Set Chrome app and extension policies (Linux)

Applies to Linux users who sign in to a managed account on Chrome browser.

As an administrator, you can automatically install Chrome apps and extensions on users' computers. You can also control which apps or extensions users can install. You set the default policies for all apps and extensions. Then, if you want to customize policies for specific apps or extensions, you can override your defaults.

Step 1: Review the policy

Policy Description and settings

Manage the apps and extensions users can install. 

Overrides the following extension policies (which might already be set):

Step 2: Update the configuration file

Using your preferred JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file editor:

  1. Go to your /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed folder.
  2. Create or update a JSON file for the ExtensionSettings policy.
  3. Set your desired app and extension policies (details below).

Step 3: Get Chrome app or extension IDs

Skip this step if you're not going to customize policies for specific apps or extensions.

To apply policies and settings to a specific Chrome app or extension, you need to identify it. Every app and extension in the Chrome Web Store has its own unique identification (ID) that doesn’t change across versions. So, if a user installs a specific app or extension on multiple devices, it has the same ID on all devices. Each ID is 32 characters long. 

To find an app or extension ID:

  1. Open the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Find and select the app or extension you want.
  3. Look at the URL. The ID is the long string of characters at the end of the URL.
    For example, gmbgaklkmjakoegficnlkhebmhkjfich is the ID for Google Calendar.

Step 4: Set app and extension policies

For each implementation (sample code below):
  • Set a default policy that applies for all apps and extensions. Use the * value.
  • (Optional) Customize the policy for individual apps or extensions. Use the app or extension ID (details above).

Step 5: Deploy to users and validate policies

After you deploy any Chrome extension policy, check user devices to make sure the policy was applied correctly.

  1. On a managed ChromeOS device, browse to chrome://policy.

  2. Click Reload policies.

  3. In the top right, in the Filter policies by field box, enter ExtensionSettings.

  4. Check the Show policies with no value set box.

  5. Under the Chrome policy name next to each extension setting, make sure Status is set to OK.

  6. Click Show value and make sure the value field isn’t empty.

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