Set ChromeOS data controls

4: View data control events

ChromeOS data control events are reported under the Chrome audit report and can be viewed in the Google Admin console.


  • For ChromeOS version 123 or later—When the field URL (source and destinations) contains any URL pattern including *, the full URL is displayed in the report.
  • For ChromeOS version 122 or earlier—When the field URL (source and destinations) contains any URL pattern including *, only the pattern is displayed in the report.
  • URLs that are opened in a Chrome browser Incognito window are reported as a wildcard in all versions of ChromeOS.
  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. Do one of the following:
    1. On the left, click Reportingand thenAudit and investigationand thenChrome log events.
    2. On the left, click Reportingand thenAudit and investigationand thenRules log.
  3. Click Add a filter.
  4. Select Event.
  5. In the Event box, select Data access control.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. To add or remove relevant columns for data control events, click .

The following columns apply to data control events:

  • Rule ID (available in the Rules log only)
  • Rule name (available in the Rules log only)
  • Event
  • Date
  • Event reason
  • Device name
  • Device user
  • Device platform
  • User agent
  • Browser version
  • URL (source and destinations)
  • Source
  • Destination
  • Trigger type
  • Client type

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