Add apps to the password vaulted apps service

Password vaulted apps were available in Cloud Identity Premium edition until June 2022. Shutdown of this feature started on September 21, 2022, and will complete by June 21, 2023. Learn more

To set up the password vaulted apps service, you'll need to add apps to the service by searching and choosing from the available web-based applications in the app library, or you can add a custom app. For instructions, see the sections below.

Important: Before you add apps to the password vaulted apps service, you need to set up a new group structure in the Google Admin console that’s designed specifically for password vaulted apps. For instructions, see Get started with password vaulted apps.

Add apps from the app library

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Go to Menu and then Apps > Password vaulted apps.

    Requires the Password vault administrator privilege.

  3. Click ADD APP.
  4. To search the library of available apps, type a name for the app.
    A list of matching applications is displayed.

    Note: If the app you're searching for doesn't exist in the library, you can add a custom app. For instructions, see Add a custom app in the section below.
  5. Scroll over the app that you want to add, and click ADD APP.
  6. Enter the app details:
    In the App name field, type a custom display name that will appear on the user dashboard.
    If needed, enter both the app name and a Login URL. You would need to do this for apps with multiple installations (in other words, apps with multi-tenancy) and with different login URLs. 
  7. Click ADD APP.
  8. To assign a group or user to the app, click Assignments.
    Use the Groups or Users filter to narrow the assignment to a selected set of users. 
  9. Once you select the groups or users, click Grant access.

Add a custom app

If the web-based applications that you're looking for are not available in the app library, you can add a custom app to the password vaulted apps service. To add a custom app, you'll need to follow the steps below to retrieve details from the login page for the custom app. This process only works correctly for apps where the username field, password field, and submit button are located on the same login page.

Follow these steps: 

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Go to Menu and then Apps > Password vaulted apps.

    Requires the Password vault administrator privilege.

  3. Click ADD APP.
  4. In the Search apps field, type custom app, hover your cursor over Custom App, and then click ADD APP.

    Note: You can also type the name of an app that doesn't exist in the app library, and then click ADD A CUSTOM APP.
  5. Enter the following app details for the custom app:
    1. App name—Type a custom display name that will appear on the user dashboard.
    2. Login URL—This is the full login URL for the custom app that you want to add to the password vaulted apps service. For example, enter if the login URL is
    3. Username field CSS selector—Type a valid username field CSS selector. (For details about CSS selectors, see CSS Selector Reference.)

      You'll need to retrieve the username field CSS selector from the Login URL page described in the step above, and provide this information so that the Google system can find the login field for your app:
      1. From the login page, right-click on the username field, and choose Inspect. This opens your browser's DevTools console, and the DOM element of the username field is highlighted. The following text string is an example of a DOM element:

        <input type="text" class="inputtext _55r1 _6luy" name="email" placeholder="Email or Phone Number" aria-label="Email or Phone Number">
      2. Copy the ID attribute or name attribute from the highlighted DOM element—for example, name="email". If an ID attribute and name attribute are not available, then copy the type attribute. The ID and name attributes are recommended because they're unique to the DOM element. Other attributes also work if the attribute's value is unique to this DOM element.
      3. Using the above example, paste name="email" into the Username field CSS selector field, and add square brackets as follows: [name="email"]

        Note: This is simply an example of a string that you might enter in the field.
    4. Password field CSS selector—Type a valid password field CSS selector.

      Similar to the step above, you'll need to retrieve the Password field CSS selector from the Login URL page:
      1. From the login page, right-click on the password field, and choose Inspect. This opens your browser's DevTools console, and the DOM element of the password field is highlighted.
      2. Copy the ID attribute or name attribute from the highlighted DOM element—for example, name="pass". If an ID attribute and name attribute are not available, then copy the type attribute. The ID and name attributes are recommended because they're unique to the DOM element. Other attributes also work if the attribute's value is unique to this DOM element.
      3. Using the above example, paste name="pass" into the Password field CSS selector field, and add square brackets as follows: [name="pass"]

        Note: This is simply an example of a string that you might enter in the field.
    5. Login button CSS selector—Type a valid login button CSS selector.

      Similar to the steps above, you'll need to retrieve the Login button CSS selector from the Login URL page:
      1. From the login page, right-click on the login button, and choose Inspect. This opens your browser's DevTools console, and the DOM element of the login button is highlighted.
      2. Copy the ID attribute or name attribute from the highlighted DOM element—for example, name="login". If an ID attribute and name attribute are not available, then copy the type attribute. The ID and name attributes are recommended because they're unique to the DOM element. Other attributes also work if the attribute's value is unique to this DOM element.
      3. Using the above example, paste name="login" into the Login button CSS selector field, and add square brackets as follows: [name="login"]

        Note: This is simply an example of a string that you might enter in the field.

        As an optional step, you can test the validity of the CSS selectors by using document.querySelector. ​​For details, see these examples.
  6. Click ADD APP.
  7. To assign a group or user to the app, click Assignments.
    Use the Groups or Users filter to narrow the assignment to a selected set of users.
  8. Once you select the groups or users, click Grant access.


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