Fix issues when you install Chrome

If you get an error message when you try to download and install Chrome, you can fix the issues.

Fix most installation errors

  1. Make sure your internet connection works normally.
  2. Check if your device meets the system requirements.
  3. Download the installation file again.
    • To install Chrome again, use the new file.
  4. If the installation still isn't working, use an offline installer.
  5. To fix issues with your search engine, pop-ups, or Chrome updates, uninstall and reinstall Chrome.

Fix issues or get help with a specific error message

Fix issues with Chrome on Wayland

You can now use Chrome on Linux with support for both Wayland and X11. When Chrome opens on Linux, one of the display server protocols is automatically chosen.

Learn how Chrome interacts with a display server protocol

  • To help you perform certain types of actions, Chrome interacts with a display server protocol. If you have trouble with these types of actions in Wayland, you can change back to X11:
    • Drag and drop
    • Copy and paste
    • Keyboard, mouse, or touch input
  • You can't use Chrome to perform certain actions on Wayland, such as:
    • Tab dragging uses simplified preview thumbnails.
    • Windows can’t be placed at a set location on the screen.

How to override the Chrome automatic display server protocol selection

From your browser:

  1. Go to chrome://flags.
  2. Set “#ozone-platform-hint” to X11 or Wayland.

From the command line:

  1. Go to the command line.
  2. Launch Chrome.
    • For X11: --ozone-platform=x11
    • For Wayland: --ozone-platform=wayland
Error 1603 and 0x00000643 on Windows

If you install an application for the first time and you get one of these errors, report this issue in the Chrome Help Forum.

If you get an error after you install an app:

  1. Go to Microsoft Fix it.
  2. Select Download.
  3. Run the program.
    • To fix the problem, follow the instructions.
Can't connect to the Internet on Windows

Can’t connect because of firewall, anti-virus software, or proxy

To fix the error, add the firewall, anti-virus software, or proxy to your security software's exceptions list. If you use Windows Firewalls:

  1. On your computer, select the Start menu.
    • The Windows logo for the Start menu varies depending on the version of your device.
  2. Open the Windows Settings app.
  3. In the "Find a setting" search box, enter Firewall.
  4. Select Allow an app through Windows Firewall and then Change Settings and then Allow another app.
  5. Select Browse.
  6. At the top, in the Browse window, enter %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Google\GoogleUpdater.
  7. Find and select the folder with the highest number.
  8. Select updater.exe and then Add.

If you use other firewall software, to learn how to add it to your exceptions list, go to the software company’s website.

If you can’t connect because of unsupported proxy server

Check if you’re on a supported proxy:

  • Negotiate authentication scheme, which includes Kerberos and NTLM.
  • Proxies with “integrated authentication,” if the person is allowed to use that proxy.
Can’t install Chrome because you’re in S mode
  1. On your computer, switch out of S mode.
  2. For Chrome, download the installation file.
  3. If prompted, select Run or Save.
  4. If you select “Save” to start installation, double-click the downloaded file.
  5. Start Chrome.
Error 0x80070070 on Windows

Your system disk is full. To fix, free up space on your system disk (usually disk C).

Installation failed because your version of Windows isn't supported

If you get the “OS not supported” error, it may be because the installer doesn’t support your operating system.

Check if your operating system is currently supported.

Your Windows computer has Google Chrome for all users

Your computer already has Chrome installed. The version of Chrome that you already have will launch.

If you want to use a different version of Chrome:

  1. Uninstall the current Chrome app.
  2. Download and install the new version.
Error 4, 7, 12, 13, 31, 35, 57, 102, or 103

If you have issues when you install Chrome on your computer, you may find these errors:

  • Error 4: A newer version of Chrome is already present on the computer.
  • Errors 7, 12, 13, 35, 57, 102, 103: The install failed for unknown reasons.
  • Error 31: Couldn’t re-install Chrome.

Step 1: Check if your computer has enough space

If there's not enough space on your computer for Chrome, you might run into a problem.

  1. To free up hard drive space, delete unnecessary files, such as:
    • Temporary files
    • Browser cache files
    • Old documents and programs
  2. From, download Chrome again.
  3. Reinstall Chrome.

Step 2: Turn off your antivirus software

Some antivirus software can prevent Chrome from installing on the computer.

  1. Turn off your antivirus software.
  2. From, download Chrome again.
  3. Reinstall the Chrome.
  4. Turn on your antivirus software.

If you can't install Chrome with your antivirus software turned off, you need to upgrade your antivirus software.

Step 3: Download Chrome again

  1. From, download Chrome again.
  2. Reinstall Chrome.

If you can't complete these steps, contact your system administrator.

Still not working? Get more help on the Chrome Help Forum. Or, learn how to fix Chrome update issues.

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