Can’t connect Chrome device to the network

Your Chrome device is currently unable to connect to the Internet and complete the setup process. Please review the troubleshooting tips below and contact our support team if you’re still experiencing issues.

  1. Make sure the network you’re connected to is properly set up and able to access the Internet.
  2. Try connecting your device to a different network.
  3. If these fail, you can enter Guest Mode from the link on the previous screen to use network diagnostic tools.
Supported networks:

Chrome devices support the most common types of Wi-Fi networks, including the following:

  • Standards: 802.11 a/b/g/n and 802.11ac for AC-equipped Chromebooks

Networks that require sign-in

If the network you are using has a captive portal, or requires you to sign-in and accept an agreement to access the Internet, your device may have an issue connecting to the Internet. Try completing the initial setup of your Chrome device on another network and then connect back to the network of your choice before signing in.

If you’re still having issues, visit the Chromebook help center on another device that has Internet access, and see the options for contacting support:

Support is also available at these phone numbers:
  • United States: 1-855-317-4935, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Germany: 08007235105, 9 AM to 5 PM (Monday - Saturday)
  • France: 0805 541 040, 9 AM to 5 PM (Monday - Saturday)
Advanced help for Google Cloud network administrators:

You can also contact Google Cloud support:

  • United States: 1-877-355-5787
  • International: +1-646-257-4500

If you've exhausted all of the options above and are able to connect other devices to your network, but not Chrome devices, make sure you have allowlisted the host names listed in Set up a host name allowlist.

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