Share pages in Chrome

When you browse with Chrome, you can share pages with people through other apps.
Share pages with others
  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome Chrome.
  2. Go to a page that you want to share.
  3. Next to the address bar, tap Share Share.
  4. Select an app to share the link through.
    • Tip: To share with an app not listed, tap More More.
Share pages with yourself
  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome Chrome.
  2. Tap the address bar and then Share Share and then Send to your devices.
    • You might need to sign in to your Google Account.
  3. Select a device to send the page to.
    • If you don’t find any devices listed, you’re not signed in to your account on other devices.
  4. On the device that you selected, you get a notification about the page that you shared with yourself.
Share pages with a QR code
You can create a QR (quick response) code to share a page from Chrome with others.
  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome Chrome.
  2. Go to the page that you want to share.
  3. At the top, tap Share Share and then Create a QR code.
  4. Below the QR code, tap Share.

Tip: You can use your camera to scan a QR code from someone else's phone.

'QR Code' is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated in Japan and other countries.

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