Merge duplicate contacts

If you have duplicate listings for the same person in Google Contacts, you can merge them.

You can't merge contacts that are saved in different Google Accounts.

  1. Go to Google Contacts.
  2. At the top left, click Menu Menu and then Merge and fix.
  3. If you don’t find a 'Merge duplicates' option, you don’t have any contacts that you can merge. If you find contacts that you can merge:
    • To accept one or more duplicate contact suggestions, click Merge.
    • To accept all duplicate contact suggestions, click Merge all.
  4. Optional: If you want to choose which contacts to merge:
    • Go to Google Contacts.
    • To select the contacts that you want to merge, hover over each profile picture or monogram. Then, tick the box.
    • At the top right, click .

Separate merged contacts

You can separate a contact that you merged.

Learn how to undo changes to contacts.

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