Submitting a Credit Memo
If you are not enabled in Ariba, credit memos are able to be submitted via
Alternatively you can mail the credit memo as a hard copy as per the Invoicing Requirements by Country.
Attached invoices have to meet the following requirements:
- must be PDF format
- name of the file cannot include special characters: &, “, ‘, <, >
- max document size is 2MB
To avoid invoice exceptions/rejection in VIM as well as speed up the posting process, the following information is required for all credit memos:
Important: Please be sure to include line description and PO line numbers where applicable.
Regional Specific Considerations
North AmericaSupplier Information
- Supplier Name
- Supplier Legal Mailing Address
Google Information
- Google PO Number
- Google Bill-To Entity
- Google Bill-To Address
Invoice Information
- Transaction/ Event
- Invoice Date
- Invoice Supply Date
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Description of Goods or Services Supplied
Supplier Information
- Supplier Name
- Supplier Legal Mailing Address
Google Information
- Google PO Number
- Google Bill-To Entity
- Google Bill-To Address
Invoice Information
- Transaction/ Event
- Invoice Date
- Invoice Supply Date
- Invoice Number
- Credit note Amount (Excluding VAT)
- Credit note VAT Amount & Rate
- Credit note Total VAT amount
- Credit note Total Amount (Including VAT)
- Original Invoice number(s) which the credit memo refers to
- Invoice Description of Goods or Services Supplied
Supplier Information
- Supplier Name
- Supplier Legal Mailing Address
Google Information
- Google PO Number
- Google Bill-To Entity
- Google Bill-To Address
Invoice Information
- Transaction/ Event
- Invoice Date
- Invoice Supply Date
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Description of Goods or Services Supplied
Note that there may be regional specific requirements based on location of services provided. Please continue to refer to Invoicing Requirements by Country for additional information.