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The Verification Process

Cloud Console Configuration

How can I mark my app as internal-only so it doesn't require verification?

If you're an Apps Script developer, and the project owner is using a Google Workspace account and the project is only used by Google Accounts in the project owner's domain, then your project is automatically internal-only. Learn more about OAuth Client Verification Applicability.

If your app is only for your organization or Google Workspace domain, you can mark it as internal-only in the OAuth consent screen configuration:

  1. Go to the Cloud Console OAuth consent screen page.
  2. Click the Project selector drop-down at the top of the page.
  3. On the Select from dialog that appears, select your project.
  4. Under User type, select Internal, and then click Save.

If you don't see this option, then your project might not be part of an organization. To determine if your project is part of an organization:

  1. Go to the Cloud Console IAM & admin Settings page.
  2. Click the Project selector drop-down at the top of the page.
  3. On the Select from dialog that appears, select your project.
  4. The Location section displays your project's location in its Organization. If the section is blank or doesn't exist, then your project needs to be migrated to an Organization. Learn more about public and internal apps, how to use Organizations, and how to migrate your project to an Organization.

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