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Google Auth Platform Overview

The Overview page serves as a starting point for configuring your application. Clicking on the "GET STARTED" button allows you to initiate the configuration process if you haven't done so already.

The Overview page also provides insights into your application’s metrics, allowing you to monitor app requests and usage.



This graph shows the number of OAuth requests per day across all your clients. 


This graph shows the daily count of errors encountered during OAuth requests across your clients. For common errors that may occur when accessing the Google OAuth 2.0 endpoint, refer to the error documentation


This graph shows the number of active unique users authorizing your app per day.  

OAuth token grant rate

The token grant rate limit restricts how rapidly your application can acquire new users. This graph enables you to monitor your grant rate limit and notifies you if your limit is about to be exceeded.

If your limit has been reached or is about to be, you can submit a request to increase your daily token limit.

Note: The token grant rate limit only applies to non-identity scopes. If your application only uses identity scopes, this graph will not display any data.

Review the OAuth Application Rate Limits article to learn more about rate limits.


Project Checkup 

The Project Checkup verifies compliance with our policies and best practices.  Warning or success indicators are displayed based on the status of each individual check.

  • warning - recommended action to improve the experience of users authorizing your application. 
  • success - your application complies with the policy / best practice.  

The compliance checks are done across 5 categories : App Verification, Developer Identity, Incremental Auth, Modern Platforms and App Security

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