Google Maps Platform Data Privacy InquiryPlease review the following articles which may address your question. If not - please fill out the form below and we will reply to your inquiry. Google Privacy Policy Google Maps Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms * Required fieldContact email *Please enter a valid email address.Full Description * 0/1000This field is required.SubmitSubmittedEdit requestDownload submissionSome account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.Your email has been sentThank you for contacting us regarding Google Maps APIs data privacy. We will process your request shortly. In the meantime, please see our APIs Help Center to check if your question has been answered already.Edit requestDownload submission