Apply for an Invoiced Billing Account

Prior to applying for monthly invoicing, please review the following minimum requirements to determine if you are eligible to apply. These requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • Being registered as a business for a minimum of one year.

  • Spending a minimum of $2,500 a month for the last 3 months.

Because you are requesting an invoiced billing account on behalf of your organization, please make sure that you meet the following requirements:

  • You have accepted the Terms of Service. You will have done so when creating your first project or have been given permission to at minimum view the project [1]

  • You are a billing administrator of your organization's current Google Cloud Platform Billing Account [2]

  • The company name listed in the Billing Address of your account’s Billing Profile exactly matches your organization’s registered legal company name [3]

[1] Add project members

[2] Manage Billing Administrators

[3] Change the billing address

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* Erforderliches Feld

Contact Information

Company Information

Google Cloud Platform Billing Account Information

Additional Company Information, as Applicable$0
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