Mention someone or add someone to a message

To get someone's attention in Google Chat or to add them to a message, enter "@" before their name. If the person is already in the conversation, they get a notification. If they aren’t, you can either mention and add them to the conversation, or choose to just “reference” them and not add them to the conversation.

Mention someone in a conversation

  1. When writing a message, enter @.
  2. Enter a person’s name.
  3. If the person isn’t already in the conversation, you can:
    • Add member and send: Add the user to the conversation and send the message. The user gets a notification.
    • Send message only: Send the message, but don’t add them to the conversation. This option simply references them and doesn’t notify them.


  • To mention more than one person in the same message, enter each of their names.
  • To mention everyone in a message, enter @all.
  • If a new member is added to the conversation, they can access all previously posted content.
  • You can only add members to a conversation in group direct messages and spaces. In 1:1 conversations, when you mention someone, they are treated as a reference and not added directly.
  • If an app is mentioned in a conversation, it must be added to it and not just referenced.

Locate your mentions

When someone mentions you, your name is highlighted in their message.

To find all conversations where you’re mentioned, go to Mentions in Chat.

  1. On the left, click Mentions.
  2. Click a message where you’re mentioned.

Important: Some messages don’t show in Mentions, including:

  • Messages that mention @all.
  • Messages in spaces organized by conversation topics.

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