach of Section 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security) or applicable data protection laws; 


  (D) any allegation by or on behalf of Personnel, including that Personnel are entitled to employee compensation, benefits, Transfer Law or other rights or that is premised on Google or its Affiliates jointly or otherwise employing Personnel; or


  (E) any allegation that use of the Services or Deliverables infringes or misappropriates any third party’s rights, including Intellectual Property Rights. 


9.2 Exclusions. This Section 9 (Defense and Indemnity) will not apply to the extent the underlying allegation arises from:


  (A) modifications to the Services or Deliverables not authorized or made by Contractor; or


  (B) compliance with designs or instructions provided by Google in writing. 


9.3 Control of Defense. Google will tender sole control of the indemnified portion of the legal proceeding to Contractor, but 


  (A) Google has the right to approve controlling counsel, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld (and which approval may be withheld or withdrawn if there is a conflict of interest); 


  (B) Google may appoint its own non-controlling counsel; and 


  (C) any settlement requiring Google to admit liability, pay money, or take (or refrain from taking) any action, will require Google’s prior written consent. 


10. Limitations of Liability.
















    (1) US$1,000,000; OR 

美金1,000,000; 或

















11. Termination.


11.1 Termination for Breach. Either party may immediately terminate this Agreement on written notice if:


  (A) the other party breaches Section 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security), Section 8 (Representations and Warranties), or Section 12.1 (Insurance); or 


  (B) the other party is in material breach of this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within 30 days after receiving written notice from the first party identifying the breach. 


11.2 Termination for Legal Cause. Either party may immediately suspend performance or terminate this Agreement if an applicable law or an applicable government or court order prohibits such performance.


11.3 Termination for Convenience. Google may terminate this Agreement for convenience on written notice to Contractor, subject to Section 11.4(B) (Effects on Invoices).


11.4 Effects of Termination.


  (A) Effects on Purchase Order. Unless otherwise specified in the termination notice, termination is effective immediately and Contractor will stop work immediately on receipt of the termination notice. Contractor will immediately deliver all Deliverables (including work product in progress) to Google in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement terminates all licenses that Google granted under the Agreement, including Section 5.1 (Google Background IP and Developed IP).


  (B) Effects on Invoices. Google will pay for accepted Services and Deliverables invoiced before the date of termination. However, if Google terminates for convenience, Contractor may also invoice Google for any Services and Deliverables not yet invoiced at a pro-rated price based on the percentage of work completed before the termination date. 


  (C) Survival. Sections 1 (Definitions), 3 (Payment), 4 (Intellectual Property and Deliverables), 5.2 (Contractor Background IP), 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security), 7 (Independent Contractor; Personnel), 8 (Representations and Warranties), 9 (Defense and Indemnity), 10 (Limitations of Liability), 11.4 (Effects of Termination), and 12 (General) will survive any termination of this Agreement.


12. General.


12.1 Insurance. Contractor will maintain insurance policies in accordance with Attachment B (Insurance).


12.2 Property Damaged or Not Returned. Contractor will, at Google’s option, promptly repair, replace, or compensate Google for the value of any Google property that is: (A) lost or damaged by Personnel; or (B) not returned on completion of the applicable Services.


12.3 Background Checks. To the extent applicable, Contractor will comply with the background check policies in Attachment C (Background Checks).


12.4 Records and Audit Rights


  (A) Maintaining Records. Contractor will maintain complete and accurate records relating to this Agreement.


  (B) Right to Examine Deliverables. Google may examine the Deliverables and work-in-progress at any time.


  (C) Right to Audit Records. During the Term, and for one year after this Agreement terminates, Google or its third-party auditor may audit Contractor’s relevant records to confirm Contractor’s compliance with this Agreement. Google’s auditor will only have access to those records reasonably necessary to confirm such compliance. Contractor will repay Google any overcharged amounts by, at Google’s option, either: (1) promptly issuing a credit to Google; or (2) issuing a refund to Google within 30 days of Google’s invoice date. Contractor will reimburse Google for all reasonable audit costs if the price discrepancy for any particular invoice exceeds 3 percent. 

审计记录的权利。本协议期间及在本协议终止后的一年内,Google或其第三方审计师可对签约方的相关记录进行审计,以证实签约方遵守本协议。Google的审计师仅有权接触对确认签约方遵守本协议有合理必要的记录。签约方应向Google退还多收的金额,Google可选择让签约方:(1) 及时向Google开具贷记凭证;或 (2) 在收到Google发票日期后的30天内向Google退款。如果任何具体发票的价格差异超过3%,签约方应向Google补偿所有合理的审计费用。

  (D) Notice of Government Audits. If a government authority audits any portion of Contractor’s business related to the Services or Deliverables, Contractor will, to the extent permitted by law, promptly notify Google and provide Google with reasonably-requested information about the audit.


12.5 Notices. All notices must be in English and in writing. Notices of breach or termination must be addressed to the other party’s Legal Department. The address for notices to Google’s Legal Department is All other notices must be addressed to the other party’s primary contact. Emails are written notices. Notice will be treated as given on receipt, as confirmed by written or electronic records.


12.6 Assignment. Contractor may not assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without Google’s written consent, and any attempt to do so is void. Google may assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to an Affiliate.


12.7 Change of Control. Without limiting Contractor’s obligations under Section 12.6 (Assignment), if during the Term Contractor experiences a change of control (for example, through a stock purchase or sale, merger, or other form of corporate transaction) or sells all or substantially all of its assets, then Contractor will give written notice to Google within 30 days after such event.


12.8 Subcontracting. Contractor may not delegate or subcontract any of its obligations under this Agreement without Google’s written consent. Contractor will remain liable for all subcontracted obligations and all acts or omissions of its subcontractors.


12.9 Business Continuity. Contractor will maintain a reasonable business continuity and recovery plan that is consistent with generally-accepted industry standards.


12.10 No Waiver. A party’s delay or omission in exercising any right under this Agreement will not be treated as a waiver of that right. To be effective, a waiver must expressly state the right being waived under this Agreement and be signed by the waiving party.


12.11 No Agency. This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship.


12.12 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement unless the Agreement expressly states that there are. The parties can amend, rescind, or terminate this Agreement without any third-party beneficiary’s consent.


12.13 Signatures. Purchase Orders do not need to be signed (unless a signature block is included). The Agreement is effective on Contractor’s acknowledgement of or commencement of performance under the Purchase Order.


12.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement states all the terms agreed between the parties and supersedes all other agreements between the parties as of the Effective Date relating to its subject matter. In entering into this Agreement, the parties have relied solely on the express statements in this Agreement. Neither party has relied on, and neither party will have any right or remedy based on, any other statement, representation, or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently). Any terms or conditions on a quote, invoice, or other similar document from Contractor related to this Agreement, including any online terms, are void. Where required by applicable law, this Section 12.14 (Entire Agreement) does not apply to false, misleading, or deceptive statements or misrepresentations. The feedback submission interface on the website hosting these terms is intended for technical or typographical issues only. Any feedback or comments provided by Contractor relating to this Agreement will not amend the Agreement’s terms.


12.15 Amendments. Any amendment must be in writing, signed by both parties, and expressly state that it is amending this Agreement.


12.16 Severability. If any part of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect.


12.17 Order of Precedence. The terms in these T&Cs will take precedence over conflicting terms in the Purchase Order.


12.18 Governing Law


  (A) All claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement (“Dispute”) will be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), excluding the PRC’s conflict of laws rules. 

因本协议产生的或与之有关的任何权利请求 (“争议”),均将适用中华人民共和国法律,但不适用该等法律中的冲突法规则。

  (B) The parties will try in good faith to settle any Dispute within 30 days after the Dispute arises.  If the Dispute is not resolved within 30 days, it must be resolved by arbitration by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) in accordance with the CIETAC Arbitration Rules in force as of the date of this Agreement (“Rules”). 


    (1) There will be three arbitrators who will be appointed as follows: each party will appoint an arbitrator, and the party-appointed arbitrators will nominate a chairperson within 30 days after the confirmation of the last party-appointed arbitrator.  If the party-appointed arbitrators fail to nominate a chairperson within 30 days after the confirmation of the last party-appointed arbitrator, CIETAC will nominate a chairperson.  The chairperson may be appointed from outside CIETAC’s panel of arbitrators in accordance with the Rules. 


    (2) The arbitration will be conducted in English in Beijing, PRC. 


    (3) Pre-hearing information exchange will be limited to the reasonable production of relevant, non-privileged documents and carried out expeditiously. 


    (4) Except in extraordinary circumstances, the parties intend to conclude the arbitration proceedings within 60 days from the date the final arbitrator is appointed.  The arbitral tribunal may extend this time limit in the interests of justice.  Failure to adhere to this time limit will not constitute a basis for challenging the award. 


    (5) To the extent permitted by PRC law, and without waiving any other remedy under this Agreement, either party may apply to the arbitral tribunal (and any competent court) for equitable or injunctive relief necessary to protect its rights or property pending resolution of the arbitration.  The arbitral tribunal may order equitable or injunctive relief consistent with the remedies and limitations in this Agreement. 


    (6) The arbitral tribunal will not act as amiable(s) compositeur(s) or ex aequo et bono. 


    (7) The arbitral tribunal’s decisions will be final and binding on the parties and its execution may be presented in any competent court, including any court with jurisdiction over either party or any of its property. 


    (8) Any arbitral proceeding conducted in accordance with this Section will be considered Confidential Information under this Agreement’s confidentiality section, including (A) the existence of, (B) any information disclosed during, and (C) any oral communications or documents related to the arbitration proceedings.  The parties may also disclose the information described in this Subsection (8) to a competent court as may be necessary to execute any arbitral decision, but the parties must request that those judicial proceedings be conducted in camera (in private). 


    (9) The parties will pay the arbitrators’ fees, the arbitrators’ appointed experts’ fees and expenses, and the arbitration center’s administrative expenses in accordance with the Rules.  In its final decision, the arbitral tribunal will determine the non-prevailing party’s obligation to reimburse the amount paid in advance by the prevailing party for these fees. 


    (10) Each party will bear its own lawyers’ and experts’ fees and expenses, regardless of the arbitral tribunal’s final decision regarding the Dispute. 


  (C) If the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act are otherwise applicable, the parties expressly exclude them from applicability under the Agreement. 


12.19 Translation. If this Agreement is translated into any other language, if there is conflict the English text will take precedence.


Attachment A


Product Supply


This Attachment will apply to the extent that Google orders any Product. To the extent this Attachment and the body of the T&Cs conflict, this Attachment will govern.

此附录将在Google 订购任何产品时适用。如若本附录规定与条款与条件内容有冲突,将以本附录为准。

1. Definitions.


1.1 Defect” or “Defective” means, with respect to a Product, a failure to meet the Product warranties in Sections 8.1 (Product Specifications) and 8.2 (Product Quality) of this Attachment.

“缺陷”“有缺陷的”就产品而言,指不符合本附录第8.1 条(产品规格)和第8.2条(产品质量)中有关产品质保的规定。

1.2 Warranty Period” means the 12-month period starting on the date Google accepts a Product, unless otherwise noted in the Purchase Order.

质保期” 指自Google接受产品之日起12个月的期间,采购订单中另外注明除外。

2. Ordering Product.


2.1 Ordering. Contractor will provide Products at the prices, delivery dates, and delivery locations for Products specified in the Purchase Order. 


2.2 Changes. Google may reschedule Products or change the delivery destination for Products at no cost to Google, except that if requested changes materially increase or decrease the cost to provide Products, the parties will negotiate an appropriate adjustment to their obligations under the Purchase Order. 


3. Product Payment. 


Contractor will invoice Google upon Google’s acceptance of the Products. Correct invoices for Product will include, at a minimum, complete bill-to address, Product part numbers and quantities, description of Products, unit prices, applicable tax or other charges, and extended totals. Google is not required to pay any invoice submitted 180 days or more after a Product is shipped.

产品发票。签约商将在Google接受产品时向Google 开具发票。针对产品开具的正确发票中将至少包括完整的付款方地址、产品部件号和数量、产品说明、单价、适用税费或其它收费以及小计和总计。Google 将不需支付产品装运后180天后提交的任何发票。

4. Product Delivery.


4.1 Product Shipping.


  (A) Delivery Terms; Title Transfer. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, Contractor will deliver Products FCA (Incoterms 2020) to the applicable delivery destination. Title and risk of loss will transfer from Contractor to Google at the delivery destination. 


  (B) Trade Compliance. When Contractor is responsible for exporting or importing Product, Contractor will obtain all authorizations and permits necessary to fulfill all applicable governments’ requirements for Product shipment. 


  (C) Import/Export Information. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will provide Google with any information Google reasonably requests regarding Product importation, exportation, or distribution. 


4.2 Product Packing. Contractor will package Products according to any instructions Google provides in the Purchase Order, and if none are provided, then according to good commercial practice to ensure safe arrival of the Products.


4.3 Advance Delivery. Google may refuse any delivery made more than 5 days before the delivery date and Contractor will re-deliver the Product on the correct date at Contractor’s expense.


4.4 Excess Product. Google may return to Contractor, at Contractor’s expense, any quantity of Product exceeding that specified in the Purchase Order.


4.5 Late Product Delivery


  (A) If a Product shipment (or part of a shipment) is likely to be delayed, Contractor will: (1) promptly notify Google in writing and immediately propose a new delivery date, (2) use best efforts to expedite delayed Product at Contractor’s expense, and (3) issue Google a discount or refund on the purchase price for Product delivered late, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. 

若产品(或部分产品)装运可能延迟,签约商将:(i)立即书面通知 Google并立即拟定新的交付日期;(2)自付费用尽快装运延迟交付的产品;且(3)就延迟交付的产品按该等产品的购买价款向Google提供一定的折扣或退还该等价款,双方另有约定除外。

  (B) In addition to the remedies in Subsection (A), Google may (1) cancel without liability the applicable Purchase Order or portions of the Purchase Order for delayed Product that is not yet delivered, or (2) source replacements for delayed Product from another supplier, at Contractor’s reasonable expense.

除第(A) 条内救济规定外,Google可: (1)取消相关采购订单或针对延迟未交付的产品取消部分采购订单;或 (2)通过向其他供应商采购产品来取代延迟交付的产品,由此产生的合理费用由签约商承担。

5. Inspection; Acceptance; Rejection; Defect Replacement.


5.1 Inspection. Google may inspect Product on delivery. 

检验。Google 可在产品交付时对产品进行检验。

  (A) Acceptance. Any Product not rejected within 30 days of receipt will be deemed accepted by Google. Google’s payment to Contractor for Product will not be treated as acceptance. 


  (B) Rejection. At Google’s option, Google may: (1) return rejected Products, and Contractor will immediately replace returned Products, at Contractor’s expense, including all freight costs; or (2) use the Defective Products and obtain a reduction in price.

拒绝。Google 可选择 (1) 退回被拒绝的产品,签约商应立即更换被退回的产品,相关费用包括所有的运费由签约商承担;或 (2) 使用有残缺的产品,同时获取一定的价格折扣。

5.2 Defect Replacement Procedure


  (A) Remedies. For Product that is discovered Defective during the Warranty Period, Contractor will, at its expense and at Google’s option:

整改。在质保期间被发现有缺陷的产品,在签约商承担费用前提下,Google 可选择:

    (1) replace or repair Defective Product and re-deliver such repaired or replaced Product to Google within a commercially reasonable time frame agreed to by Google,


    (2) refund Google the Product purchase price within 30 days of receiving Google’s notice that a Product is Defective, or


    (3) reimburse Google for the reasonable cost to have the Product repaired within 30 days after receiving Google’s invoice.

由签约商在接到Google发票的30天内付还Google 修理此等有缺陷产品的合理费用。

  (B) Costs. Contractor is responsible for all costs, damages, and liabilities incurred by Google as a result of Defective Product.


  (C) Google Property. All Products undergoing repair will at all times remain Google’s property.

Google 财产。经过修理的所有产品在任何时候都为Google 的财产。

  (D) Warranty. Contractor will warrant replacement Product for the longer of 90 days following Google’s acceptance of the replacement Product or the remainder of the original Product’s Warranty Period.


6. Product License.


6.1 Developed IP. For those portions of a Product that are Developed IP, T&Cs Section 4.3 (Developed IP; Deliverables) will apply.


6.2 Other Products. For those portions of a Product that are not Developed IP, Contractor grants to Google, its Affiliates, distributors, and end users a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty-free license to modify, sell, offer for sale, import, and otherwise use and dispose of the Product, including any bug fixes, updates, or upgrades developed by Contractor for the respective Product.


7. Failure Analysis. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will perform a failure analysis of any returned Product that is suspected to be Defective. Contractor will use reasonable efforts to provide Google with (A) an initial assessment of the Defect’s cause(s) within 1 week of receiving the returned Deliverable; and (B) a final assessment of the Defect’s root cause within 3 weeks of receiving the returned Deliverable.


8. Representations and Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants that:


8.1 Product Specifications. The Products will comply with applicable specifications (in order of ascending precedence): (A) readily made available by Contractor to its customers; (B) identified in the Purchase Order; or (C) as the parties may otherwise agree to in writing. The Products will be of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit for any purpose made known to Contractor.

产品规格。产品须符合适用的产品规格要求(按优先级升序排列)(A) 签约商可随时向其客户提供的产品的规格;(B) 采购订单中规定的规格;或 (C) 双方另行书面同意的规格。产品的质量要令人满意,并在合理程度内适用于签约商已知的任何用途。

8.2 Product Quality. Products will be new, unused, and not refurbished at the time of delivery, and will be safe for any and all normal and foreseeable uses and free from defects in design, materials, and workmanship during the Warranty Period.


8.3 Title. Google will acquire from Contractor good and clear title to Product free and clear of all liens, security interests, claims, and encumbrances.

所有权。Google 将获得对产品的良好、有效的所有权,无任何留置权、担保权益、索赔和产权负担。

8.4 Software. For software provided by Contractor, the software will not damage, interfere with, or permit unauthorized access to any other existing products or systems on which it is installed or any information residing on those products or systems.


8.5 Pass-Through. Contractor will, to the extent it is contractually permitted to do so, provide to Google the benefits of manufacturers’ or suppliers’ warranties and guarantees for material or equipment incorporated into the Products, and will perform its responsibilities so that such warranties or guarantees remain in full effect.


8.6 Conflict Minerals. Contractor will comply with all applicable conflict minerals laws and materials disposal laws. Upon request, Contractor will provide a complete and accurate conflict mineral report detailing the source and chain of custody of conflict minerals (in a format that is at least as comprehensive as the EICC/GeSI reporting template) for each Product.  

冲突矿产。签约商将遵守所有适用的冲突矿产法和材料处理法。一经要求,签约商将针对每个产品提供载有冲突矿产来源与监管链信息的完整而准确的冲突矿产报告(格式至少与EICC/GeSI 报告模板一样详尽)。

9. Additional Defense and Indemnity Terms


9.1 Obligations. The following subsections are added to T&Cs Section 9.1 (Obligations):


  (A) any property damage, personal injury, or death related to use of a Product; or


  (B) any allegation that use, possession, import, distribution, or sale of the Products, alone or in combination with any other product, service, or technology, violates or infringes a third party’s rights, including Intellectual Property Rights.


9.2 Remedies. If an injunction preventing continued use of any Products is threatened or granted, Contractor will do the following at its sole expense: 


  (A) procure the right to continue providing the Products in compliance with the Agreement; 


  (B) modify the Products to make them non-infringing without materially reducing their functionality; or


  (C) replace the Products with a non-infringing, functionally-equivalent alternative.


10. Termination and Survival.  Unless otherwise specified in the termination notice, termination cancels without liability all undelivered Products. Contractor’s obligation to deliver non-cancelled Product and Sections 1, 3 (Product Payment), 5.1(B) (Rejection), 5.2 (Defect Replacement Procedure), 6 (Product License), 8 (Representations and Warranties), 9 (Additional Defense and Indemnity Terms), and 10 (Termination and Survival) of this Attachment will survive any termination of the Agreement.

终止与持续有效。除非在终止通知中另行规定,终止即可在不负任何责任情况下取消所有未交付的产品。而签约商对未取消的产品的义务以及本附录条款1.3(产品支付)、5.1(B) 拒绝、5.2(有缺陷产品的更换程序)、6(产品许可)、8(陈述与保证)、9(额外的抗辩和赔偿条款)以及10 (终止与持续有效)的义务将续存。

11. Governing Law. If the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act are otherwise applicable, the parties expressly exclude them from applicability under the Agreement and agree that T&Cs Section 12.18 (Governing Law) will control.


Attachment B




During the Term and at its own expense, Contractor will maintain the following insurance coverage, with insurance carriers rated A- or better by A.M. Best Company (or equivalent acceptable rating by local regulatory authority): 


1. Standard Coverages. Contractor may use any combination of the following insurance to meet the total limit requirements of this Section.


1.1 Commercial General Liability insurance, including contractual liability coverage, on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, death, “broad form” property damage, products and completed operations, and personal and advertising injury, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence.


1.2 Workers’ Compensation insurance as required by law in the country or region where the Services or Products will be provided, including employer’s liability coverage for injury, disease and death, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per accident and employee. 


1.3 Umbrella (Excess) Liability insurance on an occurrence form, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence.


2. Specific Coverages.


2.1 Auto Liability. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes Personnel driving, then Contractor will additionally maintain auto liability insurance coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage.


2.2 Professional Liability. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes consultative, design, or development services, then Contractor will additionally maintain professional liability insurance, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per claim.


2.3 Commercial Crime. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes access to financial information, funds, payments, or other financial records, then Contractor will additionally maintain commercial crime insurance on an occurrence form with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) annual aggregate.


2.4 Network Security and Privacy Liability. If Contractor will collect, store, process or otherwise access any data related to Google, its customers, or its employees, then Contractor will additionally maintain network security and privacy liability insurance with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 per claim, that includes coverage for: (A) Contractor’s unauthorized disclosure of, or failure to properly handle, personal or other confidential data; and (B) financial loss, including any related defense expense, resulting from Contractor’s wrongful acts in rendering Services or providing Products. If Contractor's professional liability policy includes coverage for network security and privacy liability, then any combined single limit for the policy must be the sum of the limits required for each (i.e., US$2,000,000).


3. Coverage Requirements.


3.1 Primary Coverage. Contractor’s policies will be considered primary without right of contribution from Google’s insurance policies.


3.2 Policy Limits. Contractor’s policies will apply to the full extent provided by the policies. The coverage requirements in Sections 1 (Standard Coverages) and 2 (Specific Coverages) above will not lower the coverage limits of Contractor’s policies, and will not limit Contractor’s obligations or liability under this Agreement (including indemnities). 


3.3 Additional Insured. Contractor will name Google and its Affiliates and their officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and assignees as additional insureds in each of the policies required above except for:


  (A) workers’ compensation, 


  (B) professional liability, and


  (C) network security and privacy liability policies.


3.4 Waiver of Subrogation. Contractor will include a severability of interests and waiver of subrogation clause in favor of Google in each of the policies required above except for: 


  (A) professional liability, and 


  (B) network security and privacy liability policies.


3.5 Cancellation Notice. Contractor will provide Google with notice of cancellation of any policy required above in accordance with policy provisions.


4. Contractor Responsible for Own Insurance Coverage. 


4.1 Contractor’s Activities at Own Risk. All of Contractor’s activities under this Agreement will be at Contractor’s own risk.


4.2 No Benefit of Google Insurance Policies. Personnel will not be entitled to any benefits under Google’s insurance policies. 


4.3 Contractor Responsible for Subcontractor’s Insurance Coverage. Contractor is solely responsible for ensuring that its subcontractors maintain insurance coverage that is usual, reasonable and customary for the services provided by such subcontractors to ensure that Contractor can meet its requirements and obligations under this Agreement.


5. Certificates of Insurance. 


5.1 Evidence of Insurance Coverage. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will provide evidence of required insurance coverage to Google or Google’s third-party vendor. 


5.2 Google Not Obligated to Review Insurance Coverage. Google’s failure to request, review, or object to the terms of Contractor’s certificates of insurance will not: 


  (A) waive any of Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement; 


  (B) waive any of Google’s rights under this Agreement; or 


  (C) limit or diminish Contractor’s liability under this Agreement. 


Attachment C


Background Checks


1. Applicable Categories. To the extent permitted under applicable law, Contractor will complete the background checks required below prior to Personnel performing Services, unless otherwise notified by Google. These background checks are not intended to affect the employment of Personnel by Contractor. They are required only to comply with legal obligations and to protect the safety and security of Google’s personnel, customers, and confidential and personal information.


1.1 Restricted Individuals. Contractor will ensure that Personnel are not restricted from performing Services by an applicable government authority.


1.2 Criminal Court / Social Security Number (or local equivalent). If the Services involve unescorted access to Google’s facilities, remote access to internal Google systems, or access to an individual’s personal property or personal information, Contractor will additionally perform the following checks on Personnel performing such Services:


  (A) Criminal court checks for all countries of residence and work for the prior 7 years (or such period permitted by law); and


  (B) Social Security number (or local equivalent) traces.


1.3 Education and Employment Verification. Contractor will perform education and employment verification for all Personnel that are provisioned with Google systems or badged facility access. 


1.4 Driving History. If the Services involve driving, Contractor will additionally perform driving history checks on Personnel performing such Services.



1.5 Credit. If the Services involve access to Google’s or Google’s users’ financial information, Contractor will additionally perform credit checks on Personnel performing such Services.


1.6 Fingerprint. If the Services involve access to children or vulnerable persons, entering personal residences, or providing medical services, Contractor will additionally perform fingerprint checks on Personnel performing such Services.


1.7 Clinical and Scientific. If the Services involve clinical or scientific activities, Contractor will additionally perform the following (or local equivalent) checks on Personnel performing such Services:


  (A) FDA Debarment List;


  (B) FDA Disqualified/Restricted/Assurance List; 


  (C) PHS Administrative Action Bulletin Board;

PHS 行政行为公告牌;

  (D) List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) Database; and


  (E) FDS Debarment/Disqualification List under the Application Integrity Policy (AIP).

申请诚信政策(AIP)下的FDS 禁止/不合格名单。

2. Proper Notices; Consents. Contractor will provide all required background check notices to, and obtain signed consent from, Personnel.


3. Personnel Eligibility Guidelines.


3.1 Ineligible to Perform Services. Personnel may not perform any Services if a background check reveals the Personnel is restricted from performing the Services under Section 1.1 (Restricted Individuals) of this Attachment and the Personnel is not able to prove error.


3.2 May be Eligible to Perform Services, but Requires Additional Review


  (A) Issues Requiring Additional Review. Contractor must perform additional review to determine if Personnel is eligible to perform Services if a background check reveals any of the following:


    (1) Criminal Conviction. Personnel has any felony or misdemeanor criminal conviction within the last 7 years (or such period permitted by law).


    (2) Misrepresentation. Personnel misrepresents:


      (a) identification numbers (e.g., Social Security number or local equivalent); or 


      (b) any educational or technical qualifications even if not required to perform the Services, including:


        (i) an educational degree not earned; 


        (ii) an educational degree for which there is no record of it being earned; or


        (iii) a different major of study than recorded. 


    (3) Driving History Issues. For driving history checks:


      (a) Personnel’s driver license is currently suspended or revoked; or 


      (b) Personnel has: 


        (i) two or more driving violations in a 3-year period; or


        (ii) two or more convictions in the last 5 years for driving while under the influence or driving while intoxicated. 


    (4) Credit Report Issues. For credit checks, Personnel’s credit report shows:


      (a) one or more items in collections, public records or negative accounts; 


      (b) unpaid collections balance greater than or equal to US$1,000; or


      (c) any pending bankruptcy or fraud case. 


  (B) Contractor to Perform Additional Review. Contractor is responsible for performing any additional review to decide whether Personnel is eligible to perform the Services. 


4. Verification of Background Checks. Upon request, Contractor will provide to Google or its third-party vendor verification that it conducted background checks.

背景调查证明经要求, 签约方将向Google或其第三方供应商提供其已进行背景调查的证明。


Google Indonesia
August 2023 Agustus 2023
Introduction; Applicable Terms.

Pendahuluan; Ketentuan-Ketentuan yang Berlaku.

(A) If the Google entity (“Google”) and the vendor entity (“Contractor”) identified in the Purchase Order have executed a separate written agreement governing the Services, Deliverables, or Products specified in the Purchase Order (“Existing Agreement”), then the Existing Agreement will apply to those Services, Deliverables, or Products.

(A) Jika entitas Google (“Google”) dan entitas vendor (“Kontraktor”) yang disebutkan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian telah menandatangani suatu perjanjian tertulis terpisah yang mengatur Layanan, Hasil Kerja, atau Produk yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian (“Perjanjian yang Ada”), maka Perjanjian yang Ada akan berlaku untuk Layanan, Hasil Kerja, atau Produk tersebut.

(B) Otherwise, the terms and conditions below (“T&Cs”), together with the Purchase Order, form an “Agreement” during the Term between Google and Contractor for the Services, Deliverables, and Products specified in the Purchase Order. If these T&Cs conflict with the Purchase Order, these T&Cs govern. Terms referencing Services, Deliverables, and Products apply only to the extent that such items are ordered in the Purchase Order.

(B) Selain dalam hal sebagaimana diatur dalam Pendahuluan huruf (A), maka syarat dan ketentuan di bawah ini (“S&K”), bersama dengan Pemesanan Pembelian, merupakan suatu “Perjanjian” selama Jangka Waktu antara Google dan Kontraktor untuk Layanan, Hasil Kerja, dan Produk yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian. Jika S&K ini bertentangan dengan Pemesanan Pembelian, S&K ini yang mengatur. Ketentuan-ketentuan yang merujuk kepada Layanan, Hasil Kerja, dan Produk hanya berlaku sejauh bahwa item tersebut dipesan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.

(C) Google objects to any additional or different terms in any Contractor documents, including quotations, acknowledgments, or online terms. Those Contractor terms will be considered material alterations to the Agreement and are void.

(C) Google menolak ketentuan-ketentuan tambahan atau ketentuan-ketentuan yang berbeda dalam dokumen Kontraktor mana pun, termasuk penawaran, pengakuan, atau ketentuan-ketentuan daring. Ketentuan-ketentuan Kontraktor tersebut akan dianggap perubahan yang bersifat material terhadap Perjanjian dan tidak berlaku/batal.

1. Definitions.

1. Definisi.

1.1. “Affiliate” means in relation to a party: (A) any parent company of that party; and (B) any corporate body of which that party directly or indirectly has control or which is directly or indirectly controlled by the same person or group of persons as that party.

1.1. “Afiliasi” berarti berkaitan dengan suatu pihak: (A) perusahaan induk mana pun dari pihak tersebut; dan (B) badan perusahaan mana pun yang dikendalikan oleh pihak tersebut secara langsung atau tidak langsung atau yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung dikendalikan oleh orang atau kelompok orang yang sama dengan pihak tersebut.

1.2. “Background IP means all Intellectual Property owned or licensed by a party (A) before starting the Services or (B) independent of the Agreement.

1.2. “Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang” berarti semua Kekayaan Intelektual yang dimiliki atau dilisensikan oleh suatu pihak (A) sebelum memulai Layanan atau (B) yang terpisah dari Perjanjian.

1.3. “Deliverables” means any work product (including third party materials) provided by Contractor to Google under this Agreement.

1.3. “Hasil Kerja” berarti produk kerja apa pun (termasuk materi pihak ketiga) yang diberikan oleh Kontraktor kepada Google berdasarkan Perjanjian ini.

1.4. “Developed IP” means any Intellectual Property created or discovered by Contractor or Google in connection with this Agreement.

1.4. “Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan” berarti setiap Kekayaan Intelektual yang diciptakan atau ditemukan oleh Kontraktor atau Google sehubungan dengan Perjanjian ini.

1.5. “Inspection Period” means a 30 day period following Google’s receipt of the applicable Services or Deliverables, unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order.

1.5. “Periode Pemeriksaan” berarti periode 30 hari setelah Google menerima Layanan atau Hasil Kerja terkait, kecuali ditentukan lain dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.

1.6. “Intellectual Property means anything protectable by an Intellectual Property Right.

1.6. “Kekayaan Intelektual berarti hal apa pun yang dapat dilindungi oleh Hak Kekayaan Intelektual.

1.7. “Intellectual Property Right(s)” means all registered or unregistered intellectual property rights throughout the world, including rights in patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, designs, databases, domain names, and moral rights.

1.7. “Hak(-Hak) Kekayaan Intelektual berarti semua hak kekayaan intelektual yang terdaftar atau tidak terdaftar di seluruh dunia, termasuk hak paten, hak cipta, merek dagang, rahasia dagang, desain, basis data, nama domain, dan hak moral.

1.8. “Personnel” means Contractor (if an individual) and all employees and agents of Contractor and its subcontractors and their agents.

1.8. “Personel” berarti Kontraktor (jika merupakan perorangan) dan semua karyawan dan perwakilan dari Kontraktor dan subkontraktornya beserta perwakilannya.

1.9. “Product” means any tangible goods or non-customized software offered or provided by Contractor.

1.9. “Produk” berarti barang berwujud atau perangkat lunak non-khusus apa pun yang ditawarkan atau disediakan oleh Kontraktor.

1.10. “Purchase Order” means an ordering document (including any incorporated attachments) for Services, Deliverables, or Products submitted to Contractor by Google.

1.10. Pemesanan Pembelian” berarti suatu dokumen pemesanan (termasuk lampiran apa pun yang dimuat) untuk Layanan, Hasil Kerja, atau Produk yang diserahkan oleh Google kepada Kontraktor.

1.11. “Services” means all services specified or provided under this Agreement.

1.11.“Layanan” berarti semua layanan yang ditentukan atau diberikan berdasarkan Perjanjian ini.

1.12. “Tax(es) means all government-imposed tax obligations (including taxes, duties, and withholdings), except those based on Contractor’s or Personnel’s net income, net worth, asset value, property value, or employment.

1.12. “Pajak” berarti semua kewajiban pajak yang dikenakan oleh pemerintah (termasuk pajak, bea, dan pemotongan), kecuali yang didasarkan pada penghasilan bersih, kekayaan bersih, nilai aset, nilai properti, atau pekerjaan Kontraktor atau Personel.

1.13. “Term” means the term of the Agreement starting on Contractor’s acknowledgement of or commencement of performance under the Purchase Order and ending on Google’s acceptance or final rejection of all Services, Deliverables, and Products, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement.

1.13. “Jangka Waktu” berarti jangka waktu Perjanjian yang dimulai pada saat pengakuan Kontraktor atau dimulainya pelaksanaan berdasarkan Pemesanan Pembelian dan berakhir pada saat penerimaan atau penolakan akhir Google atas semua Layanan, Hasil Kerja, dan Produk, kecuali diakhiri lebih awal sesuai dengan Perjanjian ini.

1.14. “Transfer Law” means (A) applicable law implementing Council Directive 2001/23/EC; and (B) any other laws, directives, regulations and rules implementing provisions to safeguard and transfer employee rights on a change in service provider, in any jurisdiction applicable to Contractor and the Services under this Agreement.

1.14. “Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Transfer” berarti: (A) undang-undang yang berlaku yang menerapkan Council Directive 2001/23/EC; dan (B) peraturan perundang-undangan, arahan, peraturan dan ketentuan pelaksanaan aturan lain apa pun yang melindungi dan mentransfer hak karyawan atas suatu perubahan dalam penyedia layanan, di yurisdiksi mana pun yang berlaku untuk Kontraktor dan Layanan berdasarkan Perjanjian.

1.15. In this Agreement, (A) “include” or “including” means “including but not limited to,” and (B) examples are illustrative and not the sole examples of a particular concept.

1.15. Dalam Perjanjian ini, (A) “mencakup” atau “termasuk” berarti “termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada”, dan (B) contoh bersifat ilustratif dan bukan satu-satunya contoh dari suatu konsep tertentu.

2. Services, Deliverables, and Products.

2. Layanan, Hasil Kerja, dan Produk.


2.1. Persyaratan

(A) Ordering. Contractor will provide Services, Deliverables, and Products as specified in the Purchase Order. (A) Pemesanan. Kontraktor akan menyediakan Layanan, Hasil Kerja, dan Produk sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.
(B) Software Requirements. If Contractor includes any customized software in the Services or Deliverables, then Contractor will develop all such software in compliance with Google-provided software guidelines. (B) Persyaratan Perangkat Lunak. Jika Kontraktor menyertakan perangkat lunak khusus apa pun dalam Layanan atau Hasil Kerja, maka Kontraktor akan mengembangkan semua perangkat lunak tersebut sesuai dengan pedoman perangkat lunak yang diberikan Google.
(C) Product Supply. Attachment A (Product Supply) will apply to the extent that Google orders any Product. (C) Pasokan Produk. Lampiran A (Pasokan Produk) akan berlaku sejauh Google memesan Produk apa pun.
(D) Other Services. The following Attachments (in effect as of the date of the Purchase Order) will apply to the extent that Google orders the applicable Services. For the purposes of the Attachments described below, references to “ISA” will mean “T&Cs” and “SOW” will mean “Purchase Order”: (D) Layanan Lainnya. Lampiran berikut (yang berlaku sejak tanggal  Pemesanan Pembelian) akan berlaku sepanjang Google memesan Layanan yang berlaku. Untuk keperluan Lampiran yang dijelaskan di bawah ini, rujukan kepada “ISA” akan berarti “S&K” dan “SOW” akan berarti “Pemesanan Pembelian”:
(1) Marketing Services. The Marketing Services Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any Marketing Services (as defined in such Attachment), such as any creative design, advertising, marketing, or production Services. (1) Layanan Pemasaran. Lampiran Layanan Pemasaran di akan berlaku sejauh bahwa Kontraktor menyediakan Layanan Pemasaran apa pun (sebagaimana didefinisikan dalam Lampiran tersebut), seperti Layanan desain kreatif, periklanan, pemasaran, atau produksi.
(2) SaaS Services. The Software as a Service Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any software as a service, cloud, or other hosted software Services. (2) Layanan SaaS. Lampiran Perangkat Lunak sebagai Layanan di akan berlaku sejauh bahwa Kontraktor menyediakan perangkat lunak apa pun sebagai suatu layanan, cloud, atau Layanan perangkat lunak yang dihosting lainnya.
(3) Research Services. The Research Services Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any research Services. (3) Layanan Riset. Lampiran Layanan Riset di akan berlaku sejauh Kontraktor menyediakan Layanan riset apa pun.
2.2 Inspection; Acceptance; Rejection. 2.2 Pemeriksaan; Penerimaan; Penolakan.
(A) Inspection. Google may inspect the Services and Deliverables during the Inspection Period. (A) Pemeriksaan. Google dapat memeriksa Layanan dan Hasil Kerja selama Periode Pemeriksaan.
(B) Acceptance. Any Services or Deliverables not rejected within the Inspection Period will be deemed accepted. Acceptance does not reduce any applicable warranties under this Agreement. (B) Penerimaan. Layanan atau Hasil Kerja apa pun yang tidak ditolak dalam Periode Pemeriksaan akan dianggap diterima. Penerimaan tidak mengurangi jaminan apa pun yang berlaku berdasarkan Perjanjian ini.
(C) Rejection; Corrections. During the Inspection Period, Google may reject Services and Deliverables that do not meet this Agreement’s warranties or specifications. Google will provide a written explanation for any rejected Services or Deliverables. If requested by Google during the Inspection Period, Contractor will correct and re-deliver any rejected Services and Deliverables at no cost to Google, under agreed deadlines, and subject to further Inspection Period(s). Otherwise, Google will have no obligation to pay for the rejected Services and Deliverables. (C) Penolakan; Perbaikan. Selama Periode Pemeriksaan, Google dapat menolak Layanan dan Hasil Kerja yang tidak memenuhi jaminan atau spesifikasi Perjanjian ini. Google akan memberikan penjelasan tertulis untuk setiap penolakan Layanan atau Hasil Kerja. Jika diminta oleh Google selama Periode Pemeriksaan, Kontraktor akan memperbaiki dan menyerahkan kembali kepada Google setiap Layanan dan Hasil Kerja yang ditolak tanpa biaya, dalam batas waktu yang disetujui, dan tunduk pada Periode(-Periode) Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut. Jika tidak, Google tidak akan memiliki kewajiban untuk membayar Layanan dan Hasil Kerja yang ditolak tersebut.
2.3 Notice of Delays.
  1. Contractor will promptly notify Google in writing of anything that is likely to cause a delay in the delivery of any Deliverable or a disruption of Services.
2.3 Pemberitahuan Keterlambatan. Kontraktor akan segera memberitahukan Google secara tertulis mengenai hal apa pun yang mungkin akan menyebabkan suatu keterlambatan pengiriman Hasil Kerja apa pun atau gangguan Layanan.
3. Payment. 3.Pembayaran.
3.1 Invoices. 3.1 Tagihan.
(A) Submitting Invoices. Contractor will invoice Google in accordance with the fee(s) specified in the Purchase Order. Contractor will submit itemized invoices to the online portal specified by Google according to the portal’s instructions. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, Contractor will invoice Google monthly in arrears and only for accepted Services and Deliverables. (A) Penyerahan Tagihan. Kontraktor akan menagih Google sesuai dengan biaya(-biaya) yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian. Kontraktor akan menyerahkan tagihan terperinci ke portal online yang ditentukan oleh Google sesuai dengan instruksi portal. Kecuali ditentukan lain dalam Pemesanan Pembelian, Kontraktor akan menagih Google secara bulanan di belakang dan hanya untuk Layanan dan Hasil Kerja yang diterima
(B) Disputing Invoices. Google will only initiate invoice disputes in good faith, and will provide a written description of the disputed amounts. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will issue separate invoices for undisputed and disputed amounts. Payment of any undisputed amounts will not compromise Google’s right to object to the disputed amounts. Disputed amounts will not be due until the dispute is finally resolved, and will then be payable according to Subsection (C) (Paying Invoices). (B) Mempersengketakan Tagihan. Google hanya akan memulai sengketa tagihan dengan iktikad baik, dan akan memberikan suatu penjelasan tertulis mengenai jumlah yang dipersengketakan. Atas permintaan Google, Kontraktor akan menerbitkan tagihan terpisah untuk jumlah yang tidak dipersengketakan dan jumlah yang dipersengketakan. Pembayaran atas setiap jumlah yang tidak dipersengketakan tidak akan mengurangi hak Google untuk menyatakan keberatan atas jumlah yang dipersengketakan. Jumlah yang dipersengketakan tidak akan menjadi jatuh tempo sampai sengketa diselesaikan secara final, dan kemudian akan menjadi wajib dibayarkan sesuai dengan Subpasal (C) (Pembayaran Tagihan).
(C) Paying Invoices. Google will pay Contractor within 60 days after Google receives a correct invoice. Google is not required to pay any invoice submitted more than 180 days after the end of the applicable Inspection Period for the Services or Deliverables. (C) Pembayaran Tagihan. Google akan membayar Kontraktor dalam waktu 60 hari setelah Google menerima tagihan yang benar. Google tidak diwajibkan untuk membayar tagihan apa pun yang diserahkan lebih dari 180 hari setelah akhir Periode Pemeriksaan yang berlaku untuk Layanan atau Hasil Kerja.
3.2 Expenses. 3.2 Pengeluaran.
(A) Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement. Google will reimburse Contractor for expenses up to the amounts specified in the Purchase Order, and only if they are: (A) Pengeluaran yang Memenuhi Syarat untuk Penggantian Biaya. Google akan memberikan penggantian biaya kepada Kontraktor untuk pengeluaran sampai dengan jumlah yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian, dan hanya jika pengeluaran tersebut:
(1) actual, reasonable, and necessary (without mark-ups or commissions); (1) nyata, wajar, dan perlu (tanpa  dinaikkan atau komisi);
(2) approved in advance and in writing by Google; and (2) disetujui sebelumnya dan secara tertulis oleh Google; dan
(3) accompanied by receipts and other documentation that Google may request establishing the type, date, amount, payment, and purpose for such expenses. (3) disertai dengan tanda terima dan dokumentasi lain yang dapat diminta oleh Google untuk menetapkan jenis, tanggal, jumlah, pembayaran, dan tujuan pengeluaran tersebut.
(B) Contractor Responsible for Personnel’s Expenses. Contractor is solely responsible for reimbursing Personnel’s expenses and will do so in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. (B) Kontraktor Bertanggung Jawab atas Pengeluaran Personel. Kontraktor bertanggung jawab penuh untuk memberikan  penggantian biaya atas pengeluaran Personel dan akan melakukannya sesuai dengan semua peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
3.3 Right to Offset Payment. In addition to other rights and remedies Google may have, Google may offset any payment obligations to Contractor that Google may incur under this Agreement against any fees owed to Google and not yet paid by Contractor under this Agreement or any other agreement between Contractor and Google. Google may also withhold and offset against its payment obligations under this Agreement, or require Contractor to pay to Google within 30 days of receipt of Google’s invoice, any amounts Google may have overpaid to Contractor in prior periods. 3.3 Hak untuk Memperjumpakan Utang Pembayaran. Selain hak dan upaya hukum lain yang mungkin dimiliki Google, Google dapat memperjumpakan utang kewajiban pembayaran apa pun kepada Kontraktor yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh Google berdasarkan Perjanjian ini terhadap biaya apa pun yang terutang kepada Google dan belum dibayar oleh Kontraktor berdasarkan Perjanjian ini atau perjanjian lain apa pun antara Kontraktor dan Google. Google juga dapat memotong dan memperjumpakan utang terhadap kewajiban pembayarannya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini, atau meminta Kontraktor untuk membayar kepada Google dalam waktu 30 hari sejak menerima tagihan dari Google, jumlah apa pun yang mungkin telah dibayarkan secara berlebih oleh Google kepada Kontraktor pada periode sebelumnya.
3.4 Taxes. 3.4 Pajak.
(A) Tax Invoicing and Payment. For Services and Products provided from the United States, Canada, or India, Taxes are not included in the fees and will be separately itemized on Contractor's invoices if applicable. Otherwise, Taxes are included in the fees. Google will pay correctly-invoiced Taxes, if applicable, unless Google provides a valid Tax exemption certificate. Google will withhold Taxes if legally required. Any Services or Products provided from India to an entity outside of India are exports that are not subject to Taxes. (A) Penagihan dan Pembayaran Pajak. Untuk Layanan dan Produk yang disediakan dari Amerika Serikat, Kanada, atau India, Pajak tidak termasuk dalam Biaya dan akan dicantumkan secara terpisah pada faktur Kontraktor jika berlaku. Jika tidak, Pajak sudah termasuk dalam biaya. Google akan membayar Pajak yang ditagih dengan benar, jika berlaku, kecuali Google memberikan sertifikat pembebasan Pajak yang valid. Google akan memotong Pajak jika diwajibkan menurut hukum.  Setiap Layanan atau Produk yang disediakan dari India kepada entitas di luar India merupakan ekspor yang tidak dikenakan Pajak.
(B) Tax Documentation. Contractor will timely provide customary tax documentation reasonably requested by Google. (B) Dokumentasi Pajak. Kontraktor akan secara tepat waktu memberikan dokumentasi pajak yang lazim yang diminta secara wajar oleh Google.
3.5 Bank Charges. The party receiving payment will be responsible for bank and credit card charges assessed by its bank or the credit card issuer. 3.5 Biaya Bank. Pihak yang menerima pembayaran akan bertanggung jawab atas biaya bank dan kartu kredit yang ditetapkan oleh banknya atau penerbit kartu kreditnya.
4. Intellectual Property and Deliverables. 4. Kekayaan Intelektual dan Hasil Kerja.
4.1 Background IP. Except for the license rights under Section 5 (Licenses), neither party will own or acquire any right, title, or interest to the other party’s Background IP under this Agreement. 4.1 Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang. Kecuali untuk hak lisensi dalam Pasal 5 (Lisensi), tidak ada pihak yang akan memiliki atau memperoleh hak, hak kepemilikan, atau kepentingan apa pun atas Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang milik pihak lainnya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini.
4.2 Third Party Materials. Contractor will not incorporate any third party’s Intellectual Property or any open source materials into any Deliverable without Google's prior written approval of: (A) such incorporation; and (B) any applicable license terms. 4.2 Materi Pihak Ketiga. Kontraktor tidak akan memasukkan Kekayaan Intelektual pihak ketiga mana pun atau materi sumber terbuka mana pun ke dalam Hasil Kerja apa pun tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari Google mengenai: (A) pemasukkan tersebut; dan (B) ketentuan-ketentuan lisensi apa pun yang berlaku.
4.3 Developed IP; Deliverables. 4.3 Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan; Hasil Kerja.
(A) Title to Deliverables. Title to the Deliverables will transfer to Google upon delivery. (A) Hak Kepemilikan atas Hasil Kerja. Hak Kepemilikan atas Hasil Kerja akan dialihkan kepada Google pada saat penyerahan.
(B) Ownership of Developed IP. Google owns any Developed IP. Contractor assigns all right, title, and interest in the Developed IP, including Intellectual Property Rights, to Google.  Contractor will procure the assignment to Google of all rights in the Developed IP not owned by Contractor. If applicable law prevents future assignments, Contractor will assign (or will procure the assignment of) such rights as they are created. (B) Kepemilikan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan. Google memiliki setiap Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan. Kontraktor mengalihkan semua hak, hak kepemilikan, dan kepentingan dalam Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan, termasuk Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, kepada Google. Kontraktor akan memastikan pengalihan kepada Google atas semua hak dalam Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan yang tidak dimiliki oleh Kontraktor. Jika hukum yang berlaku mencegah pengalihan di masa mendatang, Kontraktor akan mengalihkan (atau akan memastikan pengalihan) hak tersebut pada saat hak tersebut diciptakan.
(C) License to Developed IP if Assignment Fails. If applicable law prevents Contractor from transferring ownership of any Developed IP to Google, Contractor grants to Google a perpetual, irrevocable, exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, transferrable, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to: (C) Lisensi atas Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan jika Pengalihan Gagal. Jika hukum yang berlaku mencegah Kontraktor untuk mentransfer kepemilikan atas Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan apa pun kepada Google, Kontraktor memberikan Google suatu lisensi yang terus menerus, tidak dapat ditarik kembali, eksklusif, bebas-royalti, dibayar-penuh, dapat ditransfer, di seluruh dunia (dengan hak untuk mensublisensikan) untuk:
(1) reproduce, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publish, communicate, publicly display, and otherwise use such Developed IP; and (1) mereproduksi, memodifikasi, mengadaptasi, menyusun pekerjaan turunan, mendistribusikan, mempertunjukkan secara publik, menerbitkan, mengkomunikasikan, menampilkan secara publik, dan menggunakan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan tersebut; dan
(2) make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export any component of, and otherwise dispose of such Developed IP. (2) membuat, menggunakan, menjual, menawarkan untuk dijual, mengimpor, mengekspor komponen apa pun, dan memindahtangankan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan tersebut.
(D) Assistance to Accomplish Assignment. If requested by Google, Contractor will timely perform all acts reasonably necessary to accomplish the assignments and other transactions specified in this Agreement. (D) Bantuan untuk Menyelesaikan Pengalihan. Jika diminta oleh Google, Kontraktor akan melakukan secara tepat waktu semua tindakan yang diperlukan secara wajar untuk menyelesaikan pengalihan dan transaksi lain yang ditentukan dalam Perjanjian ini.
(E) Moral Rights in Deliverables. Contractor will not assert, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, otherwise waives, any moral rights in the Deliverables and Developed IP. Contractor will ensure that Personnel and other third parties who have moral rights in the Deliverables and Developed IP will also not assert, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, will waive, those moral rights. (E) Hak Moral dalam Hasil Kerja. Kontraktor tidak akan menuntut, dan sejauh diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, mengesampingkan, hak moral apa pun dalam Hasil Kerja dan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan. Kontraktor akan memastikan bahwa Personel dan pihak ketiga lainnya yang memiliki hak moral dalam Hasil Kerja dan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan juga tidak akan menuntut, dan sejauh diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, akan mengesampingkan, hak moral tersebut.
5. Licenses. 5. Lisensi.
5.1 Google Background IP and Developed IP. If Google permits Contractor to use any of Google’s Background IP or the Developed IP to provide Google with the Services or Deliverables, then subject to this Agreement, Google grants to Contractor a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense to its delegates and subcontractors authorized by Google under Section 12.8 (Subcontracting)) to do the following, during the Term, solely for the purpose of, and only to the extent needed for, performing the Services and providing the Deliverables: 5.1 Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang dan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan dari Google. Jika Google mengizinkan Kontraktor untuk menggunakan setiap dari Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang atau Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan milik Google untuk memberikan Layanan atau Hasil Kerja kepada Google, maka dengan tunduk pada Perjanjian ini, Google memberikan Kontraktor suatu lisensi terbatas, non-eksklusif, tidak dapat ditransfer, bebas-royalti, dibayar-penuh, di seluruh dunia (dengan hak untuk mensublisensikan kepada delegasi dan subkontraktornya yang diberi wewenang oleh Google berdasarkan Pasal 12.8 (Subkontrak)) untuk melakukan hal berikut ini, selama Jangka Waktu, semata-mata untuk tujuan, dan hanya sejauh yang diperlukan untuk, melaksanakan Layanan dan memberikan Hasil Kerja.
(A) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use such Background IP and Developed IP; (A) mereproduksi, menyusun pekerjaan turunan, mendistribusikan, mempertunjukkan secara publik, menampilkan secara publik, dan menggunakan Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang dan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan tersebut;
(B) make, use, and import such Background IP and Developed IP; and (B) membuat, menggunakan, dan mengimpor Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang dan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan tersebut; dan
(C) use brand features provided by Google under this Agreement, subject to the Google Brand Features Guidelines at, and any restrictions specified in the Purchase Order or by the Purchase Order’s specified Google point of contact. (C) menggunakan fitur merek yang diberikan oleh Google berdasarkan Perjanjian ini, dengan tunduk pada Pedoman Fitur Merek Google di, dan batasan apa pun yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian atau oleh narahubung Google yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.
5.2 Contractor Background IP. If Contractor’s Background IP is incorporated in, or is necessary to use, any Deliverable: 5.2 Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang dari Kontraktor. Jika Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang milik Kontraktor dimasukkan dalam, atau diperlukan untuk menggunakan, Hasil Kerja apa pun:
(A) Subject to Section 4.2 (Third Party Materials), Contractor will describe its Background IP in writing if requested by Google; and (A) Dengan tunduk pada Pasal 4.2 (Materi Pihak Ketiga), Kontraktor akan menjelaskan Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang miliknya secara tertulis jika diminta oleh Google; dan
(B) Contractor grants to Google and its Affiliates a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to do the following: (B) Kontraktor memberikan kepada Google dan Para Afiliasinya suatu lisensi yang terus menerus, tidak dapat ditarik kembali, non-eksklusif, bebas-royalti, dibayar-penuh, di seluruh dunia (dengan hak untuk mensublisensikan) untuk melakukan hal berikut ini:
(1) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, modify, publish, adapt, communicate, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use such Background IP in connection with the Deliverables and Developed IP; and (1) mereproduksi, menyusun pekerjaan turunan, memodifikasi, mempublikasikan, mengadaptasi, mengomunikasikan, mendistribusikan, mempertunjukkan secara publik, menampilkan secara publik, dan menggunakan Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang tersebut sehubungan dengan Hasil Kerja dan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan; dan
(2) make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export any component of, and otherwise dispose of such Background IP in connection with the Deliverables and Developed IP. (2) membuat, menggunakan, menjual, menawarkan untuk dijual, mengimpor, mengekspor komponen apa pun dari, dan memindahtangankan Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang tersebut sehubungan dengan Hasil Kerja dan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan.
6. Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security. 6. Kerahasiaan; Publisitas; Privasi dan Keamanan.
6.1 Definition. “Confidential Information” means information that one party (or an Affiliate) discloses to the other party under this Agreement, and that is marked as confidential or would normally be considered confidential information under the circumstances. It does not include information that is independently developed by the recipient, is rightfully given to the recipient by a third party without confidentiality obligations, or becomes public through no fault of the recipient. Each party’s Background IP is its Confidential Information. The Developed IP and Deliverables are Google’s Confidential Information. 6.1 Definisi. “Informasi Rahasia” berarti informasi yang diungkapkan oleh satu pihak (atau suatu Afiliasi) kepada pihak lainnya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini, dan yang ditandai sebagai rahasia atau biasanya dianggap sebagai informasi rahasia dalam keadaan tersebut. Informasi Rahasia tidak termasuk informasi yang dikembangkan secara mandiri oleh penerima, diberikan secara sah kepada penerima oleh pihak ketiga tanpa kewajiban kerahasiaan, atau menjadi milik publik bukan karena kesalahan penerima. Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang milik setiap pihak adalah Informasi Rahasianya. Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan dan Hasil Kerja adalah Informasi Rahasia Google.
6.2 Confidentiality Obligations. The recipient will not disclose the discloser’s Confidential Information, except to employees, Affiliates, agents, professional advisors, or third-party contractors (“Delegates”) who need to know it and who have a legal obligation to keep it confidential. The recipient will use the Confidential Information only to exercise rights and fulfill obligations under this Agreement while using reasonable care to protect the Confidential Information. The recipient may disclose Confidential Information when legally compelled by a court or other government authority. To the extent permitted by law, recipient will promptly provide the discloser with sufficient notice of all available details of the legal requirement and reasonably cooperate with the discloser’s efforts to challenge the disclosure, seek an appropriate protective order, or pursue such other legal action, as the discloser may deem appropriate. The recipient will ensure that its Delegates are also subject to the same non-disclosure and use obligations. 6.2 Kewajiban Kerahasiaan. Penerima tidak akan mengungkapkan Informasi Rahasia pengungkap, kecuali kepada karyawan, Para Afiliasi, perwakilan, penasihat profesional, atau kontraktor pihak ketiga (“Para Delegasi”) yang perlu untuk mengetahuinya dan yang memiliki suatu kewajiban hukum untuk tetap menjaga kerahasiaannya. Penerima akan menggunakan Informasi Rahasia hanya untuk menggunakan hak dan memenuhi kewajiban berdasarkan Perjanjian ini dengan menggunakan tingkat kehati-hatian yang wajar untuk melindungi Informasi Rahasia. Penerima dapat mengungkapkan Informasi Rahasia ketika diwajibkan berdasarkan hukum oleh pengadilan atau otoritas pemerintah lainnya. Sejauh diizinkan oleh hukum, penerima akan segera memberikan kepada pengungkap pemberitahuan yang memadai tentang semua rincian yang tersedia dari kewajiban hukum dan bekerja sama secara wajar dengan upaya dari pengungkap untuk menentang pengungkapan tersebut, meminta suatu perintah perlindungan yang tepat, atau melakukan tindakan hukum lain, sebagaimana dapat dianggap tepat oleh pengungkap. Penerima akan memastikan bahwa Para Delegasinya juga tunduk pada kewajiban kerahasiaan dan penggunaan yang sama.
6.3 No Rights. Except for the limited rights under this Agreement, neither party acquires any right, title, or interest in the other party's Confidential Information. 6.3 Tidak ada Hak. Kecuali untuk hak terbatas berdasarkan Perjanjian ini, tidak ada pihak yang memperoleh hak, hak kepemilikan, atau kepentingan apa pun dalam Informasi Rahasia pihak lainnya.
6.4 Independent Development. Each party acknowledges that the recipient may develop or receive from third parties Intellectual Property that may be similar to the discloser’s Confidential Information. This Agreement does not prevent the recipient from developing or purchasing products or services, for itself or others, that compete with those of the discloser, so long as the recipient does not do so in breach of this Agreement. Each party is free to use for any purpose any Residuals acquired by that party if that use does not breach the non-disclosure requirements of this Agreement. “Residuals” means information in intangible form that an individual retains in unaided memory without intentionally memorizing that information. 6.4 Pengembangan Mandiri. Setiap pihak mengakui bahwa penerima dapat mengembangkan atau menerima dari pihak ketiga Kekayaan Intelektual yang mungkin serupa dengan Informasi Rahasia milik pengungkap. Perjanjian ini tidak melarang penerima untuk mengembangkan atau membeli produk atau layanan, untuk dirinya sendiri atau untuk pihak lain yang bersaing dengan produk atau layanan pengungkap, sepanjang penerima tidak melakukan hal tersebut dengan cara yang melanggar Perjanjian ini. Masing-masing pihak bebas menggunakan untuk tujuan apa pun Residual apa pun yang diperoleh oleh pihak tersebut jika penggunaan tersebut tidak melanggar persyaratan kerahasiaan dari Perjanjian ini. “Residual” berarti informasi dalam bentuk tidak berwujud yang disimpan oleh seseorang dalam ingatan tanpa bantuan tanpa dengan sengaja mengingat informasi tersebut.
6.5 No Publicity. Neither party may make any public statement regarding this Agreement without the other’s written approval. 6.5 Tidak ada Publisitas. Tidak ada pihak yang boleh membuat pernyataan publik apa pun mengenai Perjanjian ini tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari pihak lainnya
6.6 Privacy and Security. Each party will comply with the Information Protection Addendum at in effect as of the Purchase Order date, as applicable. 6.6 Privasi dan Keamanan. Masing-masing pihak akan mematuhi Tambahan Perlindungan Informasi di, yang berlaku sejak tanggal Pesanan Pembelian, sebagaimana berlaku.
7. Independent Contractor; Personnel. 7. Kontraktor Mandiri; Personel.
7.1 Not Employees. Contractor is an independent contractor. Contractor and Personnel are not Google employees. Contractor is responsible for: 7.1 Bukan Karyawan. Kontraktor adalah seorang kontraktor mandiri. Kontraktor dan Personel bukan merupakan karyawan Google. Kontraktor bertanggung jawab atas:
(A) Personnel’s acts and omissions; (A) tindakan dan kealpaan dari Personel;
(B) staffing, instructing, and managing Personnel performing Services; (B) susunan kepegawaian, pemberian instruksi, dan pengelolaan Personel yang melakukan Layanan;
(C) providing all equipment necessary for Personnel to perform Services, except where otherwise provided by Google at its discretion, including for security purposes; and (C) penyediaan semua peralatan yang diperlukan bagi Personel untuk melakukan Layanan, kecuali apabila disediakan oleh Google atas kebijaksanannya sendiri, termasuk untuk tujuan keamanan; dan
(D) determining Personnel’s compensation (i.e., any stated rates for Services provided are not wage rates). (D) penentuan kompensasi Personel (yaitu, tarif apa pun yang dinyatakan untuk Layanan yang diberikan bukan merupakan tarif upah).
7.2 No Employee Compensation or Benefits. Contractor and Personnel (A) will not be entitled to any wages, bonus, allowance, severance payment, compensation, stock, options, or other rights or benefits provided to Google employees; (B) waive any right to them; and (C) promise never to claim them. Contractor will notify Personnel in writing of the above and will obtain a similar waiver from Personnel. 7.2 Tidak ada Kompensasi atau Manfaat Karyawan. Kontraktor dan Personel (A) tidak akan berhak atas upah, bonus, tunjangan, pembayaran pesangon, kompensasi, saham (stock), opsi, atau hak atau manfaat lain apa pun yang diberikan kepada karyawan Google; (B) mengesampingkan hak apa pun untuk itu; dan (c) berjanji untuk tidak pernah mengklaimnya. Kontraktor akan memberitahukan Personel secara tertulis mengenai hal di atas dan akan memperoleh suatu pengesampingan serupa dari Personel.
7.3 Income Tax Withholding for Personnel. Contractor is responsible for any income tax withholding applicable to Personnel. 7.3 Pemotongan Pajak Penghasilan untuk Personel. Kontraktor bertanggung jawab atas pemotongan pajak penghasilan apa pun yang berlaku untuk Personel.
7.4 Termination of Personnel. Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with terminating Personnel, including: 7.4 Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Personel. Kontraktor bertanggung jawab atas semua biaya yang terkait dengan pemutusan hubungan kerja Personel, termasuk:
(A) costs arising under applicable law; (A) biaya yang timbul berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku;
(B) costs arising under an agreement between Contractor and Personnel; and (B) biaya yang timbul berdasarkan suatu perjanjian antara Kontraktor dan Personel; dan
(C) costs incurred by Google as a result of such termination. (C) biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh Google sebagai suatu akibat dari pemutusan hubungan kerja tersebut.
7.5 No Transfer of Employment. Google and Contractor intend that the Transfer Law will not apply to Services or this Agreement. 7.5 Tidak Ada Transfer Ketenagakerjaan. Google dan Kontraktor bermaksud agar Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Transfer tidak akan berlaku untuk Layanan atau Perjanjian ini.
8. Representations and Warranties. 8. Pernyataan dan Jaminan.
8.1 Mutual. Each party represents and warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into and fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. 8.1 Timbal Balik. Masing-masing pihak menyatakan dan menjamin bahwa pihaknya memiliki kuasa dan wewenang penuh untuk mengadakan dan memenuhi kewajibannya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini.
8.2 Contractor. Contractor represents and warrants that: 8.2 Kontraktor. Kontraktor menyatakan dan menjamin bahwa:
(A) Quality. Contractor’s performance under this Agreement will be of professional quality and performed with reasonable skill and care consistent with generally-accepted industry standards. All Personnel performing Services have the requisite skills, experience, and qualifications. (A) Kualitas. Kinerja Kontraktor berdasarkan Perjanjian ini akan memiliki kualitas profesional dan dilakukan dengan keterampilan dan kehati-hatian yang wajar sesuai dengan standar industri yang diterima secara umum. Semua Personel yang melakukan Layanan memiliki keterampilan, pengalaman, dan kualifikasi yang diperlukan.
(B) Specifications and Requirements. The Services and Deliverables will meet this Agreement’s specifications and requirements. (B) Spesifikasi dan Persyaratan. Layanan dan Hasil Kerja akan memenuhi spesifikasi dan persyaratan Perjanjian ini.
(C) Viruses and Malicious Code. The Deliverables will be free from any viruses or other malicious code. (C) Virus dan Kode Berbahaya. Hasil Kerja akan bebas dari virus atau kode berbahaya lain apa pun.
(D) No Conflicts. There are no actual or potential conflicts of interest concerning the Services. (D)  Tidak ada Konflik. Tidak ada benturan kepentingan yang nyata atau  mungkin akan terjadi terkait Layanan.
(E) License Rights. Contractor has and will retain all necessary rights to grant the licenses in this Agreement and provide the Services and Deliverables to Google, at no greater cost to Google than specified in the Purchase Order. (E) Hak Lisensi. Kontraktor memiliki dan akan mempertahankan semua hak yang diperlukan untuk memberikan lisensi dalam Perjanjian ini, dan memberikan Layanan dan Hasil Kerja kepada Google, tanpa biaya yang lebih besar untuk Google dari yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.
(F) No Breach of Third-Party Obligations. Contractor and Personnel’s fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement will not breach any obligations they have to any third party. (F) Tidak ada Pelanggaran terhadap Kewajiban Pihak Ketiga. Pemenuhan dari Kontraktor dan Personel atas kewajiban mereka berdasarkan Perjanjian ini tidak akan melanggar kewajiban apa pun yang dimiliki oleh mereka kepada pihak ketiga mana pun.
(G) No Use of Third-Party Confidential Information. In performing the Services, Contractor will not use or bring to Google any third party’s confidential or proprietary information unless Contractor obtains the third party’s and Google’s prior written consent. (G) Tidak Menggunakan Informasi Rahasia Pihak Ketiga. Dalam melakukan Layanan, Kontraktor tidak akan menggunakan atau memberikan kepada Google informasi rahasia atau informasi hak milik pihak ketiga mana pun kecuali Kontraktor memperoleh persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari pihak ketiga tersebut dan dari Google.
(H) Compliance with Google’s Procedures, Policies, and Code of Conduct. Contractor and Personnel will comply with: (H) Kepatuhan terhadap Prosedur, Kebijakan, dan Kode Perilaku Google. Kontraktor dan Personel akan mematuhi:
(1) all procedures and policies provided by Google (including Google's environmental, health, safety, and security procedures) and related management systems, when performing Services at Google facilities or using Google-provided networks, systems, or equipment; (1) semua prosedur dan kebijakan yang diberikan oleh Google (termasuk prosedur lingkungan, kesehatan, keselamatan, dan keamanan Google) serta sistem manajemen terkait, ketika melakukan Layanan di fasilitas Google atau ketika menggunakan jaringan, sistem, atau peralatan yang diberikan Google;
(2) the wage and benefits requirements at  suppliers/answer/10208902 with respect to all Personnel that meet the eligibility requirements described at such URL; and (2) persyaratan upah dan tunjangan yang terdapat di suppliers/answer/10208902 berkenaan dengan semua Personel yang memenuhi persyaratan kelayakan yang dijelaskan di LSS tersebut; dan
(3) Google’s Supplier Code of Conduct at (3) Kode Perilaku Pemasok Google di
(I) Compliance with Laws. In connection with this Agreement, Contractor and Personnel will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, which may include those identified below. Contractor will use commercially reasonable and good faith efforts to comply with Google’s due diligence process, including providing requested information. (I) Kepatuhan terhadap Hukum. Sehubungan dengan Perjanjian ini, Kontraktor dan Personel akan mematuhi semua peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yang dapat termasuk peraturan perundang-undangan yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini. Kontraktor akan melakukan upaya yang wajar secara komersial dan dengan iktikad baik untuk mematuhi proses uji tuntas Google, termasuk memberikan informasi yang diminta.
(1) Import and Export. Contractor will comply with all applicable import and export laws and trade sanction regulations. (1) Impor dan Ekspor. Kontraktor akan mematuhi semua undang-undang impor dan ekspor dan peraturan sanksi perdagangan yang berlaku.
(2) Anti-Bribery. Contractor will comply with all applicable campaign finance and gift laws and anti-bribery laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and the UK Bribery Act of 2010, which prohibit corrupt direct or indirect offers of anything of value to anyone (including government officials) to obtain or keep business or to secure any other improper commercial advantage. Contractor will not: (i) make any facilitation payments to induce government officials to perform otherwise required functions; or (ii) directly or indirectly, pay, offer, or agree to give any campaign contributions or gifts to government officials in connection with the Services. “Government officials” include any government employee; candidate for public office; and employee of government-owned or government-controlled companies, public international organizations, and political parties. (2) Anti-Suap. Kontraktor akan mematuhi semua undang-undang pembiayaan kampanye dan hadiah dan anti-suap yang berlaku, termasuk the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act tahun 1977 dan the UK Bribery Act tahun 2010, yang melarang tawaran korupsi hal apa pun yang bernilai, baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung, kepada siapa pun (termasuk pejabat pemerintah) untuk memperoleh atau mempertahankan usaha atau untuk memperoleh keuntungan komersial yang tidak patut lainnya. Kontraktor tidak akan: (i) melakukan pembayaran fasilitasi apa pun untuk membujuk pejabat pemerintah untuk melakukan fungsi yang diwajibkan; atau (ii) membayar, menawarkan, atau setuju untuk memberikan kontribusi kampanye atau hadiah, secara langsung atau tidak langsung, kepada pejabat pemerintah sehubungan dengan Layanan. “Pejabat Pemerintah” termasuk karyawan pemerintah; calon untuk jabatan publik; dan karyawan perusahaan milik-pemerintah atau perusahaan yang dikendalikan-pemerintah, organisasi internasional publik, dan partai politik.
(3) Employment; Occupational Health and Safety; Right to Work. Unless otherwise expressly permitted in the Purchase Order, Contractor will use only employed and directly paid employees (W-2 employees in the United States, or the local equivalent under applicable law) to provide Services (including any subcontracted Services). Contractor will comply with all applicable employment and occupational health and safety laws and regulations, including those related to employment practices, wages, and worker classification (such as meal and rest break laws, wage notices, separation pay, and overtime laws) in relation to Personnel. Where Personnel are foreign nationals in the territory, Contractor shall ensure they have a valid work permit before assigning them to the Services. Contractor will also ensure all Personnel involved in the Services maintain a valid work permit throughout the Term. (3) Ketenagakerjaan; Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja; Hak untuk Bekerja. Kecuali diizinkan lain secara tegas dalam suatu Pemesanan Pembelian, Kontraktor hanya akan menggunakan karyawan yang dipekerjakan dan karyawan yang dibayar langsung (karyawan W-2 di Amerika Serikat, atau karyawan lokal yang setara berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku) untuk memberikan Layanan (termasuk Layanan sub-kontrak apa pun). Kontraktor akan mematuhi semua peraturan perundang-undangan ketenagakerjaan dan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang berlaku, termasuk yang berkaitan dengan praktik ketenagakerjaan, upah, dan klasifikasi pekerja (seperti undang-undang makan dan istirahat, undang-undang pemberitahuan upah, pesangon, dan lembur) dalam kaitannya dengan Personel. Apabila Personel adalah warga negara asing di wilayah, Kontraktor akan memastikan bahwa mereka memiliki izin kerja yang sah sebelum menugaskan mereka ke Layanan. Kontraktor juga akan memastikan semua Personel yang terlibat dalam Layanan memiliki izin kerja yang sah selama Jangka Waktu.
(4) Tax. Contractor will comply with all applicable tax laws as to Personnel and the Services. (4) Pajak. Kontraktor akan mematuhi semua undang-undang pajak yang berlaku untuk Personel dan Layanan.
(5) Modern Slavery. Contractor will comply with all applicable anti-human trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery laws and rules. Contractor will take reasonable steps to ensure that no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, or human trafficking occurs in its provision of Services or supply chain. (5) Perbudakan Modern. Kontraktor akan mematuhi semua undang-undang dan aturan anti-perdagangan manusia, tenaga kerja paksa, dan perbudakan modern. Kontraktor akan mengambil langkah yang wajar untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada perbudakan, kerja paksa, tenaga kerja paksa atau wajib, atau perdagangan manusia yang terjadi dalam penyediaan Layanan olehnya atau dalam rantai pasokan.
(6) Equal Employment Opportunities. Contractor is an equal-opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other basis that is prohibited by law. (6) Peluang Kerja yang Sama. Kontraktor adalah pemberi kerja yang memberikan peluang yang sama dan tidak membedakan berdasarkan usia, ras, kepercayaan, warna kulit, agama, jenis kelamin, orientasi seksual, identitas gender, asal kebangsaan, disabilitas, status perkawinan atau veteran, atau dasar lain apa pun yang dilarang oleh hukum.
(7) Lobby Disclosures and Ethics. Contractor will comply with the lobby disclosure and ethics requirements at to the extent the Services include government relations or lobbying activities. (7) Pengungkapan dan Etika Lobi. Kontraktor akan mematuhi persyaratan pengungkapan dan etika lobi yang terdapat di sejauh Layanan mencakup hubungan pemerintah atau kegiatan lobi.
(8) UK Living Wage. Contractor will comply with the UK Living Wage Attachment at for any Services performed in the United Kingdom. (8) Upah Hidup Layak di Inggris. Kontraktor akan mematuhi Lampiran Upah Layak Inggris di untuk setiap Layanan yang dilakukan di Inggris.
(J) Licenses and Certifications. Contractor has obtained and will maintain throughout the term of this Agreement all business registration certificates, investment certificates, authorizations, permits and licenses as required by applicable law, to provide the Services to Google. (J) Lisensi dan Sertifikasi. Kontraktor telah memperoleh dan akan mempertahankan selama jangka waktu Perjanjian ini semua sertifikat pendaftaran usaha, sertifikat investasi, otorisasi, izin, dan lisensi sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, untuk menyediakan Layanan kepada Google.
9. Defense and Indemnity. 9. Pembelaan dan Tanggung Gugat.
9.1 Obligations. Contractor will defend and indemnify Google, its Affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, and employees against all settlement amounts approved by Contractor and any liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses in connection with any third-party claim or legal proceeding (including action by a government authority) to the extent arising from: 9.1 Kewajiban. Kontraktor akan membela dan menanggung gugat Google, Afiliasinya, dan direktur, pejabat, dan karyawan mereka masing-masing terhadap semua jumlah penyelesaian yang disetujui oleh Kontraktor dan tanggung jawab hukum, ganti rugi, kerugian, biaya, imbal jasa apa pun (termasuk biaya hukum), dan pengeluaran sehubungan dengan klaim pihak ketiga mana pun atau proses hukum apa pun (termasuk tindakan oleh otoritas pemerintah) sejauh timbul dari:
(A) Contractor’s breach of warranty, negligence, willful misconduct, fraud, misrepresentation, or violation of applicable laws; (A) pelanggaran terhadap jaminan, kelalaian, kesalahan yang disengaja, penipuan, pernyataan yang keliru, atau pelanggaran terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku oleh Kontraktor;
(B) any property damage, personal injury, or death related to Contractor’s performance of the Services; (B) kerusakan properti, cedera pribadi, atau kematian yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan Layanan oleh Kontraktor;
(C) Contractor’s breach of Section 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security) or applicable data protection laws; (C) pelanggaran oleh Kontraktor terhadap Pasal 6 (Kerahasiaan; Publisitas; Privasi dan Keamanan) atau undang-undang perlindungan data yang berlaku;
(D) any allegation by or on behalf of Personnel, including that Personnel are entitled to employee compensation, benefits, Transfer Law, or other rights or that is premised on Google or its Affiliates jointly or otherwise employing Personnel; or (D) dalil apa pun oleh atau atas nama Personel, termasuk bahwa Personel berhak atas kompensasi, tunjangan karyawan, Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Transfer, atau hak lain atau yang ditetapkan Google atau Para Afiliasinya secara bersama-sama atau mempekerjakan Personel; atau
(E) any allegation that use of the Services or Deliverables infringes or misappropriates any third party’s rights, including Intellectual Property Rights (E) dalil apa pun bahwa penggunaan Layanan atau Hasil Kerja melanggar atau menyalahi hak pihak ketiga mana pun, termasuk Hak Kekayaan Intelektual.
9.2 Exclusions. This Section 9 (Defense and Indemnity) will not apply to the extent the underlying allegation arises from: 9.2 Pengecualian. Pasal 9 (Pembelaan dan Tanggung Gugat) ini tidak akan berlaku sejauh dalil yang mendasari timbul dari:
(A) modifications to the Services or Deliverables not authorized or made by Contractor; or (A) perubahan pada Layanan atau Hasil Kerja yang tidak sah atau dibuat oleh Kontraktor; atau
(B) compliance with designs or instructions provided by Google in writing. (B) kepatuhan terhadap desain atau instruksi yang diberikan oleh Google secara tertulis.
9.3 Control of Defense. Google will tender sole control of the indemnified portion of the legal proceeding to Contractor, but 9.3 Kendali Pembelaan. Google akan memberikan kendali tunggal atas bagian yang ditanggung gugat dari proses hukum kepada Kontraktor, tetapi
(A) Google has the right to approve controlling counsel, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld (and which approval may be withheld or withdrawn if there is a conflict of interest); (A) Google memiliki hak untuk menyetujui penasihat yang mengendalikan, persetujuan tersebut tidak akan ditahan secara tidak wajar (dan persetujuan tersebut dapat ditahan atau ditarik jika terdapat suatu benturan kepentingan);
(B) Google may appoint its own non-controlling counsel; and (B) Google dapat menunjuk penasihat non-pengendalinya sendiri; dan
(C) any settlement requiring Google to admit liability, pay money, or take (or refrain from taking) any action, will require Google’s prior written consent. (C) penyelesaian apa pun yang mensyaratkan Google untuk mengakui tanggung jawab hukum, membayar uang, atau mengambil (atau menahan diri untuk mengambil) tindakan apa pun, akan memerlukan persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari Google.
10. Limitations of Liability. 10. Pembatasan Tanggung Jawab Hukum.
(1) US$1,000,000; OR (1) US$1.000.000; ATAU
11. Termination. 11. Pengakhiran.
11.1 Termination for Breach. Either party may immediately terminate this Agreement on written notice if: 11.1 Pengakhiran karena Pelanggaran. Setiap pihak dapat segera mengakhiri Perjanjian ini dengan pemberitahuan tertulis jika:
(A) the other party breaches Section 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security), Section 8 (Representations and Warranties), or Section 12.1 (Insurance); or (A) pihak lainnya melanggar Pasal 6 (Kerahasiaan; Publisitas; Privasi dan Keamanan), Pasal 8 (Pernyataan dan Jaminan), atau Pasal 12.1 (Asuransi); atau
(B) the other party is in material breach of this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within 30 days after receiving written notice from the first party identifying the breach. (B) pihak lainnya melakukan pelanggaran yang bersifat material terhadap Perjanjian ini dan gagal untuk memperbaiki pelanggaran tersebut dalam waktu 30 hari setelah menerima pemberitahuan tertulis dari pihak pertama yang mengidentifikasi pelanggaran tersebut.
11.2 Termination for Legal Cause. Either party may immediately suspend performance or terminate this Agreement if an applicable law or an applicable government or court order prohibits such performance. 11.2 Pengakhiran karena Sebab Hukum. Setiap pihak dapat segera menangguhkan pelaksanaan atau mengakhiri Perjanjian ini jika hukum yang berlaku atau suatu perintah pemerintah atau pengadilan yang berlaku melarang pelaksanaan tersebut.
11.3 Termination for Convenience. Google may terminate this Agreement for convenience on written notice to Contractor, subject to Section 11.4(B) (Effects on Invoices). 11.3 Pengakhiran Tanpa Sebab. Google dapat mengakhiri Perjanjian tanpa sebab dengan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada Kontraktor, dengan tunduk pada Pasal 11.4(B) (Akibat pada Tagihan).
11.4 Effects of Termination. 11.4 Akibat Pengakhiran.
(A) Effects on Purchase Order. Unless otherwise specified in the termination notice, termination is effective immediately and Contractor will stop work immediately on receipt of the termination notice. Contractor will immediately deliver all Deliverables (including work product in progress) to Google in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement terminates all licenses that Google granted under the Agreement, including Section 5.1 (Google Background IP and Developed IP). (A) Akibat pada Pemesanan Pembelian. Kecuali ditentukan lain dalam pemberitahuan pengakhiran, pengakhiran segera berlaku dan Kontraktor akan segera berhenti bekerja pada saat menerima pemberitahuan pengakhiran. Kontraktor akan segera mengirimkan semua Hasil Kerja (termasuk produk pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan) kepada Google sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan dari Perjanjian ini. Pengakhiran Perjanjian ini mengakhiri semua lisensi yang diberikan oleh Google berdasarkan Perjanjian, termasuk Pasal 5.1 (Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang dan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan dari Google).
(B) Effects on Invoices. Google will pay for accepted Services and Deliverables invoiced before the date of termination. However, if Google terminates for convenience, Contractor may also invoice Google for any Services and Deliverables not yet invoiced at a pro-rated price based on the percentage of work completed before the termination date. ( B) Akibat pada Tagihan. Google akan membayar Layanan dan Hasil Kerja yang diterima yang ditagih sebelum tanggal pengakhiran. Akan tetapi, jika Google mengakhiri tanpa sebab, Kontraktor juga dapat menagih Google untuk Layanan dan Hasil Kerja apa pun yang belum ditagih dengan harga pro-rata berdasarkan pada persentase pekerjaan yang diselesaikan sebelum tanggal pengakhiran.
(C) Survival. Sections 1 (Definitions), 3 (Payment), 4 (Intellectual Property and Deliverables), 5.2 (Contractor Background IP), 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security), 7 (Independent Contractor; Personnel), 8 (Representations and Warranties), 9 (Defense and Indemnity), 10 (Limitations of Liability), 11.4 (Effects of Termination), and 12 (General) will survive any termination of this Agreement. (C) Keberlangsungan. Pasal 1 (Definisi), Pasal 3 (Pembayaran), Pasal 4 (Kekayaan Intelektual dan Hasil Kerja), Pasal 5.2 (Kekayaan Intelektual di Latar Belakang dari Kontraktor), Pasal 6 (Kerahasiaan; Publisitas; Privasi dan Keamanan), Pasal 7 (Kontraktor Mandiri; Personel), Pasal 8 (Pernyataan dan Jaminan), Pasal 9 (Pembelaan dan Tanggung Gugat), Pasal 10 (Pembatasan Tanggung Jawab Hukum), Pasal 11.4 (Akibat Pengakhiran), dan Pasal 12 (Umum) akan terus berlaku setelah pengakhiran Perjanjian ini.
12. General. 12. Umum.
12.1 Insurance. Contractor will maintain insurance policies in accordance with Attachment B (Insurance). 12.1 Asuransi. Kontraktor akan mempertahankan polis asuransi sesuai dengan Lampiran B (Asuransi).
12.2 Property Damaged or Not Returned. Contractor will, at Google’s option, promptly repair, replace, or compensate Google for the value of any Google property that is: (A) lost or damaged by Personnel; or (B) not returned on completion of the applicable Services. 12.2 Properti yang Rusak atau Tidak Dikembalikan. Kontraktor akan, atas pilihan Google, segera memperbaiki, mengganti, atau memberikan kompensasi kepada Google untuk nilai properti Google apa pun yang: (A) hilang atau dirusak oleh Personel; atau (B) tidak dikembalikan pada saat penyelesaian Layanan yang bersangkutan.
12.3 Background Checks. To the extent applicable, Contractor will comply with the background check policies in Attachment C (Background Checks). 12.3 Pemeriksaan Latar Belakang. Sejauh berlaku, Kontraktor akan mematuhi kebijakan pemeriksaan latar belakang dalam Lampiran C (Pemeriksaan Latar Belakang).
12.4 Records and Audit Rights. 12.4 Catatan dan Hak Audit.
(A) Maintaining Records. Contractor will maintain complete and accurate records relating to this Agreement. (A) Mengelola Catatan. Kontraktor akan mengelola catatan yang lengkap dan akurat yang berkaitan dengan Perjanjian ini.
(B) Right to Examine Deliverables. Google may examine the Deliverables and work-in-progress at any time. (B) Hak untuk Memeriksa Hasil Kerja. Google dapat memeriksa Hasil Kerja dan pekerjaan yang sedang berjalan setiap saat.
(C) Right to Audit Records. During the Term, and for one year after this Agreement terminates, Google or its third-party auditor may audit Contractor’s relevant records to confirm Contractor’s compliance with this Agreement. Google’s auditor will only have access to those records reasonably necessary to confirm such compliance. Contractor will repay Google any overcharged amounts by, at Google’s option, either: (1) promptly issuing a credit to Google; or (2) issuing a refund to Google within 30 days of Google’s invoice date. Contractor will reimburse Google for all reasonable audit costs if the price discrepancy for any particular invoice exceeds 3 percent. (C) Hak untuk Mengaudit Catatan. Selama Jangka Waktu, dan selama satu tahun setelah Perjanjian ini berakhir, Google atau auditor pihak ketiganya dapat mengaudit catatan terkait dari Kontraktor untuk mengonfirmasikan kepatuhan Kontraktor terhadap Perjanjian ini. Auditor Google hanya akan memiliki akses ke catatan tersebut yang diperlukan secara wajar untuk mengonfirmasikan kepatuhan tersebut. Kontraktor akan membayar kembali Google jumlah apa pun yang dibebankan secara berlebih dengan, atas pilihan Google, baik: (1) segera menerbitkan suatu kredit kepada Google; atau (2) mengeluarkan suatu  penggantian biaya kepada Google dalam waktu 30 hari sejak tanggal tagihan Google. Kontraktor akan memberikan  penggantian biaya  kepada Google untuk semua biaya audit yang wajar jika selisih harga untuk tagihan tertentu apa pun melebihi 3 persen.
(D) Notice of Government Audits. If a government authority audits any portion of Contractor’s business related to the Services or Deliverables, Contractor will,  to the extent permitted by law, promptly notify Google and provide Google with reasonably-requested information about the audit. (D) Pemberitahuan mengenai Audit Pemerintah. Jika suatu otoritas pemerintah mengaudit bagian mana pun dari usaha Kontraktor yang berkaitan dengan Layanan atau Hasil Kerja, Kontraktor akan, sepanjang diperbolehkan oleh hukum,segera memberitahukan Google dan memberikan kepada Google informasi yang diminta secara wajar tentang audit tersebut.
12.5 Notices. All notices must be in English and in writing. Notices of breach or termination must be addressed to the other party’s Legal Department. The address for notices to Google’s Legal Department is All other notices must be addressed to the other party’s primary contact. Emails are written notices. Notice will be treated as given on receipt, as confirmed by written or electronic records. 12.5 Pemberitahuan. Semua pemberitahuan harus dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris dan secara tertulis. Pemberitahuan mengenai pelanggaran atau pengakhiran harus ditujukan kepada Departemen Hukum pihak lainnya. Alamat untuk pemberitahuan kepada Departemen Hukum Google adalah Semua pemberitahuan lainnya harus ditujukan kepada narahubung utama pihak lainnya. Email adalah pemberitahuan tertulis. Pemberitahuan akan dianggap sebagai diberikan pada saat diterima, sebagaimana dikonfirmasi dengan catatan tertulis atau elektronik.
12.6 Assignment. Contractor may not assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without Google’s written consent, and any attempt to do so is void. Google may assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to an Affiliate. 12.6 Pengalihan. Kontraktor tidak boleh mengalihkan atau mentransfer hak atau kewajibannya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari Google, dan upaya apa pun untuk melakukannya tidak berlaku. Google dapat mengalihkan atau mentransfer setiap dari hak atau kewajibannya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini kepada suatu Afiliasi.
12.7 Change of Control. Without limiting Contractor’s obligations under Section 12.6 (Assignment), if during the Term Contractor experiences a change of control (for example, through a stock purchase or sale, merger, or other form of corporate transaction) or sells all or substantially all of its assets, then Contractor will give written notice to Google within 30 days after such event. 12.7 Perubahan Kendali. Tanpa membatasi kewajiban Kontraktor berdasarkan Pasal 12.6 (Pengalihan), jika selama Jangka Waktu, Kontraktor mengalami suatu perubahan kendali (misalnya, melalui pembelian atau penjualan saham, penggabungan, atau bentuk transaksi korporasi lainnya) atau menjual semua atau secara substansial semua asetnya, maka Kontraktor akan memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada Google dalam waktu 30 hari setelah peristiwa tersebut.
12.8 Subcontracting. Contractor may not delegate or subcontract any of its obligations under this Agreement without Google’s written consent. Contractor will remain liable for all subcontracted obligations and all acts or omissions of its subcontractors. 12.8 Subkontrak. Kontraktor tidak boleh mendelegasikan atau mensubkontrakkan setiap dari kewajibannya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari Google. Kontraktor akan tetap bertanggung jawab atas semua kewajiban yang disubkontrakan dan semua tindakan atau kealpaan dari subkontraktornya.
12.9 Business Continuity. Contractor will maintain a reasonable business continuity and recovery plan that is consistent with generally-accepted industry standards. 12.9 Keberlangsungan Usaha. Kontraktor akan mempertahankan keberlangsungan usaha dan rencana pemulihan yang wajar yang sesuai dengan standar industri yang diterima secara umum.
12.10 No Waiver. A party’s delay or omission in exercising any right under this Agreement will not be treated as a waiver of that right. To be effective, a waiver must expressly state the right being waived under this Agreement and be signed by the waiving party. 12.10 Tidak Ada Pengesampingan. Keterlambatan atau kealpaan dari suatu pihak dalam menggunakan hak apa pun berdasarkan Perjanjian ini tidak akan dianggap sebagai pengesampingan hak tersebut. Agar berlaku, pengesampingan harus menyatakan secara tegas hak yang dikesampingkan berdasarkan Perjanjian ini dan ditandatangani oleh pihak yang mengesampingkan.
12.11 No Agency. This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship. 12.11 Tidak ada Perwakilan. Perjanjian ini tidak menciptakan perwakilan, persekutuan, usaha patungan, atau hubungan kerja apa pun.
12.12 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement unless the Agreement expressly states that there are. The parties can amend, rescind, or terminate this Agreement without any third-party beneficiary’s consent. 12.12 Tidak Ada Penerima Manfaat Pihak Ketiga. Tidak ada penerima manfaat pihak ketiga berdasarkan Perjanjian ini kecuali Perjanjian menyatakan secara tegas bahwa ada penerima manfaat pihak ketiga. Para Pihak dapat mengamendemen, membatalkan, atau mengakhiri Perjanjian ini tanpa persetujuan dari penerima manfaat pihak ketiga mana pun.
12.13 Signatures. Purchase Orders do not need to be signed (unless a signature block is included). The Agreement is effective on Contractor’s acknowledgement of or commencement of performance under the Purchase Order. 12.13 Tanda tangan. Pemesanan Pembelian tidak perlu ditandatangani (kecuali blok tanda tangan dimuat). Perjanjian berlaku efektif pada saat Kontraktor mengakui atau memulai pelaksanaan berdasarkan Pemesanan Pembelian.
12.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement states all the terms agreed between the parties and supersedes all other agreements between the parties relating to its subject matter. In entering into this Agreement, the parties have relied solely on the express statements in this Agreement. Neither party has relied on, and neither party will have any right or remedy based on, any other statement, representation, or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently). Any terms or conditions on a quote, invoice, or other similar document from Contractor related to this Agreement, including any online terms, are void. Where required by applicable law, this Section 12.14 (Entire Agreement) does not apply to false, misleading, or deceptive statements or misrepresentations. The feedback submission interface on the website hosting these terms is intended for technical or typographical issues only. Any feedback or comments provided by Contractor relating to this Agreement will not amend the Agreement’s terms. 12.14 Keseluruhan Perjanjian. Perjanjian ini menyatakan semua ketentuan yang disepakati di antara para pihak dan menggantikan semua perjanjian lainnya antara para pihak yang berkaitan dengan hal pokoknya. Dalam mengadakan Perjanjian ini, para pihak telah sepenuhnya mengandalkan pernyataan tegas dalam Perjanjian ini. Tidak ada pihak yang telah mengandalkan, dan tidak ada pihak yang akan memiliki hak atau upaya hukum apa pun berdasarkan pengumuman, pernyataan atau jaminan lain apa pun (baik yang dibuat dengan kelalaian atau tanpa kesengajaan). Syarat atau ketentuan apa pun pada penawaran, tagihan, atau dokumen serupa lainnya dari Kontraktor yang berkaitan dengan Perjanjian ini, termasuk ketentuan-ketentuan online apa pun, tidak berlaku.  Apabila diwajibkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, Pasal 12.14 (Keseluruhan Perjanjian) ini tidak berlaku untuk pernyataan atau penafsiran yang salah, menyesatkan, atau menipu. Antarmuka pengiriman umpan balik di situs web yang menghosting istilah ini dimaksudkan untuk masalah teknis atau tipografi saja. Umpan balik atau komentar apa pun yang diberikan oleh Kontraktor sehubungan dengan Perjanjian ini hanya untuk masalah teknis atau tipografi, dan tidak akan mengamendemen ketentuan-ketentuan dari Perjanjian.
12.15 Amendments. Any amendment must be in writing, signed by both parties, and expressly state that it is amending this Agreement. 12.15 Amendemen. Amendemen apa pun harus dibuat secara tertulis, ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak, dan menyatakan secara tegas bahwa amendemen ini mengamendemen Perjanjian ini.
12.16 Severability. If any part of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect.

12.16 Keterpisahan. Jika bagian mana pun dari Perjanjian ini tidak berlaku, ilegal atau tidak dapat dilaksanakan, bagian lainnya dari Perjanjian ini akan tetap berlaku.

12.17 Order of Precedence. The terms in these T&Cs will take precedence over conflicting terms in the Purchase Order. 12.17 Urutan Prioritas. Ketentuan-ketentuan dalam S&K ini akan mengatasi ketentuan-ketentuan yang bertentangan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.


This section does not preclude Contractor from filing disputes in local courts or relying on local statutory rights, solely and exclusively in cases where applicable local law does not permit the dispute being resolved in a California court or does not permit your local court from applying California law.


Pasal ini tidak menghalangi Kontraktor untuk mengajukan gugatan di pengadilan setempat atau mengandalkan hak undang-undang setempat, semata-mata dan eksklusif dalam kasus-kasus jika hukum setempat yang berlaku tidak memperbolehkan penyelesaian sengketa di pengadilan California atau tidak mengizinkan pengadilan setempat Anda menerapkan hukum California.


Attachment/Lampiran A

Product Supply/Pasokan Produk

This Attachment will apply to the extent that Google orders any Product. To the extent this Attachment and the body of the T&Cs conflict, this Attachment will govern. Lampiran ini akan berlaku sejauh Google memesan Produk apa pun. Sejauh Lampiran ini dan isi dari S&K bertentangan, Lampiran ini yang akan berlaku.
1. Definitions. 1. Definisi.
1.1 “Defect” or “Defective” means, with respect to a Product, a failure to meet the Product warranties in Sections 8.1 (Product Specifications) and 8.2 (Product Quality) of this Attachment. 1.1 “Cacat” atau “Memiliki Cacat” berarti berkenaan dengan Produk, suatu kegagalan untuk memenuhi jaminan Produk dalam Pasal 8.1 (Spesifikasi Produk) dan Pasal 8.2 (Kualitas Produk) dari Lampiran ini.
1.2 “Warranty Period” means the 12-month period starting on the date Google accepts a Product, unless otherwise noted in the Purchase Order. 1.2 “Periode Jaminan” berarti periode 12 bulan yang dimulai pada tanggal Google menerima suatu Produk, kecuali dicatat lain dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.
2. Ordering Product. 2. Memesan Produk.
2.1 Ordering. Contractor will provide Products at the prices, delivery dates, and delivery locations for Products specified in the Purchase Order. 2.1 Memesan. Kontraktor akan menyediakan Produk dengan harga, tanggal pengiriman, dan lokasi pengiriman untuk Produk yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.
2.2 Changes. Google may reschedule Products or change the delivery destination for Products at no cost to Google, except that if requested changes materially increase or decrease the cost to provide Products, the parties will negotiate an appropriate adjustment to their obligations under the Purchase Order. 2.2 Perubahan. Google dapat menjadwalkan kembali Produk atau mengubah tujuan pengiriman Produk tanpa biaya bagi Google, kecuali bahwa jika perubahan yang diminta secara material meningkatkan atau menurunkan biaya untuk menyediakan Produk, para pihak akan menegosiasikan suatu penyesuaian yang sesuai terhadap kewajiban mereka berdasarkan Pemesanan Pembelian.
3. Product Payment.
Contractor will invoice Google upon Google’s acceptance of the Products. Correct invoices for Product will include, at a minimum, complete bill-to address, Product part numbers and quantities, description of Products, unit prices, applicable tax or other charges, and extended totals. Google is not required to pay any invoice submitted 180 days or more after a Product is shipped.
3. Pembayaran Produk.
Kontraktor akan menagih Google setelah Google menerima Produk. Tagihan yang benar untuk Produk akan memuat, minimal, alamat penagihan yang lengkap, nomor dan kuantitas suku cadang Produk, deskripsi Produk, harga unit, pajak yang berlaku atau biaya lain, dan total tambahan. Google tidak diwajibkan untuk membayar tagihan apa pun yang diserahkan 180 hari atau lebih setelah Produk dikirimkan.
4. Product Delivery. 4. Pengiriman Produk.
4.1 Product Shipping. 4.1 Pengiriman Produk
(A) Delivery Terms; Title Transfer. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, Contractor will deliver Products FCA (Incoterms 2020) to the applicable delivery destination. Title and risk of loss will transfer from Contractor to Google at the delivery destination. (A) Ketentuan-Ketentuan Pengiriman; Transfer Hak Kepemilikan. Kecuali ditentukan lain dalam Pemesanan Pembelian, Kontraktor akan mengirimkan FCA Produk (Incoterms 2020) ke tujuan pengiriman yang bersangkutan. Hak kepemilikan dan risiko kehilangan akan ditransfer dari Kontraktor kepada Google di tujuan pengiriman.
(B) Trade Compliance. When Contractor is responsible for exporting or importing Product, Contractor will obtain all authorizations and permits necessary to fulfill all applicable governments’ requirements for Product shipment. (B) Kepatuhan Perdagangan. Ketika Kontraktor bertanggung jawab untuk mengekspor atau mengimpor Produk, Kontraktor akan memperoleh semua otorisasi dan izin yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi semua persyaratan pemerintah yang berlaku untuk pengiriman Produk.
(C) Import/Export Information. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will provide Google with any information Google reasonably requests regarding Product importation, exportation, or distribution. (C) Informasi Impor/Ekspor. Atas permintaan Google, Kontraktor akan memberikan kepada Google informasi apa pun yang diminta secara wajar oleh Google mengenai impor, ekspor, atau distribusi Produk.
4.2 Product Packing. Contractor will package Products according to any instructions Google provides in the Purchase Order, and if none are provided, then according to good commercial practice to ensure safe arrival of the Products. 4.2 Pengemasan Produk. Kontraktor akan mengemas Produk sesuai dengan instruksi apa pun yang diberikan Google dalam Pemesanan Pembelian, dan jika tidak ada instruksi yang diberikan, maka sesuai dengan praktik komersial yang baik untuk memastikan produk tiba dengan aman.
4.3 Advance Delivery. Google may refuse any delivery made more than 5 days before the delivery date and Contractor will re-deliver the Product on the correct date at Contractor’s expense. 4.3 Pengiriman Lebih Awal. Google dapat menolak pengiriman apa pun yang dilakukan lebih dari 5 hari sebelum tanggal pengiriman dan Kontraktor akan mengirimkan kembali Produk pada tanggal yang benar atas biaya Kontraktor.
4.4 Excess Product. Google may return to Contractor, at Contractor’s expense, any quantity of Product exceeding that specified in the Purchase Order. 4.4 Kelebihan Produk. Google dapat mengembalikan kepada Kontraktor, atas biaya Kontraktor, kuantitas Produk yang melebihi kuantitas yang ditentukan dalam Pemesanan Pembelian.
4.5 Late Product Delivery. 4.5 Keterlambatan Pengiriman Produk.
(A) If a Product shipment (or part of a shipment) is likely to be delayed, Contractor will: (1) promptly notify Google in writing and immediately propose a new delivery date, (2) use best efforts to expedite delayed Product at Contractor’s expense, and (3) issue Google a discount or refund on the purchase price for Product delivered late, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. (A) Jika pengiriman suatu Produk (atau sebagian pengiriman) kemungkinan akan terlambat, Kontraktor akan: (1) segera memberitahukan Google secara tertulis dan segera mengusulkan tanggal pengiriman baru, (2) melakukan upaya terbaik untuk mempercepat Produk yang terlambat atas biaya Kontraktor, dan (3) memberikan kepada Google diskon atau penggantian biaya atas harga pembelian untuk Produk yang terlambat dikirim, kecuali jika disepakati lain oleh kedua belah pihak.
(B) In addition to the remedies in Subsection (A), Google may (1) cancel without liability the applicable Purchase Order or portions of the Purchase Order for delayed Product that is not yet delivered, or (2) source replacements for delayed Product from another supplier, at Contractor’s reasonable expense. (B) Selain upaya dalam Subpasal (A), Google dapat (1) membatalkan tanpa tanggung jawab hukum Pemesanan Pembelian yang berlaku atau bagian dari Pemesanan Pembelian untuk Produk yang terlambat yang belum dikirimkan, atau (2) mendapatkan pengganti untuk Produk yang terlambat dari pemasok lain, atas biaya wajar Kontraktor.
5. Inspection; Acceptance; Rejection; Defect Replacement. 5. Pemeriksaan; Penerimaan; Penolakan; Penggantian Cacat.
5.1 Inspection. Google may inspect Product on delivery. 5.1 Pemeriksaan. Google dapat memeriksa Produk pada saat pengiriman.
(A) Acceptance. Any Product not rejected within 30 days of receipt will be deemed accepted by Google. Google’s payment to Contractor for Product will not be treated as acceptance. (A) Penerimaan. Produk apa pun yang tidak ditolak dalam waktu 30 hari sejak diterima akan dianggap diterima oleh Google. Pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh Google kepada Kontraktor untuk Produk tidak akan dianggap sebagai penerimaan.
(B) Rejection. At Google’s option, Google may: (1) return rejected Products, and Contractor will immediately replace returned Products, at Contractor’s expense, including all freight costs; or (2) use the Defective Products and obtain a reduction in price. (B) Penolakan. Atas pilihan Google, Google dapat: (1) mengembalikan Produk yang ditolak, dan Kontraktor akan segera mengganti Produk yang dikembalikan tersebut, atas biaya Kontraktor, termasuk semua biaya pengangkutan; atau (2) menggunakan Produk yang Memiliki Cacat dan memperoleh suatu pengurangan harga
5.2 Defect Replacement Procedure. 5.2 Prosedur Penggantian Cacat.
(A) Remedies. For Product that is discovered Defective during the Warranty Period, Contractor will, at its expense and at Google’s option: (A) Upaya. Untuk Produk yang ditemukan Memiliki Cacat selama Periode Jaminan, Kontraktor akan, atas biayanya dan atas pilihan Google:
(1) replace or repair Defective Product and re-deliver such repaired or replaced Product to Google within a commercially reasonable time frame agreed to by Google, (1) mengganti atau memperbaiki Produk yang Memiliki Cacat dan mengirimkan kembali Produk yang diperbaiki atau diganti tersebut kepada Google dalam suatu kerangka waktu wajar secara komersial yang disetujui oleh Google,
(2) refund Google the Product purchase price within 30 days of receiving Google’s notice that a Product is Defective, or (2) mengembalikan dana harga pembelian Produk kepada Google dalam waktu 30 hari sejak menerima pemberitahuan dari Google bahwa Produk Memiliki Cacat, atau
(3) reimburse Google for the reasonable cost to have the Product repaired within 30 days after receiving Google’s invoice. (3) memberikan penggantian biaya kepada Google untuk biaya wajar perbaikan Produk dalam waktu 30 hari setelah menerima tagihan dari Google.
(B) Costs. Contractor is responsible for all costs, damages, and liabilities incurred by Google as a result of Defective Product. (B) Biaya. Kontraktor bertanggung jawab atas semua biaya, ganti rugi, dan tanggung jawab hukum yang dikeluarkan/ditimbulkan oleh Google sebagai akibat dari Produk yang Memiliki Cacat.
(C) Google Property. All Products undergoing repair will at all times remain Google’s property. (C) Properti Google. Semua Produk yang sedang diperbaiki akan setiap saat tetap menjadi properti milik Google.
(D) Warranty. Contractor will warrant replacement Product for the longer of 90 days following Google’s acceptance of the replacement Product or the remainder of the original Product’s Warranty Period. (D) Jaminan. Kontraktor akan menjamin Produk pengganti selama lebih dari 90 hari setelah Produk pengganti diterima Google atau selama sisa Periode Jaminan Produk semula.
6. Product License. 6. Lisensi Produk.
6.1 Developed IP. For those portions of a Product that are Developed IP, T&Cs Section 4.3 (Developed IP; Deliverables) will apply. 6.1 Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan. Untuk bagian dari Produk yang merupakan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan, Pasal 4.3 (Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan; Hasil Kerja) dari S&K akan berlaku.
6.2 Other Products. For those portions of a Product that are not Developed IP, Contractor grants to Google, its Affiliates, distributors, and end users a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty-free license to modify, sell, offer for sale, import, and otherwise use and dispose of the Product, including any bug fixes, updates, or upgrades developed by Contractor for the respective Product. 6.2 Produk Lainnya. Untuk bagian dari suatu Produk yang bukan merupakan Kekayaan Intelektual yang Dikembangkan, Kontraktor memberikan kepada Google, Para Afiliasi, distributor, dan pengguna akhirnya lisensi yang terus menerus, tidak dapat ditarik kembali, non-eksklusif, di seluruh dunia, dibayar-penuh, bebas-royalti untuk mengubah, menjual, menawarkan untuk dijual, mengimpor, dan menggunakan serta memindahtangankan Produk, termasuk perbaikan bug, pembaruan, atau upgrade yang dikembangkan oleh Kontraktor untuk masing-masing Produk.
7. Failure Analysis. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will perform a failure analysis of any returned Product that is suspected to be Defective. Contractor will use reasonable efforts to provide Google with (A) an initial assessment of the Defect’s cause(s) within 1 week of receiving the returned Deliverable; and (B) a final assessment of the Defect’s root cause within 3 weeks of receiving the returned Deliverable. 7. Kegagalan Analisis. Atas permintaan Google, Kontraktor akan melakukan suatu analisis kegagalan untuk Produk apa pun yang dikembalikan yang diduga Memiliki Cacat. Kontraktor akan melakukan upaya wajar untuk memberikan kepada Google (A) suatu penilaian awal atas sebab(-sebab) Cacat dalam waktu 1 minggu sejak menerima Hasil Kerja yang dikembalikan; dan (B) suatu penilaian akhir atas sebab utama Cacat dalam waktu 3 minggu sejak menerima Hasil Kerja yang dikembalikan.
8. Representations and Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants that: 8. Pernyataan dan Jaminan.

Kontraktor menjamin dan menyatakan bahwa:

8.1 Product Specifications. The Products will comply with applicable specifications (in order of ascending precedence): (A) readily made available by Contractor to its customers; (B) identified in the Purchase Order; or (C) as the parties may otherwise agree to in writing. The Products will be of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit for any purpose made known to Contractor. 8.1 Spesifikasi Produk. Produk akan mematuhi Spesifikasi yang berlaku (dalam urutan prioritas yang didahulukan): (A) yang dapat segera disediakan oleh Kontraktor untuk pelanggannya; (B) diidentifikasi dalam Pemesanan Pembelian; atau (C) sebagaimana dapat disepakati oleh para pihak secara tertulis. Produk akan memiliki kualitas yang memenuhi syarat dan secara wajar sesuai untuk tujuan apa pun yang diberitahukan kepada Kontraktor.
8.2 Product Quality. Products will be new, unused, and not refurbished at the time of delivery, and will be safe for any and all normal and foreseeable uses and free from defects in design, materials, and workmanship during the Warranty Period. 8.2 Kualitas Produk. Produk adalah baru, belum pernah digunakan, dan bukan produk yang diperbarui pada saat pengiriman, dan akan aman untuk setiap dan semua penggunaan normal dan dapat diperkirakan dan bebas dari cacat pada desain, materi, dan pengerjaan selama Periode Jaminan.
8.3 Title. Google will acquire from Contractor good and clear title to Product free and clear of all liens, security interests, claims, and encumbrances. 8.3 Hak Kepemilikan. Google akan memperoleh dari Kontraktor hak kepemilikan yang baik dan bersih atas Produk, bebas dan bersih dari semua hak jaminan (liens), kepentingan jaminan, klaim dan pembebanan,
8.4 Software. For software provided by Contractor, the software will not damage, interfere with, or permit unauthorized access to any other existing products or systems on which it is installed or any information residing on those products or systems. 8.4 Perangkat Lunak. Untuk perangkat lunak yang disediakan oleh Kontraktor, perangkat lunak tidak akan merusak, mengganggu, atau mengizinkan akses tidak sah ke produk atau sistem lain yang ada yang dipasang padanya atau informasi apa pun yang ada pada produk atau sistem tersebut.
8.5 Pass-Through. Contractor will, to the extent it is contractually permitted to do so, provide to Google the benefits of manufacturers’ or suppliers’ warranties and guarantees for material or equipment incorporated into the Products, and will perform its responsibilities so that such warranties or guarantees remain in full effect. 8.5 Pass-Through. Kontraktor akan, sejauh diizinkan secara kontraktual untuk melakukannya, memberikan Google manfaat jaminan dan garansi produsen atau pemasok untuk material dan peralatan yang dimuat ke dalam Produk, dan akan melakukan tanggung jawabnya sehingga jaminan atau garansi tersebut tetap berlaku penuh.
8.6 Conflict Minerals. Contractor will comply with all applicable conflict minerals laws and materials disposal laws. Upon request, Contractor will provide a complete and accurate conflict mineral report detailing the source and chain of custody of conflict minerals (in a format that is at least as comprehensive as the EICC/GeSI reporting template) for each Product. 8.6 Mineral Konflik. Kontraktor akan mematuhi semua undang-undang mineral konflik dan undang-undang pembuangan material yang berlaku. Atas permintaan, Kontraktor akan memberikan laporan mineral konflik yang lengkap dan akurat yang merinci sumber dan rantai penyimpanan mineral konflik (dalam suatu format yang sekurang-kurangnya selengkap templat pelaporan EICC/ GeSI) untuk setiap Produk.
9. Additional Defense and Indemnity Terms. 9. Ketentuan Pembelaan dan Tanggung Gugat Tambahan.
9.1 Obligations. The following subsections are added to T&Cs Section 9.1 (Obligations): 9.1 Kewajiban. Subpasal berikut ini ditambahkan ke Pasal 9.1 (Kewajiban) dari S&K:
(A) any property damage, personal injury, or death related to use of a Product; or (A) kerusakan properti, cedera pribadi, atau kematian yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan Produk; atau
(B) any allegation that use, possession, import, distribution, or sale of the Products, alone or in combination with any other product, service, or technology, violates or infringes a third party’s rights, including Intellectual Property Rights. (B) dalil apa pun bahwa penggunaan, kepemilikan, impor, distribusi, atau penjualan Produk, sendiri atau gabungan dengan produk, layanan, atau teknologi lain apa pun melanggar atau menyalahi hak pihak ketiga, termasuk Hak Kekayaan Intelektual.
9.2 Remedies. If an injunction preventing continued use of any Products is threatened or granted, Contractor will do the following at its sole expense: 9.2 Upaya Hukum. Jika suatu putusan sela (injunction) yang mencegah penggunaan berkelanjutan atas Produk apa pun diancamkan atau diberikan, Kontraktor akan melakukan hal berikut ini atas biayanya sendiri:
(A) procure the right to continue providing the Products in compliance with the Agreement; (A) mengupayakan hak untuk terus menyediakan Produk sesuai dengan Perjanjian;
(B) modify the Products to make them non-infringing without materially reducing their functionality; or (B) mengubah Produk agar tidak melanggar tanpa mengurangi fungsi kegunaannya secara material; atau
(C) replace the Products with a non-infringing, functionally-equivalent alternative. (C) mengganti Produk dengan alternatif yang tidak melanggar, secara fungsi kegunaan setara.
10. Termination and Survival.  Unless otherwise specified in the termination notice, termination cancels without liability all undelivered Products. Contractor’s obligation to deliver non-cancelled Product and Sections 1, 3 (Product Payment), 5.1(B) (Rejection), 5.2 (Defect Replacement Procedure), 6 (Product License), 8 (Representations and Warranties), 9 (Additional Defense and Indemnity Terms), and 10 (Termination and Survival) of this Attachment will survive any termination of the Agreement. 10. Pengakhiran dan Keberlangsungan. Kecuali ditentukan lain dalam pemberitahuan pengakhiran, pengakhiran membatalkan tanpa tanggung jawab hukum semua Produk yang tidak terkirim. Kewajiban Kontraktor untuk mengirimkan Produk yang tidak dibatalkan dan Pasal 1, Pasal 3 (Pembayaran Produk), Pasal 5.1(B) (Penolakan), Pasal 5.2 (Prosedur Penggantian Cacat), Pasal 6 (Lisensi Produk), Pasal 8 (Pernyataan dan Jaminan), Pasal 9 (Ketentuan Pembelaan dan Tanggung Gugat Tambahan), dan Pasal 10 (Pengakhiran dan Keberlangsungan) dari Lampiran ini akan terus berlaku setelah pengakhiran Perjanjian.
11. Governing Law. If the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act are otherwise applicable, the parties expressly exclude them from applicability under the Agreement and agree that T&Cs Section 12.18 (Governing Law) will control. 11. Hukum yang Mengatur. Jika Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Kontrak untuk Penjualan Barang Internasional dan Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act berlaku, para pihak secara tegas mengecualikannya dari penerapan berdasarkan Perjanjian dan setuju bahwa Pasal 12.18 (Hukum yang Mengatur) dari S&K akan mengatur.


Attachment/ Lampiran B


During the Term and at its own expense, Contractor will maintain the following insurance coverage, with insurance carriers rated A- or better by A.M. Best Company (or equivalent acceptable rating by local regulatory authority): Selama Jangka Waktu dan atas biayanya sendiri, Kontraktor akan mempertahankan pertanggungan asuransi berikut ini, pada perusahaan asuransi berperingkat A- atau lebih baik dari A.M. Best Company (atau peringkat setara yang dapat diterima oleh otoritas regulator lokal):
1. Standard Coverages. Contractor may use any combination of the following insurance to meet the total limit requirements of this Section. 1. Pertanggungan Standar. Kontraktor dapat menggunakan kombinasi asuransi berikut ini untuk memenuhi total persyaratan batas dari Pasal ini.
1.1 Commercial General Liability insurance, including contractual liability coverage, on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, death, “broad form” property damage, products and completed operations, and personal and advertising injury, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence. 1.1 Asuransi Tanggung Jawab Hukum Umum Komersial, termasuk pertanggungan tanggung jawab hukum kontraktual atas dasar suatu kejadian untuk cedera tubuh, kematian, kerusakan properti "bentuk luas", produk dan operasi yang telah selesai, dan cedera pribadi dan periklanan, dengan batas pertanggungan tidak kurang dari US$1.000.000 (atau nilai yang setara dalam mata uang lokal) per kejadian.
1.2 Workers’ Compensation insurance as required by law in the country or the state where the Services or Products will be provided, including employer’s liability coverage for injury, disease and death, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per accident and employee. 1.2 Asuransi Kompensasi Para Pekerja sebagaimana diwajibkan berdasarkan hukum di negara atau negara bagian di mana Layanan atau Produk akan diberikan, termasuk pertanggungan tanggung jawab hukum pemberi kerja untuk cedera, penyakit dan kematian, dengan batas pertanggungan tidak kurang dari US$1.000.000 (atau nilai yang setara dalam mata uang lokal) per kecelakaan dan karyawan.
1.3 Umbrella (Excess) Liability insurance on an occurrence form, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence. 1.3 Asuransi Tanggung Jawab Hukum (Kelebihan) Umbrella atas suatu bentuk kejadian, dengan batas pertanggungan tidak kurang dari US$1.000.000 (atau nilai yang setara dalam mata uang lokal) per kejadian.
2. Specific Coverages. 2. Pertanggungan Khusus
2.1 Auto Liability. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes Personnel driving, then Contractor will additionally maintain auto liability insurance coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. 2.1 Tanggung Jawab Hukum Otomotif. Jika Penyediaan Layanan atau Produk oleh Kontraktor mencakup Personel yang mengemudi, maka Kontraktor akan mempertahankan tambahan pertanggungan asuransi tanggung jawab hukum otomotif untuk semua kendaraan yang dimiliki, tidak dimiliki dan disewa dengan batas pertanggungan tidak kurang dari US$1.000.000 (atau nilai yang setara dalam mata uang lokal) per kejadian untuk cedera badan dan kerusakan properti.
2.2 Professional Liability. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes consultative, design, or development services, then Contractor will additionally maintain professional liability insurance, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per claim. 2.2 Tanggung Jawab Hukum Profesional. Jika Penyediaan Layanan atau Produk oleh Kontraktor mencakup layanan konsultasi, desain, atau pengembangan, maka Kontraktor akan mempertahankan tambahan asuransi tanggung jawab hukum profesional, dengan batas pertanggungan tidak kurang dari US$1.000.000 (atau nilai yang setara dalam mata uang lokal) per klaim.
2.3 Commercial Crime. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes access to financial information, funds, payments, or other financial records, then Contractor will additionally maintain commercial crime insurance on an occurrence form with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) annual aggregate. 2.3 Kejahatan Komersial. Jika penyediaan Layanan atau Produk oleh Kontraktor mencakup akses ke informasi keuangan, dana, pembayaran, atau catatan keuangan lainnya, maka Kontraktor akan mempertahankan tambahan asuransi kejahatan komersial berdasarkan bentuk kejadian dengan batas pertanggungan tidak kurang dari keseluruhan tahunan sebesar US$1.000.000 (atau nilai yang setara dalam mata uang lokal).
2.4 Network Security and Privacy Liability. If Contractor will collect, store, process or otherwise access any data related to Google, its customers, or its employees, then Contractor will additionally maintain network security and privacy liability insurance with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 per claim, that includes coverage for: (A) Contractor’s unauthorized disclosure of, or failure to properly handle, personal or other confidential data; and (B) financial loss, including any related defense expense, resulting from Contractor’s wrongful acts in rendering Services or providing Products. If Contractor's professional liability policy includes coverage for network security and privacy liability, then any combined single limit for the policy must be the sum of the limits required for each (i.e., US$2,000,000). 2.4 Tanggung Jawab Hukum Keamanan Jaringan dan Privasi. Jika Kontraktor akan mengumpulkan, menyimpan, memproses, atau mengakses data apa pun yang berkaitan dengan Google, pelanggannya, atau karyawannya, maka Kontraktor akan mempertahankan tambahan asuransi tanggung jawab hukum keamanan jaringan dan privasi dengan batas pertanggungan tidak kurang dari US$1.000.000 per klaim, yang mencakup pertanggungan untuk: (A) pengungkapan yang tidak sah oleh Kontraktor, atau kegagalan untuk menangani dengan benar, data pribadi atau rahasia lainnya; dan (B) kerugian finansial, termasuk biaya pembelaan terkait apa pun, yang diakibatkan oleh tindakan yang salah dari Kontraktor dalam memberikan Layanan atau menyediakan Produk. Jika polis tanggung jawab hukum profesional Kontraktor mencakup pertanggungan untuk tanggung jawab hukum keamanan jaringan dan privasi, maka batas tunggal gabungan untuk polis tersebut harus merupakan jumlah batas yang disyaratkan untuk masing-masing (yaitu sebesar US$2.000.000).
3. Coverage Requirements. 3. Persyaratan Pertanggungan
3.1 Primary Coverage. Contractor’s policies will be considered primary without right of contribution from Google’s insurance policies. 3.1 Pertanggungan Utama. Polis dari kontraktor akan dianggap yang utama tanpa hak kontribusi dari polis asuransi dari Google.
3.2 Policy Limits. Contractor’s policies will apply to the full extent provided by the policies. The coverage requirements in Sections 1 (Standard Coverages) and 2 (Specific Coverages) above will not lower the coverage limits of Contractor’s policies, and will not limit Contractor’s obligations or liability under this Agreement (including indemnities). 3.2 Batas Polis. Polis dari kontraktor akan berlaku untuk batas penuh yang diberikan oleh polis tersebut. Persyaratan pertanggungan dalam Pasal 1 (Pertanggungan Standar) dan Pasal 2 (Pertanggungan Khusus) di atas tidak akan menurunkan batas pertanggungan polis dari Kontraktor, dan tidak akan membatasi kewajiban atau tanggung jawab hukum Kontraktor berdasarkan Perjanjian ini (termasuk tanggung gugat).
3.3 Additional Insured. Contractor will name Google and its Affiliates and their officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and assignees as additional insureds in each of the policies required above except for: 3.3 Tertanggung Tambahan. Kontraktor akan menyebutkan Google dan Para Afiliasinya serta pejabat, direktur, pemegang saham, karyawan, perwakilan, dan penerima pengalihannya sebagai tertanggung tambahan dalam setiap polis yang disyaratkan di atas kecuali untuk:
(A) workers’ compensation, (A) kompensasi pekerja
(B) professional liability, and (B) tanggung jawab hukum professional, dan
(C) network security and privacy liability policies. (C) polis tanggung jawab hukum keamanan jaringan dan privasi.
3.4 Waiver of Subrogation. Contractor will include a severability of interests and waiver of subrogation clause in favor of Google in each of the policies required above except for: 3.4 Pengesampingan Subrogasi. Kontraktor akan memasukkan suatu klausul keterpisahan kepentingan dan pengesampingan subrogasi untuk kepentingan Google dalam setiap polis sebagaimana yang disyaratkan di atas kecuali untuk:
(A) professional liability, and (A) tanggung jawab professional; dan
(B) network security and privacy liability policies. (B) polis tanggung jawab hukum keamanan jaringan dan privasi.
3.5 Cancellation Notice. Contractor will provide Google with notice of cancellation of any policy required above in accordance with policy provisions. 3.5 Pemberitahuan Pembatalan. Kontraktor akan memberikan Google pemberitahuan pembatalan polis apa pun yang disyaratkan di atas sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan polis.
4. Contractor Responsible for Own Insurance Coverage. 4. Kontraktor Bertanggung jawab atas Pertanggungan Asuransi Sendiri.
4.1 Contractor’s Activities at Own Risk. All of Contractor’s activities under this Agreement will be at Contractor’s own risk. 4.1 Kegiatan Kontraktor dengan Risiko Sendiri. Semua kegiatan Kontraktor berdasarkan Perjanjian ini akan menjadi risiko Kontraktor sendiri.
 4.2 No Benefit of Google Insurance Policies. Personnel will not be entitled to any benefits under Google’s insurance policies. 4.2 Tidak ada Manfaat dari Polis Asuransi Google. Personel tidak akan berhak atas manfaat apa pun berdasarkan polis asuransi Google.
4.3 Contractor Responsible for Subcontractor’s Insurance Coverage. Contractor is solely responsible for ensuring that its subcontractors maintain insurance coverage that is usual, reasonable and customary for the services provided by such subcontractors to ensure that Contractor can meet its requirements and obligations under this Agreement.  4.3 Kontraktor Bertanggung Jawab atas Pertanggungan Asuransi Subkontraktor. Kontraktor bertanggung jawab penuh untuk memastikan bahwa subkontraktornya memiliki pertanggungan asuransi yang umum, wajar, dan lazim untuk layanan yang diberikan oleh subkontraktor tersebut untuk memastikan bahwa Kontraktor dapat memenuhi persyaratan dan kewajibannya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini.
5. Certificates of Insurance. 5. Sertifikat Asuransi
5.1 Evidence of Insurance Coverage. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will provide evidence of required insurance coverage to Google or Google’s third-party vendor. 5.1 Bukti Pertanggungan Asuransi. Atas permintaan Google, Kontraktor akan memberikan bukti pertanggungan asuransi yang disyaratkan untuk Google atau untuk vendor pihak ketiga Google.
5.2 Google Not Obligated to Review Insurance Coverage. Google’s failure to request, review, or object to the terms of Contractor’s certificates of insurance will not: 5.2 Google Tidak Berkewajiban untuk Meninjau Kembali Pertanggungan Asuransi. Kegagalan Google untuk meminta, meninjau kembali, atau menolak ketentuan-ketentuan dari sertifikat asuransi Kontraktor tidak akan:
(A) waive any of Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement; (A) mengesampingkan setiap dari kewajiban Kontraktor berdasarkan Perjanjian ini;
(B) waive any of Google’s rights under this Agreement; or (B) mengesampingkan setiap dari hak Google berdasarkan Perjanjian ini; atau
(C) limit or diminish Contractor’s liability under this Agreement. (C) membatasi atau mengurangi tanggung jawab hukum Kontraktor berdasarkan Perjanjian ini.


Attachment/Lampiran C

Background Checks/Pemeriksaan Latar Belakang

1. Applicable Categories. To the extent permitted under applicable law, Contractor will complete the background checks required below prior to Personnel performing Services, unless otherwise notified by Google. These background checks are not intended to affect the employment of Personnel by Contractor. They are required only to comply with legal obligations and to protect the safety and security of Google’s personnel, customers, and confidential and personal information. 1.  Kategori yang Berlaku. Sejauh yang diizinkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, Kontraktor akan menyelesaikan pemeriksaan latar belakang yang disyaratkan di bawah ini sebelum Personel melakukan Layanan, kecuali diberitahukan lain oleh Google. Pemeriksaan latar belakang ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mempengaruhi pemberian hubungan kerja Personel oleh Kontraktor. Pemeriksaan latar belakang tersebut hanya diwajibkan untuk mematuhi kewajiban hukum dan untuk melindungi keselamatan dan keamanan personel, pelanggan, dan informasi rahasia dan pribadi Google.
1.1 Restricted Individuals. Contractor will ensure that Personnel are not restricted from performing Services by an applicable government authority. 1.1 Orang yang Dilarang. Kontraktor akan memastikan bahwa Personel tidak dilarang untuk melakukan Layanan oleh suatu otoritas pemerintah yang terkait.
1.2 Criminal Court / Social Security Number (or local equivalent). If the Services involve unescorted access to Google’s facilities, remote access to internal Google systems, or access to an individual’s personal property or personal information, Contractor will additionally perform the following checks on Personnel performing such Services: 1.2 Pengadilan Pidana/Nomor Jaminan Sosial (atau setara lokal). Jika Layanan melibatkan akses yang tidak ditemani ke fasilitas Google, akses jarak jauh ke sistem Google internal, atau akses ke suatu properti pribadi atau informasi pribadi individu, Kontraktor sebagai tambahan akan melakukan pemeriksaan berikut ini pada Personel yang melakukan Layanan tersebut:
(A) Criminal court checks for all countries of residence and work for the prior 7 years (or such period permitted by law); and (A) Pemeriksaan pengadilan pidana untuk semua negara tempat tinggal dan pekerjaan selama 7 tahun sebelumnya (atau periode yang diizinkan oleh hukum); dan
(B) Social Security number  (or local equivalent) traces. (B) Jejak nomor Jaminan Sosial (atau setara lokal).
1.3 Education and Employment Verification. Contractor will perform education and employment verification for all Personnel that are provisioned with Google systems or badged facility access. 1.3 Verifikasi Pendidikan dan Ketenagakerjaan. Kontraktor akan melakukan verifikasi pendidikan dan ketenagakerjaan untuk semua Personel yang dilengkapi dengan sistem Google atau akses fasilitas berlencana (badged).
1.4 Driving History. If the Services involve driving, Contractor will additionally perform driving history checks on Personnel performing such Services. 1.4 Riwayat Mengemudi. Jika Layanan melibatkan mengemudi, Kontraktor sebagai tambahan akan melakukan pemeriksaan riwayat mengemudi pada Personel yang melakukan Layanan tersebut.
1.5 Credit. If the Services involve access to Google’s or Google’s users’ financial information, Contractor will additionally perform credit checks on Personnel performing such Services. 1.5 Kredit. Jika Layanan melibatkan akses ke informasi keuangan Google atau pengguna Google, Kontraktor akan sebagai tambahan melakukan pemeriksaan kredit pada Personel yang melakukan Layanan tersebut.
1.6 Fingerprint. If the Services involve access to children or vulnerable persons, entering personal residences, or providing medical services, Contractor will additionally perform fingerprint checks on Personnel performing such Services. 1.6 Sidik Jari. Jika Layanan melibatkan akses ke anak-anak atau orang yang rentan, memasuki tempat tinggal pribadi, atau memberikan layanan medis, Kontraktor akan sebagai tambahan melakukan pemeriksaan sidik jari pada Personel yang melakukan Layanan tersebut.
1.7 Clinical and Scientific. If the Services involve clinical or scientific activities, Contractor will additionally perform the following (or local equivalent) checks on Personnel performing such Services: 1.7 Klinis dan Ilmiah. Jika Layanan melibatkan kegiatan klinis atau ilmiah, Kontraktor akan sebagai tambahan melakukan pemeriksaan berikut ini (atau yang setara menurut standar setempat) terhadap Personel yang melakukan Layanan tersebut:
(A) FDA Debarment List; (A) Daftar Pencekalan FDA;
(B) FDA Disqualified/Restricted/Assurance List; (B) Daftar Diskualifikasi/Dibatasi/Penjaminan FDA;
(C) PHS Administrative Action Bulletin Board; (C) Papan Buletin Tindakan Administratif PHS;
(D) List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) Database; and (D) Basis Data Daftar Individu dan Entitas yang Dikecualikan (LEIE); dan
(E) FDS Debarment/Disqualification List under the Application Integrity Policy (AIP). (E) Daftar Pencekalan/Diskualifikasi FDS berdasarkan Kebijakan Integritas Aplikasi (AIP).
2. Proper Notices; Consents. Contractor will provide all required background check notices to, and obtain signed consent from, Personnel. 2. Pemberitahuan yang Layak; Persetujuan. Kontraktor akan memberikan semua pemberitahuan pemeriksaan latar belakang yang disyaratkan kepada, dan memperoleh persetujuan yang ditandatangani dari, Personel.
3. Personnel Eligibility Guidelines. 3. Pedoman Memenuhi Syarat Personel.
3.1 Ineligible to Perform Services. Personnel may not perform any Services if a background check reveals the Personnel is restricted from performing the Services under Section 1.1 (Restricted Individuals) of this Attachment and the Personnel is not able to prove error. 3.1 Tidak Memenuhi Syarat untuk Melakukan Layanan. Personel tidak boleh melakukan Layanan apa pun jika suatu pemeriksaan latar belakang mengungkapkan bahwa Personel dilarang untuk melakukan Layanan berdasarkan Pasal 1.1 (Orang yang Dilarang) dari Lampiran ini dan Personel tidak dapat membuktikan kesalahan.
3.2 May be Eligible to Perform Services, but Requires Additional Review. 3.2 Mungkin Memenuhi Syarat untuk Melakukan Layanan, tetapi Memerlukan Tinjauan Kembali Tambahan.
(A) Issues Requiring Additional Review. Contractor must perform additional review to determine if Personnel is eligible to perform Services if a background check reveals any of the following: (A) Masalah yang Memerlukan Tinjauan Kembali Tambahan. Kontraktor harus melakukan tinjauan kembali tambahan untuk menentukan jika Personel memenuhi syarat untuk melakukan Layanan jika suatu pemeriksaan latar belakang mengungkapkan setiap dari hal berikut ini:
(1) Criminal Conviction. Personnel has any felony or misdemeanor criminal conviction within the last 7 years (or such period permitted by law). (1) Hukuman Pidana. Personel pernah mendapatkan hukuman pidana untuk kejahatan besar atau pelanggaran hukum yang ringan dalam waktu 7 tahun terakhir (atau periode sebagaimana diizinkan oleh hukum).
(2) Misrepresentation. Personnel misrepresents: (a) identification numbers (e.g., Social Security number or local equivalent); or (b) any educational or technical qualifications even if not required to perform the Services, including: (i) an educational degree not earned; (ii) an educational degree for which there is no record of it being earned; or (iii) a different major of study than recorded. (2) Pernyataan yang Keliru. Personel memberikan pernyataan keliru mengenai: (a) nomor identifikasi (mis., nomor Jaminan Sosial atau setara lokal); atau (b) kualifikasi pendidikan atau teknis apa pun bahkan jika tidak disyaratkan untuk melakukan Layanan, termasuk: (i) suatu gelar pendidikan yang tidak diperoleh; (ii) suatu gelar pendidikan yang untuk gelar tersebut tidak ada catatan gelar tersebut telah diperolehnya; atau (iii) suatu jurusan studi yang berbeda dari yang tercatat.
(3) Driving History Issues. For driving history checks: (a) Personnel’s driver license is currently suspended or revoked; or (b) Personnel has: (i) two or more driving violations in a 3-year period; or (ii) two or more convictions in the last 5 years for driving while under the influence or driving while intoxicated. (3) Masalah Riwayat Mengemudi. Untuk pemeriksaan riwayat mengemudi: (a) Surat izin mengemudi personel saat ini ditangguhkan atau dicabut; atau (b) Personel memiliki: (i) dua atau lebih pelanggaran mengemudi dalam periode 3 tahun; atau (ii) dua atau lebih hukuman dalam 5 tahun terakhir karena mengemudi di bawah pengaruh atau mengemudi saat mabuk.
(4) Credit Report Issues. For credit checks, Personnel’s credit report shows: (a) one or more items in collections, public records or negative accounts; (b) unpaid collections balance greater than or equal to US$1,000; or (c) any pending bankruptcy or fraud case. (4) Masalah Laporan Kredit. Untuk pemeriksaan kredit, laporan kredit Personel menunjukkan: (a) satu atau lebih poin dalam tagihan, catatan publik atau rekening negatif; (b) saldo tagihan yang tidak dibayar lebih besar dari atau sama dengan US$1.000; atau (c) perkara kepailitan atau penipuan apa pun yang sedang berjalan.
(B) Contractor to Perform Additional Review. Contractor is responsible for performing any additional review to decide whether Personnel is eligible to perform the Services. (B) Kontraktor Melaksanakan Tinjauan Kembali Tambahan. Kontraktor bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan tinjauan kembali tambahan apa pun untuk memutuskan apakah Personel memenuhi syarat untuk melakukan Layanan.
4. Verification of Background Checks. Upon request, Contractor will provide to Google or its third-party vendor verification that it conducted background checks. 4. Verifikasi Pemeriksaan Latar Belakang. Atas permintaan, Kontraktor akan memberikan kepada Google atau vendor pihak ketiganya verifikasi bahwa ia telah melakukan pemeriksaan latar belakang.


Other Google APAC Entities

January 2024


Introduction; Applicable Terms.

(A) If the Google entity (“Google”) and the vendor entity (“Contractor”) identified in the Purchase Order have executed a separate written agreement governing the Services, Deliverables, or Products specified in the Purchase Order (“Existing Agreement”), then the Existing Agreement will apply to those Services, Deliverables, or Products.
(B) Otherwise, the terms and conditions below (“T&Cs”), together with the Purchase Order, form an “Agreement” during the Term between Google and Contractor for the Services, Deliverables, and Products specified in the Purchase Order. If these T&Cs conflict with the Purchase Order, these T&Cs govern. Terms referencing Services, Deliverables, and Products apply only to the extent that such items are ordered in the Purchase Order.
(C) Google objects to any additional or different terms in any Contractor documents, including quotations, acknowledgments, or online terms. Those Contractor terms will be considered material alterations to the Agreement and are void
1. Definitions.
1.1 Affiliate” means in relation to a party: (A) any parent company of that party; and (B) any corporate body of which that party directly or indirectly has control or which is directly or indirectly controlled by the same person or group of persons as that party.
1.2 Background IP means all Intellectual Property owned or licensed by a party (A) before starting the Services or (B) independent of the Agreement.
1.3 Deliverables” means any work product (including third party materials) provided by Contractor to Google under this Agreement.
1.4  “Developed IP” means any Intellectual Property created or discovered by Contractor or Google in connection with this Agreement.
1.5 Inspection Period” means a 30 day period following Google’s receipt of the applicable Services or Deliverables, unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order.
1.6 Intellectual Property means anything protectable by an Intellectual Property Right.
1.7 Intellectual Property Right(s)” means all registered or unregistered intellectual property rights throughout the world, including rights in patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, designs, databases, domain names, and moral rights.
1.8 Personnel” means Contractor (if an individual) and all employees and agents of Contractor and its subcontractors and their agents.
1.9 Product” means any tangible goods or non-customized software offered or provided by Contractor.
1.10 Purchase Order” means an ordering document (including any incorporated attachments) for Services, Deliverables, or Products submitted to Contractor by Google.
1.11 Services” means all services specified or provided under this Agreement.
1.12 Tax(es) means all government-imposed tax obligations (including taxes, duties, and withholdings), except those based on Contractor’s or Personnel’s net income, net worth, asset value, property value, or employment.
1.13 Term” means the term of the Agreement starting on Contractor’s acknowledgement of or commencement of performance under the Purchase Order and ending on Google’s acceptance or final rejection of all Services, Deliverables, and Products, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement.
1.14 Transfer Law” means (A) applicable law implementing Council Directive 2001/23/EC; and (B) any other laws, directives, regulations and rules implementing provisions to safeguard and transfer employee rights on a change in service provider, in any jurisdiction applicable to Contractor and the Services under this Agreement.
1.15 In this Agreement, (A) “include” or “including” means “including but not limited to,” and (B) examples are illustrative and not the sole examples of a particular concept.
2. Services, Deliverables, and Products.
2.1 Requirements.
  (A) Ordering. Contractor will provide Services, Deliverables, and Products as specified in the Purchase Order.
  (B) Software Requirements. If Contractor includes any customized software in the Services or Deliverables, then Contractor will develop all such software in compliance with Google-provided software guidelines.
  (C) Product Supply. Attachment A (Product Supply) will apply to the extent that Google orders any Product.
  (D) Other Services. The following Attachments (in effect as of the date of the Purchase Order) will apply to the extent that Google orders the applicable Services. For the purposes of the Attachments described below, references to “ISA” will mean “T&Cs” and “SOW” will mean “Purchase Order”:
    (1) Marketing Services. The Marketing Services Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any Marketing Services (as defined in such Attachment), such as any creative design, advertising, marketing, or production Services.
    (2) SaaS Services. The Software as a Service Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any software as a service, cloud, or other hosted software Services.
    (3) Research Services. The Research Services Attachment at will apply to the extent that Contractor provides any research Services.
2.2 Inspection; Acceptance; Rejection.
  (A) Inspection. Google may inspect the Services and Deliverables during the Inspection Period.
  (B) Acceptance. Any Services or Deliverables not rejected within the Inspection Period will be deemed accepted. Acceptance does not reduce any applicable warranties under this Agreement.
  (C) Rejection; Corrections. During the Inspection Period, Google may reject Services and Deliverables that do not meet this Agreement’s warranties or specifications. Google will provide a written explanation for any rejected Services or Deliverables. If requested by Google during the Inspection Period, Contractor will correct and re-deliver any rejected Services and Deliverables at no cost to Google, under agreed deadlines, and subject to further Inspection Period(s). Otherwise, Google will have no obligation to pay for the rejected Services and Deliverables.
2.3 Notice of Delays. Contractor will promptly notify Google in writing of anything that is likely to cause a delay in the delivery of any Deliverable or a disruption of Services.
3 Payment.
3.1 Invoices.
  (A) Submitting Invoices. Contractor will invoice Google in accordance with the fee(s) specified in the Purchase Order. Contractor will submit itemized invoices to the online portal specified by Google according to the portal’s instructions. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, Contractor will invoice Google without delay monthly in arrears and only for accepted Services and Deliverables.
  (B) Disputing Invoices. Google will only initiate invoice disputes in good faith, and will provide a written description of the disputed amounts. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will issue separate invoices for undisputed and disputed amounts. Payment of any undisputed amounts will not compromise Google’s right to object to the disputed amounts. Disputed amounts will not be due until the dispute is finally resolved, and will then be payable according to Subsection (C) (Paying Invoices).
  (C) Paying Invoices. Google will pay Contractor within 60 days after Google receives a correct invoice (or such period as required by applicable law, if shorter). Google is not required to pay any invoice submitted more than 180 days after the end of the applicable Inspection Period for the Services or Deliverables.
3.2 Expenses.
  (A) Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement. Google will reimburse Contractor for expenses up to the amounts specified in the Purchase Order, and only if they are:
    (1) actual, reasonable, and necessary (without mark-ups or commissions);
    (2) approved in advance and in writing by Google; and
    (3) accompanied by receipts and other documentation that Google may request establishing the type, date, amount, payment, and purpose for such expenses.
  (B) Contractor Responsible for Personnel’s Expenses. Contractor is solely responsible for reimbursing Personnel’s expenses and will do so in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
3.3 Right to Offset Payment. In addition to other rights and remedies Google may have, Google may offset any payment obligations to Contractor that Google may incur under this Agreement against any fees owed to Google and not yet paid by Contractor under this Agreement or any other agreement between Contractor and Google. Google may also withhold and offset against its payment obligations under this Agreement, or require Contractor to pay to Google within 30 days of receipt of Google’s invoice, any amounts Google may have overpaid to Contractor in prior periods.
3.4 Taxes.
  (A) Tax Invoicing and Payment. For Services and Products provided from the United States, Canada, or India, Taxes are not included in the fees and will be separately itemized on Contractor's invoices if applicable. Otherwise, Taxes are included in the fees. Google will pay correctly-invoiced Taxes, if applicable, unless Google provides a valid Tax exemption certificate. Google will withhold Taxes if legally required. Any Services or Products provided from India to an entity outside of India are exports that are not subject to Taxes.
  (B) Tax Documentation. Contractor will timely provide customary tax documentation reasonably requested by Google.
3.5 Bank Charges. The party receiving payment will be responsible for bank and credit card charges assessed by its bank or the credit card issuer.
4. Intellectual Property and Deliverables.
4.1 Background IP. Except for the license rights under Section 5 (Licenses), neither party will own or acquire any right, title, or interest to the other party’s Background IP under this Agreement.
4.2 Third Party Materials. Contractor will not incorporate any third party’s Intellectual Property or any open source materials into any Deliverable without Google's prior written approval of: (A) such incorporation; and (B) any applicable license terms.
4.3 Developed IP; Deliverables.
  (A) Title to Deliverables. Title to the Deliverables will transfer to Google upon delivery.
  (B) Ownership of Developed IP. Google owns any Developed IP. Contractor assigns all right, title, and interest in the Developed IP, including Intellectual Property Rights, to Google.  Contractor will procure the assignment to Google of all rights in the Developed IP not owned by Contractor. If applicable law prevents future assignments, Contractor will assign (or will procure the assignment of) such rights as they are created.
  (C) License to Developed IP if Assignment Fails. If applicable law prevents Contractor from transferring ownership of any Developed IP to Google, Contractor grants to Google a perpetual, irrevocable, exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, transferrable, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to:
    (1) reproduce, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publish, communicate, publicly display, and otherwise use such Developed IP; and
    (2) make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export any component of, and otherwise dispose of such Developed IP.
  (D) Assistance to Accomplish Assignment. If requested by Google, Contractor will timely perform all acts reasonably necessary to accomplish the assignments and other transactions specified in this Agreement.
  (E) Moral Rights in Deliverables. Contractor will not assert, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, otherwise waives, any moral rights in the Deliverables and Developed IP. Contractor will ensure that Personnel and other third parties who have moral rights in the Deliverables and Developed IP will also not assert, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, will waive, those moral rights.
5. Licenses.
5.1 Google Background IP and Developed IP. If Google permits Contractor to use any of Google’s Background IP or the Developed IP to provide Google with the Services or Deliverables, then subject to this Agreement, Google grants to Contractor a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense to its delegates and subcontractors authorized by Google under Section 12.8 (Subcontracting)) to do the following, during the Term, solely for the purpose of, and only to the extent needed for, performing the Services and providing the Deliverables:
  (A) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use such Background IP and Developed IP;
  (B) make, use, and import such Background IP and Developed IP; and
  (C) use brand features provided by Google under this Agreement, subject to the Google Brand Features Guidelines at, and any restrictions specified in the Purchase Order or by the Purchase Order’s specified Google point of contact.
5.2 Contractor Background IP. If Contractor’s Background IP is incorporated in, or is necessary to use, any Deliverable:
  (A) Subject to Section 4.2 (Third Party Materials), Contractor will describe its Background IP in writing if requested by Google; and
  (B) Contractor grants to Google and its Affiliates a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to do the following:
    (1) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, modify, publish, adapt, communicate, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use such Background IP in connection with the Deliverables and Developed IP; and
    (2) make, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export any component of, and otherwise dispose of such Background IP in connection with the Deliverables and Developed IP.
6. Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security.
6.1 Definition. “Confidential Information” means information that one party (or an Affiliate) discloses to the other party under this Agreement, and that is marked as confidential or would normally be considered confidential information under the circumstances. It does not include information that is independently developed by the recipient, is rightfully given to the recipient by a third party without confidentiality obligations, or becomes public through no fault of the recipient. Each party’s Background IP is its Confidential Information. The Developed IP and Deliverables are Google’s Confidential Information.
6.2 Confidentiality Obligations. The recipient will not disclose the discloser’s Confidential Information, except to employees, Affiliates, agents, professional advisors, or third-party contractors (“Delegates”) who need to know it and who have a legal obligation to keep it confidential. The recipient will use the Confidential Information only to exercise rights and fulfill obligations under this Agreement while using reasonable care to protect the Confidential Information. The recipient may disclose Confidential Information when legally compelled by a court or other government authority. To the extent permitted by law, recipient will promptly provide the discloser with sufficient notice of all available details of the legal requirement and reasonably cooperate with the discloser’s efforts to challenge the disclosure, seek an appropriate protective order, or pursue such other legal action, as the discloser may deem appropriate. The recipient will ensure that its Delegates are also subject to the same non-disclosure and use obligations.
6.3 No Rights. Except for the limited rights under this Agreement, neither party acquires any right, title, or interest in the other party's Confidential Information.
6.4 Independent Development. Each party acknowledges that the recipient may develop or receive from third parties Intellectual Property that may be similar to the discloser’s Confidential Information. This Agreement does not prevent the recipient from developing or purchasing products or services, for itself or others, that compete with those of the discloser, so long as the recipient does not do so in breach of this Agreement. Each party is free to use for any purpose any Residuals acquired by that party if that use does not breach the non-disclosure requirements of this Agreement. “Residuals” means information in intangible form that an individual retains in unaided memory without intentionally memorizing that information.
6.5 No Publicity. Neither party may make any public statement regarding this Agreement without the other’s written approval.
6.6 Privacy and Security. Each party will comply with the Information Protection Addendum at in effect as of the Purchase Order date, as applicable.
7. Independent Contractor; Personnel.
7.1 Not Employees. Contractor is an independent contractor. Contractor and Personnel are not Google employees. Contractor is responsible for:
  (A) Personnel’s acts and omissions;
  (B) staffing, instructing, and managing Personnel performing Services;
  (C) providing all equipment necessary for Personnel to perform Services, except where otherwise provided by Google at its discretion, including for security purposes; and
  (D) determining Personnel’s compensation (i.e., any stated rates for Services provided are not wage rates).
7.2 No Employee Compensation or Benefits. Contractor and Personnel (A) will not be entitled to any wages, bonus, allowance, severance payment, compensation, stock, options, or other rights or benefits provided to Google employees; (B) waive any right to them; and (C) promise never to claim them. Contractor will notify Personnel in writing of the above and will obtain a similar waiver from Personnel.
7.3 Income Tax Withholding for Personnel. Contractor is responsible for any income tax withholding applicable to Personnel.
7.4 Termination of Personnel. Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with terminating Personnel, including:
  (A) costs arising under applicable law;
  (B) costs arising under an agreement between Contractor and Personnel; and
  (C) costs incurred by Google as a result of such termination.
7.5 No Transfer of Employment. Google and Contractor intend that the Transfer Law will not apply to Services or this Agreement.
8. Representations and Warranties.
8.1 Mutual. Each party represents and warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into and fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.
8.2 Contractor. Contractor represents and warrants that:
  (A) Quality. Contractor’s performance under this Agreement will be of professional quality and performed with reasonable skill and care consistent with generally-accepted industry standards. All Personnel performing Services have the requisite skills, experience, and qualifications.
  (B) Specifications and Requirements. The Services and Deliverables will meet this Agreement’s specifications and requirements.
  (C) Viruses and Malicious Code. The Deliverables will be free from any viruses or other malicious code.
  (D) No Conflicts. There are no actual or potential conflicts of interest concerning the Services.
  (E) License Rights. Contractor has and will retain all necessary rights to grant the licenses in this Agreement and provide the Services and Deliverables to Google, at no greater cost to Google than specified in the Purchase Order.
  (F) No Breach of Third-Party Obligations. Contractor and Personnel’s fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement will not breach any obligations they have to any third party.
  (G) No Use of Third-Party Confidential Information. In performing the Services, Contractor will not use or bring to Google any third party’s confidential or proprietary information unless Contractor obtains the third party’s and Google’s prior written consent.
  (H) Compliance with Google’s Procedures, Policies, and Code of Conduct. Contractor and Personnel will comply with:
    (1) all procedures and policies provided by Google (including Google's environmental, health, safety, and security procedures) and related management systems, when performing Services at Google facilities or using Google-provided networks, systems, or equipment;
    (2) the wage and benefits requirements at with respect to all Personnel that meet the eligibility requirements described at such URL; and
    (3) Google’s Supplier Code of Conduct at
  (I) Compliance with Laws. In connection with this Agreement, Contractor and Personnel will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, which may include those identified below. Contractor will use commercially reasonable and good faith efforts to comply with Google’s due diligence process, including providing requested information.
    (1) Import and Export. Contractor will comply with all applicable import and export laws and trade sanction regulations.
    (2) Anti-Bribery. Contractor will comply with all applicable campaign finance and gift laws and anti-bribery laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and the UK Bribery Act of 2010, which prohibit corrupt direct or indirect offers of anything of value to anyone (including government officials) to obtain or keep business or to secure any other improper commercial advantage. Contractor will not: (i) make any facilitation payments to induce government officials to perform otherwise required functions; or (ii) directly or indirectly, pay, offer, or agree to give any campaign contributions or gifts to government officials in connection with the Services. “Government officials” include any government employee; candidate for public office; and employee of government-owned or government-controlled companies, public international organizations, and political parties.
    (3) Employment; Occupational Health and Safety; Right to Work. Unless otherwise expressly permitted in the Purchase Order, Contractor will use only employed and directly paid employees (W-2 employees in the United States, or the local equivalent under applicable law) to provide Services (including any subcontracted Services). Contractor will comply with all applicable employment and occupational health and safety laws and regulations, including those related to employment practices, wages, and worker classification (such as meal and rest break laws, wage notices, separation pay, and overtime laws) in relation to Personnel. Where Personnel are foreign nationals in the territory, Contractor will ensure they have a valid work permit before assigning them to the Services. Contractor will also ensure all Personnel involved in the Services maintain a valid work permit throughout the Term.
    (4) Tax. Contractor will comply with all applicable tax laws as to Personnel and the Services.
    (5) Modern Slavery. Contractor will comply with all applicable anti-human trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery laws and rules. Contractor will take reasonable steps to ensure that no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, or human trafficking occurs in its provision of Services or supply chain.
    (6) Equal Employment Opportunities. Contractor is an equal-opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other basis that is prohibited by law.
    (7) Lobby Disclosures and Ethics. Contractor will comply with the lobby disclosure and ethics requirements at to the extent the Services include government relations or lobbying activities.
    (8) UK Living Wage. Contractor will comply with the UK Living Wage Attachment at for any Services performed in the United Kingdom.
  (J) Licenses and Certifications. Contractor has obtained and will maintain throughout the term of this Agreement all business registration certificates, investment certificates, authorizations, permits and licenses as required by applicable law, to provide the Services to Google.
9. Defense and Indemnity.
9.1 Obligations. Contractor will defend and indemnify Google, its Affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, and employees against all settlement amounts approved by Contractor and any liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses in connection with any third-party claim or legal proceeding (including action by a government authority) to the extent arising from:
  (A) Contractor’s breach of warranty, negligence, willful misconduct, fraud, misrepresentation, or violation of applicable laws;
  (B) any property damage, personal injury, or death related to Contractor’s performance of the Services;
  (C) Contractor’s breach of Section 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security) or applicable data protection laws;
  (D) any allegation by or on behalf of Personnel, including that Personnel are entitled to employee compensation, benefits, Transfer Law, or other rights or that is premised on Google or its Affiliates jointly or otherwise employing Personnel; or
  (E) any allegation that use of the Services or Deliverables infringes or misappropriates any third party’s rights, including Intellectual Property Rights.
9.2 Exclusions. This Section 9 (Defense and Indemnity) will not apply to the extent the underlying allegation arises from:
  (A) modifications to the Services or Deliverables not authorized or made by Contractor; or
  (B) compliance with designs or instructions provided by Google in writing.
9.3 Control of Defense. Google will tender sole control of the indemnified portion of the legal proceeding to Contractor, but
  (A) Google has the right to approve controlling counsel, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld (and which approval may be withheld or withdrawn if there is a conflict of interest);
  (B) Google may appoint its own non-controlling counsel; and
  (C) any settlement requiring Google to admit liability, pay money, or take (or refrain from taking) any action, will require Google’s prior written consent.
10. Limitations of Liability.
    (1) US$1,000,000; OR
11. Termination.
11.1 Termination for Breach. Either party may immediately terminate this Agreement on written notice if:
  (A) the other party breaches Section 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security), Section 8 (Representations and Warranties), or Section 12.1 (Insurance); or
  (B) the other party is in material breach of this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within 30 days after receiving written notice from the first party identifying the breach.
11.2 Termination for Legal Cause. Either party may immediately suspend performance or terminate this Agreement if an applicable law or an applicable government or court order prohibits such performance.
11.3 Termination for Convenience. Google may terminate this Agreement for convenience on written notice to Contractor, subject to Section 11.4(B) (Effects on Invoices).
11.4 Effects of Termination.
  (A) Effects on Purchase Order. Unless otherwise specified in the termination notice, termination is effective immediately and Contractor will stop work immediately on receipt of the termination notice. Contractor will immediately deliver all Deliverables (including work product in progress) to Google in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement terminates all licenses that Google granted under the Agreement, including Section 5.1 (Google Background IP and Developed IP).
  (B) Effects on Invoices. Google will pay for accepted Services and Deliverables invoiced before the date of termination. However, if Google terminates for convenience, Contractor may also invoice Google for any Services and Deliverables not yet invoiced at a pro-rated price based on the percentage of work completed before the termination date.
  (C) Survival. Sections 1 (Definitions), 3 (Payment), 4 (Intellectual Property and Deliverables), 5.2 (Contractor Background IP), 6 (Confidentiality; Publicity; Privacy and Security), 7 (Independent Contractor; Personnel), 8 (Representations and Warranties), 9 (Defense and Indemnity), 10 (Limitations of Liability), 11.4 (Effects of Termination), and 12 (General) will survive any termination of this Agreement.
12. General.
12.1 Insurance. Contractor will maintain insurance policies in accordance with Attachment B (Insurance).
12.2 Property Damaged or Not Returned. Contractor will, at Google’s option, promptly repair, replace, or compensate Google for the value of any Google property that is: (A) lost or damaged by Personnel; or (B) not returned on completion of the applicable Services.
12.3 Background Checks. To the extent applicable, Contractor will comply with the background check policies in Attachment C (Background Checks).
12.4 Records and Audit Rights.
  (A) Maintaining Records. Contractor will maintain complete and accurate records relating to this Agreement.
  (B) Right to Examine Deliverables. Google may examine the Deliverables and work-in-progress at any time.
  (C) Right to Audit Records. During the Term, and for one year after this Agreement terminates, Google or its third-party auditor may audit Contractor’s relevant records to confirm Contractor’s compliance with this Agreement. Google’s auditor will only have access to those records reasonably necessary to confirm such compliance. Contractor will repay Google any overcharged amounts by, at Google’s option, either: (1) promptly issuing a credit to Google; or (2) issuing a refund to Google within 30 days of Google’s invoice date. Contractor will reimburse Google for all reasonable audit costs if the price discrepancy for any particular invoice exceeds 3 percent.
  (D) Notice of Government Audits. If a government authority audits any portion of Contractor’s business related to the Services or Deliverables, Contractor will, to the extent permitted by law, promptly notify Google and provide Google with reasonably-requested information about the audit.
12.5 Notices. All notices must be in English and in writing. Notices of breach or termination must be addressed to the other party’s Legal Department. The address for notices to Google’s Legal Department is All other notices must be addressed to the other party’s primary contact. Emails are written notices. Notice will be treated as given on receipt, as confirmed by written or electronic records.
12.6 Assignment. Contractor may not assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without Google’s written consent, and any attempt to do so is void. Google may assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to an Affiliate.
12.7 Change of Control. Without limiting Contractor’s obligations under Section 12.6 (Assignment), if during the Term Contractor experiences a change of control (for example, through a stock purchase or sale, merger, or other form of corporate transaction) or sells all or substantially all of its assets, then Contractor will give written notice to Google within 30 days after such event.
12.8 Subcontracting. Contractor may not delegate or subcontract any of its obligations under this Agreement without Google’s written consent. Contractor will remain liable for all subcontracted obligations and all acts or omissions of its subcontractors.
12.9 Business Continuity. Contractor will maintain a reasonable business continuity and recovery plan that is consistent with generally-accepted industry standards.
12.10 No Waiver. A party’s delay or omission in exercising any right under this Agreement will not be treated as a waiver of that right. To be effective, a waiver must expressly state the right being waived under this Agreement and be signed by the waiving party.
12.11 No Agency. This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship.
12.12 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement unless the Agreement expressly states that there are. The parties can amend, rescind, or terminate this Agreement without any third-party beneficiary’s consent.
12.13 Signatures. Purchase Orders do not need to be signed (unless a signature block is included). The Agreement is effective on Contractor’s acknowledgement of or commencement of performance under the Purchase Order.
12.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement states all the terms agreed between the parties and supersedes all other agreements between the parties relating to its subject matter. In entering into this Agreement, the parties have relied solely on the express statements in this Agreement. Neither party has relied on, and neither party will have any right or remedy based on, any other statement, representation, or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently). Any terms or conditions on a quote, invoice, or other similar document from Contractor related to this Agreement, including any online terms, are void. Where required by applicable law, this Section 12.14 (Entire Agreement) does not apply to false, misleading, or deceptive statements or misrepresentations. The feedback submission interface on the website hosting these terms is intended for technical or typographical issues only. Any feedback or comments provided by Contractor relating to this Agreement will not amend the Agreement’s terms.
12.15 Amendments. Any amendment must be in writing, signed by both parties, and expressly state that it is amending this Agreement.
12.16 Severability. If any part of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will remain in effect.
12.17 Order of Precedence. The terms in these T&Cs will take precedence over conflicting terms in the Purchase Order.


This section does not preclude Contractor from filing disputes in local courts or relying on local statutory rights, solely and exclusively in cases where applicable local law does not permit the dispute being resolved in a California court or does not permit your local court from applying California law.

Attachment A
Product Supply

This Attachment will apply to the extent that Google orders any Product. To the extent this Attachment and the body of the T&Cs conflict, this Attachment will govern.

1. Definitions.
1.1 Defect” or “Defective” means, with respect to a Product, a failure to meet the Product warranties in Sections 8.1 (Product Specifications) and 8.2 (Product Quality) of this Attachment.
1.2 Warranty Period” means the 12-month period starting on the date Google accepts a Product, unless otherwise noted in the Purchase Order.
2. Ordering Product.
2.1 Ordering. Contractor will provide Products at the prices, delivery dates, and delivery locations for Products specified in the Purchase Order.
2.2 Changes. Google may reschedule Products or change the delivery destination for Products at no cost to Google, except that if requested changes materially increase or decrease the cost to provide Products, the parties will negotiate an appropriate adjustment to their obligations under the Purchase Order.
3. Product Payment. Contractor will invoice Google upon Google’s acceptance of the Products. Correct invoices for Product will include, at a minimum, complete bill-to address, Product part numbers and quantities, description of Products, unit prices, applicable tax or other charges, and extended totals. Google is not required to pay any invoice submitted 180 days or more after a Product is shipped.
4. Product Delivery.
4.1 Product Shipping.
  (A) Delivery Terms; Title Transfer. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, Contractor will deliver Products FCA (Incoterms 2020) to the applicable delivery destination. Title and risk of loss will transfer from Contractor to Google at the delivery destination.
  (B) Trade Compliance. When Contractor is responsible for exporting or importing Product, Contractor will obtain all authorizations and permits necessary to fulfill all applicable governments’ requirements for Product shipment.
  (C) Import/Export Information. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will provide Google with any information Google reasonably requests regarding Product importation, exportation, or distribution.
4.2 Product Packing. Contractor will package Products according to any instructions Google provides in the Purchase Order, and if none are provided, then according to good commercial practice to ensure safe arrival of the Products.
4.3 Advance Delivery. Google may refuse any delivery made more than 5 days before the delivery date and Contractor will re-deliver the Product on the correct date at Contractor’s expense.
4.4 Excess Product. Google may return to Contractor, at Contractor’s expense, any quantity of Product exceeding that specified in the Purchase Order.
4.5 Late Product Delivery.
  (A) If a Product shipment (or part of a shipment) is likely to be delayed, Contractor will: (1) promptly notify Google in writing and immediately propose a new delivery date, (2) use best efforts to expedite delayed Product at Contractor’s expense, and (3) issue Google a discount or refund on the purchase price for Product delivered late, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
  (B) In addition to the remedies in Subsection (A), Google may (1) cancel without liability the applicable Purchase Order or portions of the Purchase Order for delayed Product that is not yet delivered, or (2) source replacements for delayed Product from another supplier, at Contractor’s reasonable expense.
5. Inspection; Acceptance; Rejection; Defect Replacement.
5.1 Inspection. Google may inspect Product on delivery.
  (A) Acceptance. Any Product not rejected within 30 days of receipt will be deemed accepted by Google. Google’s payment to Contractor for Product will not be treated as acceptance.
  (B) Rejection. At Google’s option, Google may: (1) return rejected Products, and Contractor will immediately replace returned Products, at Contractor’s expense, including all freight costs; or (2) use the Defective Products and obtain a reduction in price.
5.2 Defect Replacement Procedure.
  (A) Remedies. For Product that is discovered Defective during the Warranty Period, Contractor will, at its expense and at Google’s option:
    (1) replace or repair Defective Product and re-deliver such repaired or replaced Product to Google within a commercially reasonable time frame agreed to by Google,
    (2) refund Google the Product purchase price within 30 days of receiving Google’s notice that a Product is Defective, or
    (3) reimburse Google for the reasonable cost to have the Product repaired within 30 days after receiving Google’s invoice.
  (B) Costs. Contractor is responsible for all costs, damages, and liabilities incurred by Google as a result of Defective Product
  (C) Google Property. All Products undergoing repair will at all times remain Google’s property.
  (D) Warranty. Contractor will warrant replacement Product for the longer of 90 days following Google’s acceptance of the replacement Product or the remainder of the original Product’s Warranty Period.
6. Product License.
6.1 Developed IP. For those portions of a Product that are Developed IP, T&Cs Section 4.3 (Developed IP; Deliverables) will apply.
6.2 Other Products. For those portions of a Product that are not Developed IP, Contractor grants to Google, its Affiliates, distributors, and end users a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty-free license to modify, sell, offer for sale, import, and otherwise use and dispose of the Product, including any bug fixes, updates, or upgrades developed by Contractor for the respective Product
7. Failure Analysis. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will perform a failure analysis of any returned Product that is suspected to be Defective. Contractor will use reasonable efforts to provide Google with (A) an initial assessment of the Defect’s cause(s) within 1 week of receiving the returned Deliverable; and (B) a final assessment of the Defect’s root cause within 3 weeks of receiving the returned Deliverable.
8. Representations and Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants that:
8.1 Product Specifications. The Products will comply with applicable specifications (in order of ascending precedence): (A) readily made available by Contractor to its customers; (B) identified in the Purchase Order; or (C) as the parties may otherwise agree to in writing. The Products will be of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit for any purpose made known to Contractor.
8.2 Product Quality. Products will be new, unused, and not refurbished at the time of delivery, and will be safe for any and all normal and foreseeable uses and free from defects in design, materials, and workmanship during the Warranty Period.
8.3 Title. Google will acquire from Contractor good and clear title to Product free and clear of all liens, security interests, claims, and encumbrances.
8.4 Software. For software provided by Contractor, the software will not damage, interfere with, or permit unauthorized access to any other existing products or systems on which it is installed or any information residing on those products or systems.
8.5 Pass-Through. Contractor will, to the extent it is contractually permitted to do so, provide to Google the benefits of manufacturers’ or suppliers’ warranties and guarantees for material or equipment incorporated into the Products, and will perform its responsibilities so that such warranties or guarantees remain in full effect.
8.6 Conflict Minerals. Contractor will comply with all applicable conflict minerals laws and materials disposal laws. Upon request, Contractor will provide a complete and accurate conflict mineral report detailing the source and chain of custody of conflict minerals (in a format that is at least as comprehensive as the EICC/GeSI reporting template) for each Product.
9. Additional Defense and Indemnity Terms.
9.1 Obligations. The following subsections are added to T&Cs Section 9.1 (Obligations):
  (A) any property damage, personal injury, or death related to use of a Product; or
  (B) any allegation that use, possession, import, distribution, or sale of the Products, alone or in combination with any other product, service, or technology, violates or infringes a third party’s rights, including Intellectual Property Rights.
9.2 Remedies. If an injunction preventing continued use of any Products is threatened or granted, Contractor will do the following at its sole expense:
  (A) procure the right to continue providing the Products in compliance with the Agreement;
  (B) modify the Products to make them non-infringing without materially reducing their functionality; or
  (C) replace the Products with a non-infringing, functionally-equivalent alternative.
10. Termination and Survival.  Unless otherwise specified in the termination notice, termination cancels without liability all undelivered Products. Contractor’s obligation to deliver non-cancelled Product and Sections 1, 3 (Product Payment), 5.1(B) (Rejection), 5.2 (Defect Replacement Procedure), 6 (Product License), 8 (Representations and Warranties), 9 (Additional Defense and Indemnity Terms), and 10 (Termination and Survival) of this Attachment will survive any termination of the Agreement
11. Governing Law. If the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act are otherwise applicable, the parties expressly exclude them from applicability under the Agreement and agree that T&Cs Section 12.18 (Governing Law) will control.

Attachment B

During the Term and at its own expense, Contractor will maintain the following insurance coverage, with insurance carriers rated A- or better by A.M. Best Company (or equivalent acceptable rating by local regulatory authority):

1. Standard Coverages. Contractor may use any combination of the following insurance to meet the total limit requirements of this Section.
1.1 Commercial General Liability insurance, including contractual liability coverage, on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, death, “broad form” property damage, products and completed operations, and personal and advertising injury, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence.
1.2 Workers’ Compensation insurance as required by law in the country or the state where the Services or Products will be provided, including employer’s liability coverage for injury, disease and death, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per accident and employee.
1.3 Umbrella (Excess) Liability insurance on an occurrence form, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence.
2. Specific Coverages.
2.1 Auto Liability. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes Personnel driving, then Contractor will additionally maintain auto liability insurance coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage.
2.2 Professional Liability. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes consultative, design, or development services, then Contractor will additionally maintain professional liability insurance, with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) per claim.
2.3 Commercial Crime. If Contractor’s provision of Services or Products includes access to financial information, funds, payments, or other financial records, then Contractor will additionally maintain commercial crime insurance on an occurrence form with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in local currency) annual aggregate.
2.4 Network Security and Privacy Liability. If Contractor will collect, store, process or otherwise access any data related to Google, its customers, or its employees, then Contractor will additionally maintain network security and privacy liability insurance with coverage limits of not less than US$1,000,000 per claim, that includes coverage for: (A) Contractor’s unauthorized disclosure of, or failure to properly handle, personal or other confidential data; and (B) financial loss, including any related defense expense, resulting from Contractor’s wrongful acts in rendering Services or providing Products. If Contractor's professional liability policy includes coverage for network security and privacy liability, then any combined single limit for the policy must be the sum of the limits required for each (i.e., US$2,000,000).
3. Coverage Requirements.
3.1 Primary Coverage. Contractor’s policies will be considered primary without right of contribution from Google’s insurance policies.
3.2 Policy Limits. Contractor’s policies will apply to the full extent provided by the policies. The coverage requirements in Sections 1 (Standard Coverages) and 2 (Specific Coverages) above will not lower the coverage limits of Contractor’s policies, and will not limit Contractor’s obligations or liability under this Agreement (including indemnities).
3.3 Additional Insured. Contractor will name Google and its Affiliates and their officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and assignees as additional insureds in each of the policies required above except for:
  (A) workers’ compensation,
  (B) professional liability, and
  (C) network security and privacy liability policies.
3.4 Waiver of Subrogation. Contractor will include a severability of interests and waiver of subrogation clause in favor of Google in each of the policies required above except for:
  (A) professional liability, and
  (B) network security and privacy liability policies.
3.5 Cancellation Notice. Contractor will provide Google with notice of cancellation of any policy required above in accordance with policy provisions.
4. Contractor Responsible for Own Insurance Coverage.
4.1 Contractor’s Activities at Own Risk. All of Contractor’s activities under this Agreement will be at Contractor’s own risk.
4.2 No Benefit of Google Insurance Policies. Personnel will not be entitled to any benefits under Google’s insurance policies.
4.3 Contractor Responsible for Subcontractor’s Insurance Coverage. Contractor is solely responsible for ensuring that its subcontractors maintain insurance coverage that is usual, reasonable and customary for the services provided by such subcontractors to ensure that Contractor can meet its requirements and obligations under this Agreement.
5. Certificates of Insurance.
5.1 Evidence of Insurance Coverage. Upon Google’s request, Contractor will provide evidence of required insurance coverage to Google or Google’s third-party vendor.
5.2 Google Not Obligated to Review Insurance Coverage. Google’s failure to request, review, or object to the terms of Contractor’s certificates of insurance will not:
  (A) waive any of Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement;
  (B) waive any of Google’s rights under this Agreement; or
  (C) limit or diminish Contractor’s liability under this Agreement.

Attachment C
Background Checks

1. Applicable Categories. To the extent permitted under applicable law, Contractor will complete the background checks required below prior to Personnel performing Services, unless otherwise notified by Google. These background checks are not intended to affect the employment of Personnel by Contractor. They are required only to comply with legal obligations and to protect the safety and security of Google’s personnel, customers, and confidential and personal information.
1.1 Restricted Individuals. Contractor will ensure that Personnel are not restricted from performing Services by an applicable government authority.
1.2 Criminal Court / Social Security Number (or local equivalent). If the Services involve unescorted access to Google’s facilities, remote access to internal Google systems, or access to an individual’s personal property or personal information, Contractor will additionally perform the following checks on Personnel performing such Services:
  (A) Criminal court checks for all countries of residence and work for the prior 7 years (or such period permitted by law); and
  (B) Social Security number (or local equivalent) traces.
1.3 Education and Employment Verification. Contractor will perform education and employment verification for all Personnel that are provisioned with Google systems or badged facility access.
1.4 Driving History. If the Services involve driving, Contractor will additionally perform driving history checks on Personnel performing such Services.
1.5 Credit. If the Services involve access to Google’s or Google’s users’ financial information, Contractor will additionally perform credit checks on Personnel performing such Services.
1.6 Fingerprint. If the Services involve access to children or vulnerable persons, entering personal residences, or providing medical services, Contractor will additionally perform fingerprint checks on Personnel performing such Services.
1.7 Clinical and Scientific. If the Services involve clinical or scientific activities, Contractor will additionally perform the following (or local equivalent) checks on Personnel performing such Services:
  (A) FDA Debarment List;
  (B) FDA Disqualified/Restricted/Assurance List;
  (C) PHS Administrative Action Bulletin Board;
  (D) List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) Database; and
  (E) FDS Debarment/Disqualification List under the Application Integrity Policy (AIP).
2. Proper Notices; Consents. Contractor will provide all required background check notices to, and obtain signed consent from, Personnel.
3. Personnel Eligibility Guidelines.
3.1 Ineligible to Perform Services. Personnel may not perform any Services if a background check reveals the Personnel is restricted from performing the Services under Section 1.1 (Restricted Individuals) of this Attachment and the Personnel is not able to prove error.
3.2 May be Eligible to Perform Services, but Requires Additional Review.
  (A) Issues Requiring Additional Review. Contractor must perform additional review to determine if Personnel is eligible to perform Services if a background check reveals any of the following:
    (1) Criminal Conviction. Personnel has any felony or misdemeanor criminal conviction within the last 7 years (or such period permitted by law).
    (2) Misrepresentation. Personnel misrepresents: (a) identification numbers (e.g., Social Security number or local equivalent); or (b) any educational or technical qualifications even if not required to perform the Services, including: (i) an educational degree not earned; (ii) an educational degree for which there is no record of it being earned; or (iii) a different major of study than recorded.
    (3) Driving History Issues. For driving history checks: (a) Personnel’s driver license is currently suspended or revoked; or (b) Personnel has: (i) two or more driving violations in a 3-year period; or (ii) two or more convictions in the last 5 years for driving while under the influence or driving while intoxicated.
    (4) Credit Report Issues. For credit checks, Personnel’s credit report shows: (a) one or more items in collections, public records or negative accounts; (b) unpaid collections balance greater than or equal to US$1,000; or (c) any pending bankruptcy or fraud case.
  (B) Contractor to Perform Additional Review. Contractor is responsible for performing any additional review to decide whether Personnel is eligible to perform the Services.
4. Verification of Background Checks. Upon request, Contractor will provide to Google or its third-party vendor verification that it conducted background checks.


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