This feature is available with Google Workspace.
You can use the meeting card on the Cloud Search homepage to prepare for your day's events. The format of the card varies depending on when you view it, in relation to the start of your meetings in Google Calendar. For example, you see different options if a meeting hasn't started yet, rather than when it's over. You won't see a card for meetings you decline.
Choose an action from your meeting card
From the card, you can perform any of these actions:
This option is available in cards for current and future meetings, if your organization has enabled Google Hangouts.
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- Go to the meeting card.
- At the top-right corner, click
Hangouts opens where you can join the meeting.
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- Go to the meeting card.
- Next to Going?, click your response.
- If you previously responded, you see your current response. Click Yes or Maybe to change your response.
- If you haven't responded before, click Yes, No, or Maybe. If you click No, you won't see the card after the homepage refreshes.
You can't change your response for meetings you create without invited guests.
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- Go to the meeting card.
- Perform one of these actions:
- At the top-right corner, click
- At the bottom-right corner, click Show More. Then in the Guests section, click Email Guests.
- At the top-right corner, click
- In the Gmail window that opens, type your message. The subject of the email is the name of your meeting.
- Click Send.
- Click Back
to return to the homepage.
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- Go to the meeting card.
- At the bottom-right corner, click Show More.
- In the Guests section, next to the person you want to email, click
- In the Gmail window that opens, type your message. The subject of the email is the name of your meeting.
- Click Send.
- Click Back
to return to the homepage.
Note: If your organization has not yet enabled Gmail or Inbox, you get a mailto link instead.
You can make changes to the meeting if you're the meeting organizer or have permissions to modify.
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If you can't sign in, your account doesn't have Cloud Search. Learn more
- Go to the meeting card.
- At the bottom-right corner, click Show More.
- At the bottom, click Edit in Calendar.
The event opens in Google Calendar where you can make changes. - Click Save.
Why Cloud Search recommends particular content
Google Cloud Search recommends content to you based on information from your Google Workspace services. You see content related to the Calendar event, such as:
- Documents attached to the event
- Documents mentioned in the meeting description
- Documents related to the meeting
- Emails about the meeting from invited guests
You can only open content you have permissions to see. Cloud Search follows the same sharing model used across Google Workspace services. That means you can only open content you have access to, such as documents:
- Owned by you
- Shared with you directly
- Shared with a group you belong to
- Shared with everyone in your organization
If someone attaches a private document to the Calendar event, or links to a private document from the meeting description, you see a Lock . You can't open a private document until the owner shares it with you. Learn how to request permission to open the file.