Check or delete your Chrome browsing history

Websites you’ve visited are recorded in your browsing history. You can check or delete your browsing history, and find related searches in Chrome. You can also resume browsing sessions on other devices if you’re signed in and have your history synced to your Google Account.

When you delete your browsing history in Chrome, it’s also deleted on your devices where you’re signed in to Chrome and have your history synced to your Google Account.

Tip: Separately, you can also delete your Google search history from your account.

Understand and manage your Chrome history

What your History lists

Your History lists the pages you've visited on Chrome in the last 90 days. It doesn't store:

  • Chrome pages like chrome://settings
  • Pages you’ve visited while you browse privately in Incognito mode
  • Deleted pages from your browsing history
Tip: If you’re signed in to Chrome and sync your history, then your History also shows pages you’ve visited on your other devices.
Find your history
  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome Chrome.
  2. Tap More More and then History .
Tip: If you don’t want Chrome to save your browsing history, you can browse in private with Incognito mode.

Delete items from your Chrome history

Delete your browsing history
  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome Chrome.
  2. Tap More More and then Delete Browsing Data.
  3. A popup window will appear where you can set a duration and select the browsing data you want to delete.
    • Next to “Time Range,” select a duration. The default time range duration is 15 minutes.
    • To select specific data you want to delete:
      1. Tap Browsing Data.
      2. Select the types of browsing data you want to delete.
      3. Tap Confirm.
  4. Tap Delete Browsing Data.


  • To sign out of your Google Account on all websites, sign out of Chrome.
  • To quickly reach the Delete browsing data dialog, in the address bar, type “Delete browsing data” and then tap the Action chipLearn Chrome Actions to quickly complete tasks.
  • You can also delete your browsing history when you tap More More and then History and then Delete Browsing Data….
Delete an item from your history
  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome Chrome.
  2. Tap More More and then History .
  3. At the bottom, tap Edit.
  4. Check the entries you want to delete.
  5. Tap Delete.
  6. At the top right, tap Done.
Tip: To search for something specific, use the search bar at the top.

Remove suggested sites from the New Tab page

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome Chrome.
  2. Open a new tab.
  3. Touch and hold the image you want to remove.
  4. Tap Remove.

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