What is a client_id and when do you need it?

Figure 1: AdSense API Relationships
The entities in the AdSense API and how they and how they are linked together.

One of the SOAP headers that is needed for most requests is the client_id header. This ID is not related to you, the developer, but is related to the client publisher account for which you are requesting the action. This ID starts with "ca-pub-", "ca-ref-pub-", or "partner-pub-" and then is followed by the sixteen digit numeric portion of the identifier. Note that you receive a list of these identifiers as a response to a call to the Account service's createAdSenseAccount or Account service's associateExistingAccount method. When you receive these IDs back, it is important to store them on your system so that you can make future requests on behalf of your client publishers.

Two actions for which you don't need a client_id header are createAdSenseAccount and associateExistingAccount requests. These are "account-less" actions because the account concerned in the request either does not exist yet (creation) or is not yet associated with you and therefore is not a client publisher of yours (association).
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