Diagnosing Common Access Issues

If you receive an error when accessing one of the links provided as part of the Vendor Security Assessment (VSA) process, verify the prerequisites and see the below list of troubleshooting tips for help resolving the issue:


Access to the questionnaires and resolution console for Google's Vendor Security Assessment (VSA) process requires a Google Account.

If your company is not a Google Workspace customer, you need to create an account associated with your company email address (at SignUpWithoutGmail).

Your contact within Google, who is responsible for the project, manages the access to the VSA for you and configures your access.

The Google account you are logged in with does not have access to the project

If you see the following error when accessing the resolution console, you are likely logged in using a Google account that is not associated with the company email address we sent the invitation to:

SPUR: User not on Resolution Console ACL

To double-check the email address associated with the currently used account, you can go to https://accounts.google.com and click on your account avatar in the top right hand corner of the screen.

To resolve this issue:

  • If the current account is not associated with the company email address: Log out of this account and log in with an account that is associated with this email address.
  • If the current account is associated with the company email address, please reach out to your Google contact to request assistance. Include information on the error you received, and the email address associated with your current Google account.
Please note that if you are signed in with multiple accounts (e.g. work and personal Gmail account), we recommend that you log out of your personal account to avoid it being used to request access.

Third-party cookies blocked by the browser

If you see the following error when accessing the resolution console or questionnaires, your browser is blocking third-party cookies required for authentication. Some browsers block third-party cookies in certain circumstances (e.g. when using private browsing or incognito modes offered by most modern browsers).

SPUR: Third-Party Cookies Blocked

To resolve this issue:

  • Enable third-party cookies in your browser. Depending on the browser you are using, there may be a notification in the URL bar or notifications area that you can click on to allow third-party cookies on this page.
Please note that you may need to refresh the page after changing this setting in your browser.

Pop-ups blocked by the browser

If the resolution console or a questionnaire does not load correctly, your browser is probably blocking a pop-up that is required for authentication and to continue loading data from the site.

SPUR: Popups Blocked

To resolve this issue:

  • Enable pop-ups on this page in your browser settings. Depending on the browser you are using, there may be a notification in the URL bar or notifications area that you can click on to allow pop-ups on this page.
Please note that you may need to refresh the page after changing this setting in your browser.

A link shared to you appears to be incorrect

If you received a link that takes you to the below screen, it is likely that you received an incorrect link. We apologize for the inconvenience.

SPUR: Incorrect Link

To resolve this issue:

  1. Verify the link is incorrect by checking that it contains corp.google.com.
  2. Correct the link by replacing https://spur.corp.google.com/ with https://partner-security.withgoogle.com/
    • E.g. Change https://spur.corp.google.com/remediation/AAAAAAAA to https://partner-security.withgoogle.com/remediation/AAAAAAAA

Alternatively, you can reach out to your Google contact to request that they share the correct external link. This link is also shared with you in automated emails sent from our systems during the assessment process.

Your Google Workspace administrator has restricted access to specific Google services

If you see the following error when accessing the resolution console or questionnaires, it may mean that your Google Workspace administrator has restricted access to some Google services.

SPUR: Account Restricted

SPUR: Account Restricted (2)

To resolve this issue, you will need the assistance of the Google Workspace administrator responsible for your company:

  1. Ask your administrator to review which services are turned on or off for Google Workspace users.
  2. In order for you to be able to authenticate to the system, the Additional Google services option needs to be enabled for your account.
  3. Please see this help center article detailing how to configure this for your Google Workspace account.
Please note that this setting can be set for the entire organization, or for an individual organizational unit to restrict it to a set of users.

Alternatively, you can create a dedicated @gmail.com account for this use-case, and reach out to your Google contact to request that they add this account to the access control list.

Further assistance required

If you are still unable to gain access to the system after checking the troubleshooting steps shared on this page, please reach out to your Google contact with the following information:

  • A screenshot of the error you are receiving.
  • The time at which the error occurred.
  • The email address associated with your Google account.
  • The link you are attempting to access.
  • The type of browser you are using (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Edge).

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