App Identity & Branding

General Guidance

All apps that access Google APIs must verify that they accurately represent their identity and intent as specified by Google’s API Terms of Service and API Services User Data Policy. Please refer to the Google APIs Branding Guidelines for more information. Be sure not to use any Google product names as part of your name, or any Google product icons, logos, or trademarks as part of your icon or logo.

Examples of Common Issues

Need further guidance on your application branding? Navigate to the relevant finding for targeted remediation instructions.

My application name on the homepage is not the same as the one on the OAuth consent screen

In order to verify that your application is the same application for which you are requesting OAuth access, we require that your application name on the OAuth consent screen match that on your verification submission. Please ensure the presented application name is accurate and up-to-date and resubmit your application with the correct name on the OAuth consent screen so that it matches the verification submission.

The logo shown on your OAuth consent screen does not match the information you provided in your verification submission

In order to verify that your application is the same application for which you are requesting OAuth access, we require that your logo on the OAuth consent screen match that on your verification submission. Please ensure the presented logo is accurate and up-to-date and re-submit your application with the correct logo on the OAuth consent screen so that it matches the verification submission.

Your logo does not uniquely identify your brand and identity

In order to verify your application’s identity and to ensure you are not impersonating another brand or organization, including Google, we require that you re-submit your application for verification with a logo that uniquely identifies your brand and identity. Please submit an application logo that will allow users to clearly attribute your application to your and/or your organization, and does not include any Google product names or modified any Google trademarks. Refer to the Google Brand Resource Center guidelines for designing your logo or icon for more information.

Your application name does not uniquely identify your brand and identity

Your application's name violates Google API Services: User Data Policy. We ask that you re-submit your application for verification with an application name that uniquely identifies your brand and identity. Please submit an application name that does not include any Google product names or modified any Google trademarks. Refer to the Google Brand Resource Center guidelines for naming your app/product for more information.

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