
TrueTag tracking implementation guide

This page will explain the implementation process for Channel Intelligence (CI) TrueTag tracking and offer additional details of what is required.

Product detail pages

The TrueTag tracking tag is required on all product detail pages. To set up TrueTag on your product detail pages, insert the following JavaScript code near the end of the <body> section of every product detail page. You may find it easier to include the script in an include/template file, which is fine. You can include this script on other pages of the site, but it must be included on the product detail pages in order for us to track traffic.

CI adds tracking parameters (ci_src/ci_sku or srccode/cpncode) to the URLs sent to the shopping engines and other marketing partners. It's imperative that these URL arguments can be captured by the TrueTag code on the product detail page.  If your site does an internal redirect, ensure that CI’s URL arguments persist to the product detail page.

In the JavaScript code below, replace the fields in red text (including the brackets) with the appropriate values as defined in the table below.

<!---Start TrueTag Code--->
<script language="JavaScript"> 
var CI_AssociationTime = '[ATTRDAYS]';

(function() { var ci = document.createElement('script')
ci.type = 'text/javascript'
ci.async = true
ci.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://cts-secure' : 'http://cts') + ''
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ci, s); })()
<!---End TrueTag Code--->

Field Name Type Description
TrueTag ID [TRUETAGID] String The ID of the advertiser within the TrueTag system. This value is provided by CI.
Attribution Days [ATTRDAYS] Integer The maximum number of days allowed between the click and order for the purpose of sales attribution. The default value is 30.

Order confirmation page

The TrueTag tracking tag is also required on the order confirmation page. Insert the following JavaScript code on the page used to confirm an order.  

In the JavaScript code below, replace the fields in red text (including the brackets) with the appropriate values as defined in the table below. The CI_ItemIDs, CI_ItemQtys, and CI_ItemPrices variables should be established as an array of strings and all three arrays must be the same size. The JavaScript code below shows an array of 3 SKUs, but this number will vary based on the number of SKUs sold in each order.

<!---Start TrueTag Code--->
<script language="JavaScript">
var CI_OrderID='[ORDERID]';
var CI_ItemIDs=new Array('[SKU1]', '[SKU2]', '[SKU3]');
var CI_ItemPrices=new Array('[PRICE1]', '[PRICE2]', '[PRICE3]');
var CI_ItemQtys=new Array('[QTY1]', '[QTY2]', '[QTY3]');

(function() { var ci = document.createElement('script')
ci.type = 'text/javascript'
ci.async = true
ci.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://cts-secure' : 'http://cts') + ''
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ci, s); })()
<!---End TrueTag Code--->

Field Name Type Description
TrueTag ID [TRUETAGID] String The ID of the advertiser within the TrueTag system. This value is provided by CI.
Order ID [ORDERID] String The unique identifier of the order in the retailer’s system.
Product IDs CI_ItemIDs String An array of SKUs sold in the order. The values in this field must match the SKUs delivered to Merchant Center.
Prices CI_ItemPrices Floating point An array of prices per unit for each SKU sold in the order. Do not include a currency symbol.
Quantities CI_ItemQtys Integer An array of quantities of each SKU sold in the order. 

Implementation example

Be sure to implement the same TrueTag code on both the desktop and mobile versions of your site to ensure that traffic and sales are accurately tracked across all devices.

Below is an example for a standard implementation using the values shown in the following table, and includes an order of 2 units of SKU 'ABC123' for $10.00 each and 1 unit of SKU 'DEF456' for $5.00.

Field Value

Product detail pages

<!---Start TrueTag Code--->
<script language="JavaScript"> 
var CI_VID = '11111';
var CI_AssociationTime = '30';

(function() { var ci = document.createElement('script')
ci.type = 'text/javascript'
ci.async = true
ci.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://cts-secure' : 'http://cts')
+ ''
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ci, s); })()
<!---End TrueTag Code--->

Order confirmation page

<!---Start TrueTag Code--->
<script language="JavaScript">
var CI_VID = '11111';
var CI_OrderID='ORD123';
var CI_ItemIDs=new Array('ABC123', 'DEF456');
var CI_ItemPrices=new Array('10.00', '5.00');
var CI_ItemQtys=new Array('2', '1');

(function() { var ci = document.createElement('script')
ci.type = 'text/javascript'
ci.async = true
ci.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://cts-secure' : 'http://cts')
+ ''
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ci, s); })()
<!---End TrueTag Code--->

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