For administrators who manage Chrome browser on Windows for a business or school.
LBS functionality has been integrated directly into Chrome browser. So, the Legacy Browser Support extension is no longer needed and is being phased out. You need to set up integrated LBS to continue automatically switching users between Chrome browser and another browser.
- Chrome browser version 85—The Legacy Browser Support extension is no longer listed in the Chrome Web Store. Start planning your migration to integrated LBS.
- Chrome browser version 88—You can no longer install the Legacy Browser Support extension and the extension will fail to install on new devices. Existing installs might no longer work and will no longer be updated.
For latest updates about deprecating the Legacy Browser Support extension, subscribe to the Chrome Enterprise Release Notes.
Note: If you’re setting up LBS for the first time, go to Legacy Browser Support (integrated) for Windows or Set up Legacy Browser Support for Mac.
Before you begin
- Make sure the Legacy Browser Support MSI (.msi) is installed on users’ Microsoft® Windows® devices. It is part of the Chrome Bundle for Windows.
- While the LBS extension and integrated LBS policies will work simultaneously, you should avoid deploying both at the same time to make it easier to debug switching behavior.
Steps to migrate to integrated LBS
Step 1: Set policies
Admin console
Step 2: Remove LBS extension
- Open Group policy and go to Administrative templates
Google Chrome
- Find the Extension management settings policy.
- In the box under Options, remove the Legacy Browser Support extension (heildphpnddilhkemkielfhnkaagiabh) from the list of force-installed apps and extensions.
- Find the Configure the list of force-installed apps and extensions policy. Make sure that the Legacy Browser Support extension is not automatically installed on devices.
For information about app and extension policy settings, see Set Chrome app and extension policies (Windows).
Step 3: (Optional) Remove the policy template for the LBS extension
- Open Group Policy and go to Administrative Templates
Legacy Browser Support.
- Right-click Legacy Browser Support.
- Click Remove.
Step 4: Deploy to users and validate policies
Before deploying integrated LBS to your entire organization, it’s best to test your policies with a small group. After you deploy any Chrome policy, check devices to make sure the policy was applied correctly.
- On a device, browse to chrome://policy.
- Click Reload policies.
- Verify that the correct policies are in effect.
- If you don’t see the correct policies or settings, open a command line and enter
gpupdate /force
to force Group Policy Management Editor to update. - Check the Show policies with no value set box.
- For each LBS setting, make sure Status is set to OK and the Policy value is set to what you configured.
Make sure that the LBS extension is no longer installed.
- On a device, go to chrome://system/
- Click Expand
- Make sure that the LBS extension, heildphpnddilhkemkielfhnkaagiabh, is not listed.
Test and verify that switching works as expected. You can check to see which browser opens specific URLs.
- On a managed device, go to chrome://browser-switch/internals.
- In the URL Checker box, enter the URL to see which browser opens it.
- Under Sitelist, review the list to see which URLs open in the alternative browser.
- Under Greylist, review the list to see which URLs open in either browser.