How do I know how many AdSense API referrals I've had and what my AdSense API referral earnings are?

When you log into your Google AdSense account your AdSense API referral earnings will be displayed in the Referrals section on the overview screen. The information displayed on the overview screen is a bit different from other referral programs, as described below.

For AdSense API referrals, "clicks" correspond to the number of new publisher accounts created. "CTR" (Click through rate) has no meaning with the AdSense API and this column should be ignored. "Sign-ups" will always be zero -- AdSense API sign-ups are reported as clicks. There are three possible types of "conversions": a $5 conversion when a publisher reaches $5 in earnings, a $250 conversion when a publisher reaches $100 in earnings, and a $2000 bonus conversion that a developer is eligible for once a year when 25 publishers each reach $100 in earnings. All three types are counted as a single conversion and are tracked collectively in the Conversions column. In the above example, the developer has had five $5 conversions and one $250 conversion. For more information on AdSense API referrals, see the referral bonuses page.

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