Connection errors during installation

Listed below are several possible causes for the connection error you're receiving. Please determine which of these causes may be applicable to you and follow the instructions to resolve the problem.

  • Your firewall, anti-virus software, or proxy is preventing the program from accessing the Internet. In this case, you need to add it to your security software's exceptions list. If you're using Windows firewall, you can add this program by following these steps:
    1. Click "Start" in your Windows Taskbar and choose "Control Panel" > "Windows Firewall."
    2. Select the "Exceptions" tab.
    3. Click the "Add Program" button.
    4. Click "Browse" and select "My Computer" from the left side of the window.
    5. Select "Local Disk (C:)" and click "Open."
    6. Double-click "Program Files" > "Google" > "Common."
    7. Select the folder with the highest number and open it.
    8. Choose the file "googleupdate.exe."
    9. Open "Documents and Settings."
    10. Open the folder with your username.
    11. Open "Local Settings" > "Application Data" > "Google" > "Update."
    12. Select the folder with the highest number and open it.
    13. Choose the file "googleupdate.exe."

    If you're using other firewall software, please visit that program's website for specific instructions to add applications to the exceptions list.

  • You may not have the latest updates for Windows XP. If you're not currently running Windows XP Service Pack 2, please try upgrading Windows.

  • You’re on an authenticated proxy server that isn't supported. Currently, we support the Negotiate authentication scheme. This includes both Kerberos and NTLM, depending on what is available. Additionally, proxies using "integrated authentication" are supported, provided that the current user is authorized to go through that proxy. Please determine if you're on a supported proxy server.

  • Your computer's Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) isn't starting properly. If this is the case, you may want to verify that BITS is correctly configured. To ensure that BITS is enabled, please follow these steps:
    1. Click the "Start" button in your Windows taskbar and select "Settings" > "Control Panel" > "Administrative Tools" > "Services."
    2. Select "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" from the list.
    3. Right-click “Background Intelligent Transfer Service” and choose "Properties" from the menu.
    4. From the "General" tab verify that the "Startup" type is set to either "Automatic" or "Manual." Make sure this setting is not "Disabled."

    If you continue to have difficulties with BITS, make sure you have write access to the following folder:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\

    To determine if you have write access, right-click the folder and choose "Properties." If you see an empty box next to "Read-only" in the "General tab," you do have write access. If you see a checkmark or a green box, click the box until it's empty and click "OK." If you're unable to click the box, please speak with your system administrator.

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