Enterprise networking for Chrome devices

When deploying Chrome devices in a business or school, you can set up a wireless network much the same way you would set up an office or classroom full of laptops or tablets. You want to make sure that you have the following:

  • Good wireless coverage
  • Sufficient Internet bandwidth
  • Wireless access points that can handle the number of devices you want to connect.

Recommended networking configuration

Setting Recommendation
Wi-Fi 802.11n 5 GHz. Use non-DFS channels when possible.  See 5 GHz channels for a table of non-DFS channels in your country. In the USA, those are channels 36-48 and 149-165.  
Bandwidth At least .2-.5 Mbps per user in a typical deployment. Latency should be less than 100ms when pinging Google's public DNS server at For HD video streaming, at least 1 Mbps, preferably 2-5 Mbps or greater per user.
Access points 30 devices per access point. Enterprise-grade access points can handle more. Please refer to the product’s documentation.

See below for more information about the items in the table.

Access point(s)

The access point should support Wi-Fi 802.11a/g/n. Google recommends 5 GHz 802.11n connections with WPA2-PSK encryption.

  • For small deployments of under 30 devices, consumer-grade networking equipment is sufficient.
  • For deployments greater than 30 devices or involving multiple rooms, enterprise-grade, centrally managed networking equipment is recommended.

Because of the high density of laptops in a classroom or workplace, network design is important. If you use multiple Wi-Fi access points in a small space, avoid using overlapping Wi-Fi channels to prevent interference. You can test your Wi-Fi strength and coverage using the Wi-Fi Analyzer Android app.

Bandwidth considerations

The amount of network bandwidth you need depends on how the Chrome devices will be used. For general web browsing and editing Google Drive documents, 0.2-0.5 Mbps per concurrent session at a minimum should provide satisfactory performance.

If your employees or students will be streaming video, at least 1 Mbps per concurrent user session is needed and >4 Mbps is required for HD video streaming.

Latency may be a greater indicator of user perception of performance than bandwidth for interactive web-based applications.  Generally, <100 ms ping is needed for a good experience.

Wi-Fi deployment tips

For large Chrome device deployments, consider conducting a wireless infrastructure and topology survey of all the buildings to make sure that you will have adequate wireless coverage. You can contract with a firm that specializes in the following:

  • Site Survey: First analyze both your existing Wi-Fi network along with surrounding interference from devices/other Wi-Fi networks.
  • Deploy: Deploy/reposition access points with proper security and channel.

Note: See Set up TLS (or SSL) inspection on Chrome devices for information on how to set up networks with TLS and SSL content filters.

What are the maximum number of HTTP connections I can make with a Chrome device or browser?

  • The maximum number of connections per proxy is 32 connections. For more details, see the Chromium site.
  • Maximum per Host: 6 connections
  • Total HTTP pooled connections per browser: 256 connections
  • You can also verify what the limits are by viewing the log of open and used sockets. In the chrome-net-export-log.json file under Sockets, the  Max Per Group column indicates the connection per host limit. For details, see Troubleshoot Chrome network issues.


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