Google Cloud Certification FAQs


Who is eligible to take a Google Cloud certification exam?

Certification exams can be taken by anyone who is at least 18 years old.


How much do certification exams cost?

The cost of certification exams varies. Please refer to each exam page for exam-specific cost information.


How much time does it take to complete an exam?

Exams vary in length but we allow a generous amount of time to complete the exams. We recommend that you review the case studies (if applicable) on our website ahead of time. Please refer to each exam page for more information about the exam format and time limit.


How long is a Google Cloud certification valid?

All Professional Google Cloud certifications are valid for two years from the date an individual certifies. The Cloud Digital Leader and the Associate Cloud Engineer certifications are valid for three years from the date an individual certifies. Candidates must recertify in order to maintain their certification status. You will be notified in advance of when your certification will expire, so that you may prepare to recertify, should you wish to do so.


Can I take the same exam again if I’m already certified?

You may not attempt the same exam while currently certified unless you are within the recertification eligibility period, which starts 60 days prior to your certification expiration date. If you attempt to recertify before the recertification eligibility period, one or more of the following may happen:

  • Your exam result will be rejected;
  • You may be decertified from the Google Cloud Certification Program;
  • You may be prohibited from taking the exam and/or any other Google exam; and 
  • Google, in its sole discretion, may terminate any applicable business relationship with you

Are there prerequisites to taking a certification exam?

No. There are currently no prerequisites to take Google Cloud certification exams.


Can I take this exam in a group or with a partner?

No. Per our exam terms and conditions, the exam must be taken independently and without collaboration with other individuals. If you are caught cheating or working with another individual during your exam, one or more of the following may happen:

  • You may lose all Google certifications,
  • You may be barred from taking or retaking any exam, and
  • Google, in its sole discretion, may choose to terminate any applicable business relationship with you, if any.


When will I get an official exam result email from Google Cloud?

You will receive a provisional pass or fail notification on the testing screen immediately following your exam submission, and your exam record will be sent to Google Cloud. Google Cloud will evaluate your exam record, including verifying compliance with the Terms and Conditions. Please allow 7-10 days for Google Cloud to confirm your exam results.


Why don't I receive my score when I submit my exam?

Google Cloud exams are designed to determine only whether or not an individual meets a minimum passing standard, so only pass/fail results are provided. The exam is not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool, or to evaluate individuals on a scale of ability. For this reason, numerical scores are not meaningful for the examinee and can easily be misinterpreted.


Will I receive section-level feedback on my exam?

If you didn't pass your Google Cloud Certification exam, you can now access a detailed score report under "Exam History" in your Candidate Portal to help you prepare for your next attempt. Your report will break down the exam into sections, with an approximate percentage of the exam that came from that section. These percentages give you a sense of the weight each section has on the overall exam. Whether or not you pass the exam depends on how many questions you got right on the entire exam - you don’t need to “pass” each section to pass the exam. Focus on sections where your performance was lower to identify areas for further preparation. While these reports provide guidance, they’re not an exact prediction of how you’ll do on your next attempt. Use them in conjunction with your own familiarity with each of the exam sections to prioritize your studies.

Note: Section-level feedback is not available for beta certification exams.

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