Chrome Update Impacts Some macOS Systems
Hello everyone,
We recently discovered that a Chrome update may have shipped with a bug that damages the file system on some macOS machines with System Integrity Protection (SIP) disabled. We've paused the release while we finalize a new update that addresses the problem.
If your computer is on OS X 10.11 or later and you haven’t taken steps to disable SIP, this issue cannot affect you.
To recover a machine that has been affected by this bug, use the directions found here to reinstall macOS from macOS Recovery. Note: it is not necessary to erase (format) your disk to recover from this bug.
Update #1 September 25th, 2019: The above posting was updated to reflect OS X 10.11 instead of OS X 10.9.
Update #2 September 27th, 2019: A new recommendation has been added in place of the previously provided terminal commands.
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Last edited Sep 27, 2019