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Customize smart plug or smart switch voice commands with device type

In the Google Home app, you can enter the type of device that you'll use with your smart plug, outlet or switch. This helps you use voice commands for the device instead of the plug or switch.

For example, if you plug a lamp into your smart plug, you can select "Light" in the Device Type setting. When you tell your Google Nest or Home speaker or display to turn on the lights, it will turn on your lamp along with your linked smart lights.

Set up your device type

  1. Set up your smart plug or switch in the Google Home app, if you haven’t already done so. 
  2. Open the Google Home app Google Home app.
  3. Tap and hold your device's tile.
  4. At the top right, tap Settings Settings and then Device type.
  5. Select the desired device type from the list and then Next.
  6. Enter a name for your device and then Save.

Use voice commands

Your voice commands will turn your switch or plug on or off. To make sure your device turns on or off at the same time, keep your device physically powered on.

To do this: Say "Ok Google" or "Hey Google," then:
Turn on your device

"Turn on <device name>."

Remember to use the name that you entered in the Google Home app.

"Turn on the lights."

This will turn on all connected lights in a room, including smart lights added separately in the Home app.

Turn off your device "Turn off <device name>."

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