Registration and Tax Questionnaire Guidance


In order to enroll through Ariba to transact with Google/Alphabet, you must create an account and fill out and submit both the Registration & Tax Questionnaires.

Below information will be required to create the Ariba account:

Company Name As per your certificate of incorporation
Country Where company is registered
Address Street Address
City As per your certificate of incorporation
State As per your certificate of incorporation, choose from dropdown
Postal Code Zip
Username & Password Credentials for your Ariba Account
Products & Service Categories A list of company products and services will be provided for you to select on
Ship To Service Locations A list of locations will be provided for you to select depending on where you deliver your products or services
Email orders to This can be a group email, if you wish your Purchase Orders are sent to multiple accounts. However you can change this in Ariba settings later
SAP Terms of use & Privacy Statements Checking this box means that you agree to the terms with SAP (This is not Google’s terms & conditions. Google’s Terms & conditions is located at the next part of your enrollment which is the Questionnaires)

Please select your business location to see what information will be required to complete the enrollment registration questionnaires:

Contact Information

Primary Contact Information  
Email recipient that will receive POs from Google  

Payment Information

Remit To Address  
Remittance Email Address  
Bank Name  
Account Holder Name in Japanese Half-width Katakana, All Caps  
Bank Control Key / Bank Account Type  
Bank Key & Bank Account Number OR IBAN Number.
For additional bank account guidance please go to this page
Bank Account Currency  
Bank Attachment Copy  
Account Holder Name in English  
Does your bank account require Intermediary / FFC Banking Info?   
Finance Admin Contact Information  
Email Address of Point of Contact at Google  
Google Terms and Conditions

To review tax questionnaire requirements, please select the countries you are doing business in (you will need to select each country individually to see the required tax questions):

Legal Name as shown in your Tax Certificate/Tax Form  
Business Name  
Certificate of Incorporation sample here
National Tax Number  
Company Registered Address  
Are you GST / VAT Registered?  
Is the Payee a filer or non-filer as per Active Taxpayer list?  
Exempt from Withholding Tax?  
Will any services provided to Google or its affiliates be performed inside the United States, and/or will any labor or capital (including facilities or other tools) used to provide such services be physically located inside the United States?  


Certificate of Incorporation


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