Unable to log in to the ​Partner Sales console

If you get the message Unable to log you in to the Partner Sales Console, here's what to do:

Google Cloud resellers

You might be using an account that's missing permissions or roles.

  • Sign in with a user account in your reseller Google Cloud organization.

    For example, if your organization is reseller.your-domain.com, sign in with your user account at reseller.your-domain.com or a secondary domain. Contact your super administrator for your Cloud Identity or Google Workspace reseller account. 
  • Contact your super administrator to assign you these administrator roles: 
    1. The Google Cloud Reseller Administrator role in the Partner Sales Console.
    2. Either the Billing Account Administrator role or a custom role with the billing.accounts.get and billing.accounts.update permissions, on one or more of your reseller Cloud Billing accounts.

      If your roles or permissions are only on billing subaccounts, you can't place orders or view customers. Contact your Organization Admin or super administrator for help.

Google Workspace resellers

The user account isn't set up for the Partner Sales Console. Sign in with your reseller account, for example you@reseller.your-domain.com, or contact your super administrator for assistance.

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