Open and edit Office files on your Chromebook

On your Chromebook, you can open, edit, download and save Microsoft® 365 files, such as Word, PowerPoint or Excel files.

Option 1: Use the Microsoft 365 app

You can open Microsoft files stored on your Chromebook with the Microsoft 365 app, which contains Word, PowerPoint and Excel.

Get started

To set up Microsoft 365 on your computer:

  1. In the corner of your screen, select Launcher .
  2. Find and select Explore.
  3. Navigate to 'Microsoft 365'.
  4. Select Set up.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and connect the Files app to Microsoft OneDrive. OneDrive is required to open and edit files in Microsoft 365.
    • After you're set up, the Microsoft 365 app is added to your Launcher and Microsoft OneDrive appears in the Files app.

Alternatively, you can also set up Microsoft 365 when you open a PowerPoint, Excel or Word document for the first time:

  1. In the corner of your screen, select Launcher .
  2. Find and select Files .
  3. Open any PowerPoint, Excel or Word file.
  4. When you're asked which app you want to use, select Microsoft 365.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Microsoft 365 app and connect the Files app to Microsoft OneDrive. OneDrive is required to open and edit files in Microsoft 365.
  6. After you're set up:
    • Microsoft 365 app is added to your Launcher.
    • Microsoft OneDrive appears in the Files app.
    • Your file opens.

Open and edit files stored on your computer

Once Microsoft 365 is set up on your Chromebook, you can open and edit files found in your Files app.

  1. In the corner of your screen, select Launcher .
  2. Find and select Files .
  3. Open any PowerPoint, Excel or Word file.
  4. You're prompted to move the file to Microsoft OneDrive if it's not there already.
    • OneDrive is required to edit files in Microsoft 365.
  5. After your file moves, it opens in Microsoft 365
  6. You can find your file in the 'Microsoft OneDrive' folder in Files .
    • Any changes that you make are saved to that location.
Tip: At any time, you can also open files directly from the Microsoft 365 app.

Option 2: Use Google Docs, Sheets or Slides

With no setup needed, Google apps on your computer can also open Microsoft 365 files.

  1. In the corner of your screen, select Launcher .
  2. Find and select Files .
  3. Open any PowerPoint, Excel or Word file.
  4. When you're asked which app you want to use, select either Google Docs, Sheets or Slides.
  5. You're prompted to move your file to Google Drive if it's not there already.
    • OneDrive is required to open and edit files in Google Docs, Sheets or Slides.
  6. After your file moves, it opens in the selected Google app.
  7. You can find your file in the 'Google Drive' folder in Files .

Tip: To change the app that opens your file at any time:

  • Right-click on Files .
  • Select Open with… and then a new app.

When you're offline

You can't open files in Google Docs, Sheets or Slides or Microsoft 365 files while your computer is offline.

When you try to open a file while offline, you get an error message. You have the option to open the file in a basic editor for offline use, which has limited functionality.

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