You can add desks to organise multiple windows and multi-task.
Create a desk- On your Chromebook keyboard, press the 'Show windows' key
- At the top right, select Add new desk
- To rename a desk, select the desk's name and enter your preferred name.
- On your Chromebook keyboard, press the 'Show windows' key
- At the top, select a desk.
- To switch to a different desk, swipe with four fingers left or right on your touchpad.
- To jump from desk 1–8, press Shift + Search
+ 1–8.
- To show or hide the desk name, right-click on the shelf or desk name.
- Select Show desk name
or Hide desk name
Tip: When the shelf is on the left or right side of screen:
- To find the full desk name, hover on the first initial of the desk name.
- Customised desk name shows the first letter of the desk name.
- Default desk name shows '#(desk position)' on the desk name.
- On your Chromebook keyboard, press the 'Show windows' key
- At the top, select the desk with the windows that you want to move.
- Drag windows and apps to your preferred desk.
- To move windows around, you can:
- Move a window to another desk: At the top of a window, right-click and select Move window to desk.
- Make a window or app available across all desks: At the top of a window, right-click and select Move window to desk
All desks.
Tip: You can drag desks up or down to reorder them.
- In Chrome, right-click the tab.
- Select Move tab to another window.
- The menu will display all your windows grouped by desk.
- Select where you want to move the tab.
- On your Chromebook keyboard, press Show windows
- Select Save desk for later.
To find your saved desks:
- On your Chromebook keyboard, press Show windows
- At the top right, select Saved for later.
- In the 'Saved for later' section, choose what you want to do with your saved desks:
- To reopen your saved desk, select a desk.
- To delete your desk, select Delete
- On your Chromebook keyboard, press Show windows
- On the desk that you want to remove, at the top right, select Close desk and windows
- On your Chromebook keyboard, press Show windows
- On the desk that you want to combine with another desk, at the top right, select Combine with [desk name]
- Depending on your keyboard, you can press the Search key
or the Launcher key
for some shortcuts. Both keys work the same.
- These steps only work on US Chromebooks with a standard English QWERTY keyboard. To find keyboard shortcuts for devices with international keyboards, go to Settings
View keyboard shortcuts.
- Create a new desk: Press Shift + Search
+ =.
- Switch to a desk on left or right: Press Search
+ [ or ] (left or right square bracket).
- Switch to a specific desk: Press Shift + Search
+ [desk position number].
- Move a window to a different desk: Press Shift + Search
+ [ or ].
- Move a window to all desks: Press Shift + Search
+ a.
- View and switch between windows: Press Alt + Tab.
- View only windows in your current desk: At the top, select Current desk.
- View windows across all desks: At the top, select All desks.