Why doesn't the bridge call to my JSNI method work in .onclick?

While there are many reasons why your bridge call may not seem to be called in onclick, one of the most common causes has to do with function closures and how JavaScript variables are stored.

The code below illustrates this point:

public native void doSomething() /*-{
    someObj.onclick = function() {
        this.@com.company.app.client.MyClass::doSomethingElse(Ljava/lang/String;)("on click");

public void doSomethingElse(String foo) {
Someone new to JavaScript looking at this code may expect the "immediate" alert to display as soon as the code runs, and the "on click" alert to pop up when someObj is clicked. However, what actually will happen is that the first alert will display, but never the "on click." This problem occurs because "this.@com..." idioms create function closures over this. However, in JavaScript function closures, variables like this are stored by reference, not by value. Since the state of this isn't guaranteed once the JSNI doSomething function goes out of scope, by the time the onclick anonymous function callback gets run, this either points to some different object (which may not have a doSomethingElse method) or is even null or undefined. The fix is to create a local var that stores a copy of this, and creating the function closure over that. The snippet below shows the correct way to have the bridge call to doSomethingElse run when someObj is clicked.
public native void doSomething() /*-{
    var foo = this;
    someObj.onclick = function() {
        foo.@com.company.app.client.MyClass::doSomethingElse(Ljava/lang/String;)("on click");
In this way, the variable over which we have created the closure is stored by value, and hence will retain that value even after the doSomething function goes out of scope.
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